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Author Index: W
Wachtel, J. R.
Anti-Jesuit Rhetoric in the Early Modern Francophone World
Wacker, G.
Beyond the Protestant Establishment? Past and Future in the Study of Mainline/Liberal Protestantism
Wadley, T.
Bridging Cultures: Strengthening Introductory History Courses
Wagner, K.
Sacrifice for Freedom: The Normandy Institute – Telling the Stories of America’s D-Day Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines
Walker, C. F.
Commemoration, Celebration, and Memory in Spanish America before the Bicentennials, 1780–1975
Walker, J. E. K.
Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans
Walker, L. E.
Bringing the "Economic" Back into the Social and Cultural Histories of Latin America: A Conversation
Walker, W. O. III
Emotions, Culture, and the Writing of American Foreign Relations
Walkowitz, J. R.
Out of Place: Woman’s Rights and Use of Space in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Anglo-American World
Wallace, C. A.
Mary Amelia’s World: Queer Sexuality in the Alabama Black Belt, 1730–2005
Wallace, M. V.
Integrated World History in a Humanities Program at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts: A Four-Year Study of Humanity
Wallace, M. B.
Mary Amelia’s World: Queer Sexuality in the Alabama Black Belt, 1730–2005
Walter, R.
Modernization, Planning, and Urban Political Culture in Post-World War II Latin America
Wang, J.
Domestic and International Perspectives on the Sino-American Rapprochement
Wang, T.
Culture, Agency, and Personalities: How Some (Forgotten) Lives and Stories Shaped Twentieth-Century U.S.-China Relations
Ward, J. M.
Local Politics on the National Stage: Race and Place in Washington, D.C., 1850–1995
Ward, K. R.
Global Consumer Revolutions: Iroquoia, Japan, and South Africa in the Early Modern Period
Warner, C.
Boundary Crossings: Circulating Ideas and Lives in South Asia, 1800–2000
Warner, J.
Migration and Diaspora I: Politics, Nation, and the Role of Transnational Identities in Latin America
Warren, A. W. V.
Revolutions in the History of Medicine: Smallpox Eradication in Latin America and the Circum-Caribbean
Part 1
Wasniewski, M.
Public History in the Federal Government: Continuing Trends and New Innovations
Wasserstein, B. M. J.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The Jews of Europe Before the Second World War
Watkins, D. J.
Anti-Jesuit Rhetoric in the Early Modern Francophone World
Watkins, J.
Queer Southern Destinations: Tourism, Community, Policing, and Belonging
Watts, E. J.
Peter Brown's
Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350–550 A.D.
Way, J. T.
La Ciudad
: Writing Guatemala City into History
Weaverdyck, E.
Space, Place, and Time: GIS Technology in Ancient and Medieval European History
Webb, J. L. A. Jr.
A Prospectus for Global Health History
Weber, R. S.
Preaching to Place: Prague Sermons from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries
Wedberg, K.
Integrated World History in a Humanities Program at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts: A Four-Year Study of Humanity
Weimer, D.
American Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs
Weinstein, A.
CANCELLED--Historicizing Openness and Secrecy: Utility, Values, the Foreign Relations of the United States Series, and the Debate over Government Transparency
Weinstein, B.
Brazilian Studies Committee: What Ever Happened to the Big Ideas? Brazil’s Twentieth-Century Social Science Paradigms in Twenty-First-Century Perspective
Weise, C.
Healing Markets, Urban-Rural Networks, and Migration from Kano, Nigeria to Dakar, Senegal
Weise, J.
Urban Latinidad: New Directions in Latino History
Weiss, G. L.
Stories of the Mediterranean in the Long Middle Ages, Part I: Lives
Captives, Corsairs, and Empires: Networks of Maritime Violence in the Early Modern Mediterranean
Welch, K. M.
At Ev’ry Word a Reputation Dies’: African Americans, Law, and Reputation in the Antebellum U.S. South
Weld, K.
La Ciudad
: Writing Guatemala City into History
Central American Studies Committee: Archives and Historical Memories: Research in Central America
Wellington, A.
In and Out of Africa: Forging Identity through Exclusion, Education, and Healing
Wells, S.
Masculinity and the Medieval Church
Wells, S. B.
Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: Jean Monnet, Helmut Kohl and Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
Welton, A.
Stones, Bones, and Books: Material and Devotional Culture in Medieval England
West, A.
The Domestic Politics of Teaching and Outreach
West, C. V.
K-16 Collaboration after the Teaching American History Grant: What Now?
Westkaemper, E. M.
Women's Media as Women's History
Wetzel, B.
Christian Nationalism, Progressive Era Protestants, and the American Public Sphere
Whalen, B. E.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 1: Political Fictions
Whatley, L. J.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 3: Im(material) Identities
Whealdon, W.
The Shift in History Education: The Next Big Thing
Whealey, A. A.
Orthodox Christian Responses to "the Other": From Strength and from Vulnerability
Wheat, D.
New Directions in the History of Religion and Cultural Interaction in Colonial Latin America
Queens, Merchants, and Captives: African Enslavement from Matamba to Mexico through the Long Seventeenth Century
Wheatcroft, G.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The Jews of Europe Before the Second World War
Wheatland, T. P.
Historicization and Renewal: New Perspectives on Frankfurt School Critical Theory
Wheeler, R. M.
Religious Lives, Religious Subjects: Biography and American Religious History
Whisnant, A. M.
Academic Administration as a Career Path for History PhD’s
White, C.
Beyond the Protestant Establishment? Past and Future in the Study of Mainline/Liberal Protestantism
White, H. R.
Religious and Sexual Revolutions: Politics, Conflicts, and Stories, 1950–80
White, J. B.
Polish and Polish American History in the Cold War
White, J. M.
Places Shaping Men: Investigations into the Role of Place in the Military Elite of the Ottoman Empire
Captives, Corsairs, and Empires: Networks of Maritime Violence in the Early Modern Mediterranean
White, R. A.
Comparative Maternalism: Mother's Aid in Maine and New Brunswick, 1917–50
White, R.
Roundtable on Place in Time: What History and Geography Can Teach Each Other
White, S.
Evolutionary History: How Biology Can Help Us Understand History
What Is Climate History? Thinking about Climate and People across Time and Place
White, S. K.
: The Historical Production of Lives in French Imperial Networks
Whitney, K.
In Pursuit of the Natural: Humans, Bodies, and Making Sense of Nature in American History
Wicentowski, J. C.
Public History in the Federal Government: Continuing Trends and New Innovations
Wichhart, S. K.
Decolonizing Rhetorics: War, Empire, and Internationalism
Wickman, T. M.
Environment, Encounter, and War in Early Anglo-America
Wiese, A.
Blackouts: Using Energy Regimes to Narrate Place, Race, and Ethnicity
Wiesner-Hanks, M. E.
Gender and Conversion during the Reformation
Considering Brad Gregory’s
The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society
Wildenthal, L.
Germans Loving Others: Narrating Interracial Romance in Kenya, North America, and Guatemala
Human Rights in Recent History: Local, National, and Transnational Perspectives
Wilentz, S.
Taking a Longer View: The 2012 Election in Historical Context
Wilk, G.
Displaced Revolutionaries: Irish Republicans in America, 1923–39
Wilkins, D.
Seizing Control: Understanding American Indian Actions as Exercises in Sovereignty
Williams, A. O.
The Green Revolution and Beyond: Origins and Impacts of Global Technology Transfer in Twentieth-Century Agriculture
Williams, C.
To Whom Does Christianity Belong? Christianity and National Identity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Williams, D. K.
From Bible Belt to Sun Belt: Roundtable with Darren Dochuk
Williams, D. I.
Beyond Sally Hemings: Sex, Race, and Memory in Nineteenth-Century America
Williams, E. M.
Immigrants and Food Culture in New York and New Orleans
Williams, K.
"The Descent to Hell": African Americans, Racial Subjugation, and Collective Memory
Williams, M.
Armed Self Defense during the 1950s and 1960s: The Other Side of the Southern Civil Rights Movement
Williams Maes, C.
Funny Stories of National Lives: Brazilian Comic Strips and the Forging of Twentieth-Century National Identity
Williams, M. H.
Pastoral Responses to Trials and Disasters in Early Christianity
Williams, P. W.
The 125th Anniversary Luncheon: Reflecting on the History of the American Society of Church History
Williams, S. D.
Catholics and the Civil Rights Struggle
Willsky, L. E.
Liberal and Evangelical Women, Social Reform, and the Problem of Categorization
Wilson, C. S.
Students as Inspiration: Using Student Inspired Projects and Technology to Teach History
Wilson, K.
Children of Empire: The Fate of Mixed-Race Individuals in British India, the Caribbean, and the Early American Republic
Wilson, R.
Roundtable on Place in Time: What History and Geography Can Teach Each Other
Winn, P.
Rethinking the Left in 1960s Latin America: Generational Challenges to Social Change
Winner, L.
Religious and Sexual Revolutions: Politics, Conflicts, and Stories, 1950–80
Winslow, B.
Using Oral History for Social Justice Activism
Winston, D.
God and Mammon: The Politics of Religion and Commerce in Mid-Twentieth-Century America
Wladaver-Morgan, S.
First Steps: Getting Started as a History Professional
Coordinating Council for Women in History Annual Awards Luncheon
Woestman, K. A.
Presidential Panel: H-Net and the Discipline: Changes and Challenges
Woiak, J.
Part 2
Woldemariam, M.
Factionalism and Violence across Time and Space: An Exploration of Digital Sources and Methodologies
Wolenski, F.
Polish Diaspora in America and Europe
Wolf, E. S.
Freedom Suits, Community Bonds, and Slavery’s Slow Death: Re-Thinking Freedom in Lives and Places
Wolfe, J. W.
Working Mothers and Militant Housewives: Understanding Feminine Motivations in the Twentieth-Century Workplace
Wolfe, J.
The Hemispheric Caribbean
Wolfe, M. D.
Ecology, Technology, and (Counter)Rebellion in Latin America
Wolfe-Hunnicutt, B.
The United States and the Middle East: The End of the American Century?
Wolff, R. J.
Vatican Diplomacy from the Third Reich to the Cold War
Wolffe, J.
New Directions in the Study of Global Evangelicalism
Wood, L. M.
Students as Inspiration: Using Student Inspired Projects and Technology to Teach History
Wood, M. E.
Freedom as Work, Freedom to Work: Childhood and the Meaning of Independent Labor in U.S. History
Wood, S. E.
Life Stories, Local Places, and the Networks of Free Women of Color in Early North America
Woods, J.
Sex, Gender, and Catholic Identity
Woolner, C.
Black Female Geographies: Places, Bodies, Freedoms
Worster, D. E.
Roundtable on Environmental History for the Twenty-First Century
Worthen, M.
Evil in America from the Early Republic to the Christian Right
From Bible Belt to Sun Belt: Roundtable with Darren Dochuk
Wright, A.
Empire Stories: Pedagogical Approaches to Comparative Histories of Empire
Wright, W.
American Catholics and the Virgin Mary: Defining, Distancing, and Domesticating Marian Devotion
Wright-Rios, E. N.
The Other Market: Religion, Gender, Fictions, and Future-Making in Latin American History (A Panel in Honor of Eric Van Young)
Mexican Lives: Wills, Sermons, Pilgrimages, and Ex-votos
Wrinn, S. M.
Publishing about American Places
Exploring a Range of Careers outside the Academy
Wu, Y.
Merchants’ Lives in an Eighteenth-Century Global Context: New York, China, and In-Between
Wyatt, T.
Presidents at Prayer
Wynne-Jones, S.
The Deep History of Africa: New Narrative Approaches