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Author Index: C
Cadegan, U. M.
A Matter of Individual Choice: The Lives of American Catholic Converts
Cagle, H. G.
Women of the Iberian Atlantic
Calder, L. G.
The Oldest Alternative Profession: What Doctoral Programs Can Do to Improve History Teaching
Caldwell, R.
Possessing Indigenous Places: American Indian Land, Law, and Identity in Louisiana
Cameron, C.
War and Slavery in the Atlantic World
Cameron, E. K.
Considering Paul Lim’s
Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England
Humanism, Reform, and Christian Identity in Early Modern Europe
Cameron, L.
Roundtable on Place in Time: What History and Geography Can Teach Each Other
Campanella, R.
Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans
Campbell, B. M. S.
Climate Change and Big History: From the Origin of Modern Humanity to the Little Ice Age
Campbell, D.
Nineteenth-Century America
Campbell, J. T.
Mobility in the Age of Freedom
Campos, M.
Disentangling and Uniting: Interwar Middle Eastern Populations and the Problem of Territory
Candy, C.
CANCELLED--Gender and Sexuality in South Asia
Cane, M. A.
Climate Change and Big History: From the Origin of Modern Humanity to the Little Ice Age
Cañeque, A.
Emotions and Motivations in the Conquest and Colonization of America
Canizares-Esguerra, J.
"The First Modern State?" Tradition, Innovation, and Extemporization in the Government of Spain's Early Modern Empire
Disaster and Disease: Managing Natural Environments in Late Colonial and Early National Latin America
Cantwell, C. D.
Religious Lives, Religious Subjects: Biography and American Religious History
Canty, A.
Job in Medieval and Reformation-Era Theology and Exegesis
Capaldo, S. M.
Smoke and Mirrors: Smelter Pollution and the Construction of Identity, Memory, and Sense of Place in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
Capello, E. B.
Protest, Performance, and Public Space in Latin America
Gran Colombia Studies Committee: New Work on Gran Colombia during the Long Nineteenth Century
Capó, J. C. Jr.
Beyond the Insular Narrative: Haiti, Her Diaspora, and International Relations from 1958–86
Capozzola, C.
New Perspectives on the "Progressive Era"
Caputo, N.
Conversion, Inversion, Perversion: Medieval Jewish Storytelling about Christians and Stories about Medieval Jews
Cárcamo-Huechante, L. E.
The Terror of Anti-Terrorism : State Violence and Native Responses in the Americas
Carenen, C.
The Christian Origins of the American Century
Carey, D. Jr.
Shaping Nations, Shaping Pasts: Women and History in the Maya World
Carey, E. K.
Protest, Performance, and Public Space in Latin America
Re-Thinking the History Major
Carey, M.
Geographies of Race in the Andes, Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries
Disaster and Disease: Managing Natural Environments in Late Colonial and Early National Latin America
Carey, P.
Nineteenth-Century America
Carmichael, A.
The Power of Cartography: Remapping the Black Death in the Age of Genomics and GIS
Carmichael, T.
H-Net in Africa: Building New Online Audiences
Carneiro Sampaio, M. C. S.
Imagining "Reconstructions": Narratives of Emancipation and Nation Building in the U.S. South, Latin America, and the Caribbean, 1863–1909
Carney, A. B.
Everyday Effort: Promoting Positive Population Policies within Nazi Organizations
Carney, C. P.
Beyond Bordellos: Race, Sex, and Jazz in Turn-of-the-Century New Orleans
Carpenter, J. A.
Humanitarianism, Tourism, and Megachurches: U.S. Evangelicals and the Growth of Global Christianity
Carroll, B.
Liberal and Evangelical Women, Social Reform, and the Problem of Categorization
Carton, B.
New Orleans in the World: Race, Culture and Transnational Identity
Cartwright, B. J.
The Domestic Politics of Teaching and Outreach
Casey, B.
Academic Administration as a Career Path for History PhD’s
Casey, M.
Migration and Diaspora II: Family Economies, Community, and the State in Latin America
Cashin, J. E.
Cancelled--Causeway of a Nation, Crossroads of Misery: The Mississippi River and Forced Migration, 1830–60
Casimir, E. M.
CLAH Presidential Panel II: The Biographical Turn in Latin American History: Challenges of Interpretive Power and Methodology—The Twentieth Century
Cassanello, R. V.
Online Reviewing: Before and After It Was de Rigueur
Cassidy, E. S.
The Global Fatherland in the World of Nations: German Peoples and Their Citizenship, 1848–90
Cassidy-Welch, M.
Objects and Faith: Material Culture and the Social Lives of Things in the Middle Ages
Castañeda, O. R.
Using Oral History for Social Justice Activism
Catlos, B. A.
Stories of the Mediterranean in the Long Middle Ages, Part 2: Places
Stories of the Mediterranean in the Long Middle Ages, Part I: Lives
Catsam, D. C.
Current Events in Historical Perspective, Part 2
Cawley, W. K.
Writing the History of Vatican II: Archivists and Historians in Dialogue
Chafe, W.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The Special Challenges of Biography
Lives, Places, Histories of Racial Segregation, and the Behind the Veil Oral History Project
Chaiklin, M.
Global Consumer Revolutions: Iroquoia, Japan, and South Africa in the Early Modern Period
Knowledge Production and European Expansion in Modern South and South East Asia
Challú, A. E.
Ecology, Technology, and (Counter)Rebellion in Latin America
Chalou, M.
Public History in the Federal Government: Continuing Trends and New Innovations
Chambers, D. B.
Documenting Runaway Slaves in the Americas: Sources and Methods
Chambers, M. M.
Precious Metals, Precious Places: Silver, Gold, and Lead Mining Cities and Settlements in the Colonial Americas
Chambers, S. C.
The Ejército Libertador del Perú
: Revolution, Independence, Sovereignty, and State Building in South America, 1818–25
Chile in Circulation: Transnational Histories of Politics and Place
Chaplin, J.
Culinary Identities: Regional and National
Chappel, J.
Emerging from War: Catholic Social and Political Transformations in Europe
Charap, L. G.
The Past, Present, and Future of the AP in History
“Peopling” U.S. History: Migration and Demographics in the Revised Advanced Placement United States History Course
College Board AP History Breakfast
Charleston, S. A.
"The Descent to Hell": African Americans, Racial Subjugation, and Collective Memory
Charlip, J. A.
Reimagining the Switzerland of Central America: Police Brutality, Domestic Violence, and Labor Strife in Twentieth-Century Costa Rica
Charney, M.
The Time of Literature in History: Reconsidering Literary/Historical Method in South and Southeast Asia
Chase, R. T.
Genealogies of the Carceral State: Crime Policy, Crisis, Race, and Resistance in Twentieth-Century America
Chassen-Lopez, F. R.
CLAH Presidential Panel I: The Biographical Turn in Latin American History: Challenges of Interpretive Power and Methodology
Chateauvert, M. M.
Queer Southern Destinations: Tourism, Community, Policing, and Belonging
Chaturvedi, V.
50 Years On:
The Making of the English Working Class
and the Work of E. P. Thompson
Chaudhuri, N.
First Steps: Getting Started as a History Professional
Chen, D.
Domestic and International Perspectives on the Sino-American Rapprochement
Chen, S.
“To See”: Visualizing Humanistic Data and Discovering Historical Patterns in a Digital Age
Chen, T. C.
Undocumented Lives and Stories: Methods for Historical Research of Peoples without Archives
Chen, Y.
Foods from Places, Foods with Stories: A Roundtable on the State of the Field of Food History
Chenault, W.
The Queer U.S. South and Southward: A Comparative Roundtable on Histories of LGBT Activism
Cheng, I. F.
Recurrent Lives of the Confucian Classics in China
Cherny, R. W.
H-Net As Mentor: Graduate Students, Junior Scholars, and Professionalization
Chesnut, R. A.
Beyond Reaction: New Approaches to Catholic Anticommunism in Latin America
Childs, M. D.
Stories from a Caribbean World: New Orleans in the Age of Revolutions, 1769–1819
Loyalty and Disloyalty in the Spanish Empire
Chinnici, J. P.
Writing the History of Vatican II: Archivists and Historians in Dialogue
Choate, M. I.
Moving across Frontiers: Italian Stories in a Global Frame
Christmas, D.
Entangled Narratives and Images: Genocide and Racial Segregation
Christopher, C.
Film Screening:
Criminal Injustice: Death and Politics at Attica
Chuchiak, J. F.
Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity: Household Space and Lived Experience in Colonial and Early National Mexico
Imagined Spaces: Colonial Highland and Lowland Maya Perceptions of Land, Boundary, and Sacred Place
Chung-Kim, E.
Considering Paul Lim’s
Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England
Ciernick, H.
One-Hundred and Fifty Years of Catholic Education in America, 1840–1990: From Pre-Civil War to Post-Cold War
Citino, N. J.
The State of the Field of U.S.-Arab Relations: A Roundtable
Clancy-Smith, J. A.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The West and Islam in Historical Perspective
Clark, E. A.
Restructuring Religion: American Approaches to Modernism
The 125th Anniversary Luncheon: Reflecting on the History of the American Society of Church History
Clark, E.
Writing and Rewriting a Past: Lost Histories of Free People of Color in New Orleans
Clark, E.
Black Catholicism and Black Religion in American Religious History
Clark, R.
Tales from the Queer South: Desire, Identity, and Community
Clark-Pujara, C. M.
Teaching American Slavery
Claunch, A.
Sacrifice for Freedom: The Normandy Institute – Telling the Stories of America’s D-Day Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines
Clay, E.
Orthodox Christian Responses to "the Other": From Strength and from Vulnerability
Clites, B. J.
Another Historiographical Heresy?: Catholic Distinctiveness in American Religious History
Cody, C. A.
What Brain Science Can Teach Us about Our Students
Coffin, J. G.
Locating Consumption in Modern Europe and the United States: Consumer Societies and the Specificity of Place
Coffman, E.
Beyond the Protestant Establishment? Past and Future in the Study of Mainline/Liberal Protestantism
Cohen, D. J.
Peer Review, History Journals, and the Future of Scholarly Research
Cohen, D. A.
AHA Modern European History Section
Cohen, G. D.
Refugee Care and Control: Changing Regimes in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Central Europe
Cohen, T.
The Transnational Geographies of Music in the Americas, 1920s–1940s
Colbeck, C.
Prostitution in Japanese History: The State of the Field
Cole, J. R. I.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The West and Islam in Historical Perspective
From the March on Washington to Tahir Square and Beyond: Tactics, Technology, and Social Movements
Cole, T.
Spatial Narratives of the Holocaust: GIS, Geo-Visualization, and the Possibilities for Digital Humanities
Coleman, A. G.
Elevating Modernity: Mountains and the Making of the Modern World
Coleman, G. B.
Topics in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Polish American History
Coleman, K. P.
Public Order, Labor Strictures, and the State of Exception in Modern Latin America, 1820s–1930s
Colgrove, J.
Vaccination Controversies in Historical Perspective
Coller, I.
The Mosque in Modern Europe
Collins, P.
Applying to NEH Grant Programs
Colten, C. E.
The Nature of Place: Integrating Social and Environmental History in Regional Identity
Condotta, K.
Polite Spaces and Contested Lives
Conis, E.
Vaccination Controversies in Historical Perspective
Conley, J.
Early Modern Catholic Women: New Approaches to the Lives of the Nuns at Port-Royal
Conlon, F. F.
H-Net in Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean: Building New Online Audiences
Conn, M. B.
Everyday Effort: Promoting Positive Population Policies within Nazi Organizations
Connell, W. F.
Coercion and Mediated Consent in Mexico during the Long Nineteenth Century
Connell, W. J.
Catholicism in the Sixteenth Century
Connelly, J.
Emerging from War: Catholic Social and Political Transformations in Europe
Conner, M.
H-Net in Africa: Building New Online Audiences
Connolly, B.
Kinship, Democracy, Modernity
Connolly, M. B. F.
Outgrowing Catholic Action? Transforming the Parochial Identity of American Lay Apostolates in the Vatican II Generation
Connolly, N.
Thinking Through History with John Sayles
Contreras, E.
Urban Latinidad: New Directions in Latino History
Conway, J.
Founding Villains: Liars, Scoundrels, and Thieves in the Making of America
Conway, R.
Disaster and Disease: Managing Natural Environments in Late Colonial and Early National Latin America
Cook, E.
Christianity and Politics in the Early Nineteenth-Century Americas
Cooke, E. S. Jr.
Artisanal Labor in South Asia: Revisiting Historiography and Material Practices
Coolidge, G. E.
Many Lives, Many Places, Many Stories: Spaces of Childhood in Early Modern Spain
Coon, L. L.
Masculinity and the Medieval Church
Cooper, A.
Imagining "Reconstructions": Narratives of Emancipation and Nation Building in the U.S. South, Latin America, and the Caribbean, 1863–1909
Cooper, A. R.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 1: Political Fictions
Cooper, M. L.
Where Authentic Blacks Are: Mapping Black-African Authenticity during the 1920s and 1930s
Cooper Owens, D. B.
Bodies of Evidence: Black Women’s Bodies in the Atlantic World as Sites of Domination, Experimentation, and Resistance
Coppa, F. J.
Italy on the 150th Centenary of National Unification: Issues of Unity and Identity
Vatican Diplomacy from the Third Reich to the Cold War
Corbould, C.
Where Authentic Blacks Are: Mapping Black-African Authenticity during the 1920s and 1930s
Corpis, D.
Gender and Conversion during the Reformation
Corrigan, J.
Restructuring Religion: American Approaches to Modernism
Corteguera, L.
When Global Goes Local: Cuenca and Imperial Spain, 1525–79
Cosner, C. A.
Beyond the Sugar Plantation: Caribbean Slave Experiences in Coffee and Tobacco Farms and Urban Settings
Costa Pinto, A.
The Late Colonial State and the End of Colonial Empires in a Comparative Perspective
Costa, R.
Renegotiating Identity: The Process of Democratization in Postauthoritarian Spain and Portugal
Costigliola, F. C.
Emotions, Culture, and the Writing of American Foreign Relations
Cottrol, R. J.
Rights, Race, and Railways: New Perspectives on the Legal Resistance to Segregation during the Era of
Plessy v. Ferguson
Cotts, J. D.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 1: Political Fictions
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 2: Religious Discourse
Cousins, K. S.
New Directions in the History of Religion and Cultural Interaction in Colonial Latin America
Covart, E. M.
Merchants’ Lives in an Eighteenth-Century Global Context: New York, China, and In-Between
Covert, L. P.
Beyond Reaction: New Approaches to Catholic Anticommunism in Latin America
Cowan, B. A.
Everyday Lives and Gendered Experiences: Social Relations and Authoritarian Regimes in South America
The Queer U.S. South and Southward: A Comparative Roundtable on Histories of LGBT Activism
Cox, K.
Queer Southern Destinations: Tourism, Community, Policing, and Belonging
Cox, P.
H-Net As Mentor: Graduate Students, Junior Scholars, and Professionalization
Crago, S.
Everyday Lives and Gendered Experiences: Social Relations and Authoritarian Regimes in South America
Craib, R. B.
Imperial and Sub-national Stories of Territorial Configuration in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Spanish America
Mexican Studies Committee: Beyond the Academy: Possibilities and Challenges for Socially Engaged Scholars
Craig, L. A.
Pre-Modern Women
Crais, C. C.
Crossing Images: Slave Trade, Racial Segregation, and Genocide
Crawford, M. J.
Drugs and Medicine in the Early Modern Hispanic World
Crawford, S. D.
Migration and Diaspora II: Family Economies, Community, and the State in Latin America
Gran Colombia Studies Committee: New Work on Gran Colombia during the Long Nineteenth Century
Crespino, J. H.
The Changing and Expanding Role of Education in the Realigned Conservative South during the Post-Civil Rights Era
Cressler, M. J.
Black Catholicism and Black Religion in American Religious History
Another Historiographical Heresy?: Catholic Distinctiveness in American Religious History
Cressy, D.
Margins, Boundaries, and Transgressions: Chameleons, Duelists, and Gypsies in Early Modern England
Crews, D. A.
When Global Goes Local: Cuenca and Imperial Spain, 1525–79
Critchlow, D.
Studying the American Right, Center, and Left—All at the Same Time!
Writing the Political History of Hollywood
Cromwell, J. L.
Bureaucrats, Slaves, and Smugglers: Contraband, Corruption, and the Configuration of Trans-Imperial Spaces in the Atlantic World
Cronon, W.
Food, Farms, and History: A Conversation with Michael Pollan
Plenary Session: The Public Practice of History in and for a Digital Age
American Historical Association General Meeting
AHA Business Meeting
A Conversation with John Sayles
Crosby-Arnold, M. B.
Slavery, Race, and Genocide in Colonial and Post-Colonial France
Cruickshank, J.
The Private Lives and Social Worlds of Eighteenth-Century Religious Women
Religion and Public Life: The Sermon in Britain and Beyond, 1689–1901
Crutchfield, L.
Stories of the Trade: Anglo-Native Interaction and the Colonial Southeast
Cucchiara, M. R.
The Turbulent Political and Religious Lives and Afterlives of Modern Catholic Nuns in Europe, Central America, and the United States
Cuffel, A. F. C.
Conversion, Inversion, Perversion: Medieval Jewish Storytelling about Christians and Stories about Medieval Jews
Culver, L.
What Is Climate History? Thinking about Climate and People across Time and Place
Cumings, B.
SHAFR Luncheon
Cummings, K. S.
American Catholics and the Virgin Mary: Defining, Distancing, and Domesticating Marian Devotion
The Turbulent Political and Religious Lives and Afterlives of Modern Catholic Nuns in Europe, Central America, and the United States
Cunfer, G.
Mapping the Past: Historical Geographic Information Science (GIS)
Curcio-Nagy, L.
Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity: Household Space and Lived Experience in Colonial and Early National Mexico
Curtin, M. E.
Genealogies of the Carceral State: Crime Policy, Crisis, Race, and Resistance in Twentieth-Century America
Curtis, H.
Liberal and Evangelical Women, Social Reform, and the Problem of Categorization
Humanitarianism, Tourism, and Megachurches: U.S. Evangelicals and the Growth of Global Christianity
Cutter, E.
Early Modern Catholic Women: New Approaches to the Lives of the Nuns at Port-Royal