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Author Index: G
Gabaccia, D. R.
Immigrants and Food Culture in New York and New Orleans
Food, Farms, and History: A Conversation with Michael Pollan
Gabriel, E. T.
Slavery, Race, and Genocide in Colonial and Post-Colonial France
Gabriele, M.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 2: Religious Discourse
Retelling the Bible in a New Place: Narratives of Holy War in the Middle Ages
Gage, B. F.
The United States and Its Informants: The Cold War and the War on Terror
Gagnon, V.
The Nature of Place: Integrating Social and Environmental History in Regional Identity
Gaitors, B.
Coercion and Mediated Consent in Mexico during the Long Nineteenth Century
Galison, P.
A Conversation with John Sayles
Gallagher, S.J., C. R.
Vatican Diplomacy from the Third Reich to the Cold War
Gallagher, S.J., C. R.
A Matter of Individual Choice: The Lives of American Catholic Converts
Gallaher, M. B.
Canadian Catholic Influences in America
Ganson, B.
Working Mothers and Militant Housewives: Understanding Feminine Motivations in the Twentieth-Century Workplace
Garcia, M. E.
The Terror of Anti-Terrorism : State Violence and Native Responses in the Americas
Garcia, M.
Urban Latinidad: New Directions in Latino History
Gardner, N.
The Value of History in American Professional Military Education
Garedakis, M.
Disaster, Disunity, and Dispersion: Theological and Ecclesiastical Challenges from Byzantium to Central Asia
Garfield, S. W.
Borderlands and Frontiers Studies Committee: Writing the Borderlands History of Modern Latin America
Garone, P. F.
The Nature of Place: Integrating Social and Environmental History in Regional Identity
Garrard-Burnett, V.
Central American Studies Committee: Archives and Historical Memories: Research in Central America
Garrett, D. T.
Telling Stories, Making Places: Establishing Indigenous Authority in Towns and Missions of Spanish and Portuguese America
Garrow, D. J.
The United States and Its Informants: The Cold War and the War on Terror
Garver, V. L.
Objects and Faith: Material Culture and the Social Lives of Things in the Middle Ages
Garza, G.
The Past, Present, and Future of the AP in History
Garza, J. A.
Stories from the Periphery and Below: Transnational Creations of Meaning and Media about Mexico
Gassan, R.
City Stories: Placemaking Narratives in the Rise and Fall of Urban America
Gaston, K. H.
Beyond the Protestant Establishment? Past and Future in the Study of Mainline/Liberal Protestantism
Gauss, S. M.
Bringing the "Economic" Back into the Social and Cultural Histories of Latin America: A Conversation
Gavin, F. J.
A Global History of Nuclear Non-Proliferation: The Beginnings, 1955–76
Gblerkpor, W.
The Deep History of Africa: New Narrative Approaches
Geary, D.
Beyond Consensus: American Intellectual and Political Life, 1945–73
Geggus, D. P.
Transnational Places in the History of Abolition
Geiger, A.
Stories of Race, Place, and National Belonging in Native North America, 1900–40
Genetin-Pilawa, C. J.
Native Californian Encounters with the Law: Labor, Place, and Citizenship
Genter, A.
Beyond the Gay Ghetto: Locating LGBT History in Urban Spaces
George, J.
“Peopling” U.S. History: Migration and Demographics in the Revised Advanced Placement United States History Course
Georgini, S. E.
Presidents at Prayer
Gerona, C.
Women of the Iberian Atlantic
Getz, T. R.
The Deep History of Africa: New Narrative Approaches
Ghajar, L. A.
Building the Dissertation Digitally
Gibbings, J. A.
Central American Studies Committee: Archives and Historical Memories: Research in Central America
Germans Loving Others: Narrating Interracial Romance in Kenya, North America, and Guatemala
Gibson, A.
Evolutionary History: How Biology Can Help Us Understand History
Gibson, W. T.
Religion and Public Life: The Sermon in Britain and Beyond, 1689–1901
Giesen, J.
Country Nation: Politics, Rural Cultures, and Landscapes of Normalcy in Twentieth-Century America
Gigantino, J. J. II
Freedom Suits, Community Bonds, and Slavery’s Slow Death: Re-Thinking Freedom in Lives and Places
Gigliotti, S.
Spatial Narratives of the Holocaust: GIS, Geo-Visualization, and the Possibilities for Digital Humanities
Children in War and Genocide
Gilbert, D.
Protest, Performance, and Public Space in Latin America
Gildersleeve, R.
Children of Empire: The Fate of Mixed-Race Individuals in British India, the Caribbean, and the Early American Republic
Gilfoyle, T. J.
Negotiating Your Contract
Gilmer, R. A.
Lives, Places, and Stories of Oil in Water
Gimello, R.
The Study of Religion and the Teaching of History
Gin Lum, K.
Evil in America from the Early Republic to the Christian Right
Giordano, A.
Spatial Narratives of the Holocaust: GIS, Geo-Visualization, and the Possibilities for Digital Humanities
Mapping the Past: Historical Geographic Information Science (GIS)
Gish, L.
Donas, Signares, and Free Women of Color: African and Eurafrican Women of the Atlantic World in an Age of Racial Slavery
Glymph, T.
The Emancipation Proclamation at 150: Dynamics, Contexts, and Legacies
Godbille, L.
First Steps: Getting Started as a History Professional
Godoy Catalan, L.
Reproductive Regulation across the Ages: Pregnancy, Abortion, and Infanticide in Seventeenth-Century Spain and Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Latin America
Goedde, P.
From Decolonization to Globalization: New Research in Twentieth-Century Diplomatic History
Goins, J.
Queer Southern Destinations: Tourism, Community, Policing, and Belonging
Goldberg, K. D.
Nature As Practice: Food, Agriculture, Childbirth
Goldman, R. B.
Women and Ancient Law
Goldman, W. S.
Religion, Apocalypticism, and Reason of State in Early Modern Spain
Goldstein, L.
Women's Media as Women's History
Goldstone, J. A.
Factionalism and Violence across Time and Space: An Exploration of Digital Sources and Methodologies
Goldthree, R. N.
Rethinking the Roots and Routes of Citizenship: Caribbean Migrants and Transnational Activism in the Interwar Years, 1918–35
Gollar, C. W.
One-Hundred and Fifty Years of Catholic Education in America, 1840–1990: From Pre-Civil War to Post-Cold War
Gomez, P. F.
Revolutions in the History of Medicine: Smallpox Eradication in Latin America and the Circum-Caribbean
Gomez-Quinones, J.
The Chicana/o Movement and Its Pedagogical Legacies: An Examination of Critical Pedagogy, Political Activism, and Teaching Chicana/o History
Gonzales, M.
Commemoration, Celebration, and Memory in Spanish America before the Bicentennials, 1780–1975
González Cárdenas, E.
The Chicana/o Movement and Its Pedagogical Legacies: An Examination of Critical Pedagogy, Political Activism, and Teaching Chicana/o History
Gonzalez de Bustamante, C.
Stories from the Periphery and Below: Transnational Creations of Meaning and Media about Mexico
Gonzalez, J.
Current Events in Historical Perspective, Part 3
Gordon, S. B.
The Study of Religion and the Teaching of History
Gordon-Reed, A.
Beyond Sally Hemings: Sex, Race, and Memory in Nineteenth-Century America
Clio's Craft: History and Storytelling
Gould, J. L.
Rethinking the Left in 1960s Latin America: Generational Challenges to Social Change
Grab, A.
Jewish Society and Culture in Italy during the Enlightenment and Napoleonic Period, 1750–1815
Grace, C.V.I., S. M.
Catholic Architectural History
Grafton, A.
The World of Oral History: An International Roundtable
Beyond “Plan B” for Renaissance Studies: A Roundtable
Peer Review, History Journals, and the Future of Scholarly Research
Grainger, B.
Imagining God's Kingdom: Natural and Supernatural Landscapes in Nineteenth-Century America
Grandin, G.
From the March on Washington to Tahir Square and Beyond: Tactics, Technology, and Social Movements
Grandjean, K. A.
Environment, Encounter, and War in Early Anglo-America
Granieri, R. J.
Beyond Comparison? Writing the Entangled History of Divided Germany
A Global History of Nuclear Non-Proliferation: The Beginnings, 1955–76
Gray, W. G.
Beyond Comparison? Writing the Entangled History of Divided Germany
Graybill, A. R.
Negotiating Racial and Ethnic Lines in the Borderlands: Mixed Peoples in Transitional North America
Green, J. F.
Freedom as Work, Freedom to Work: Childhood and the Meaning of Independent Labor in U.S. History
Green, K.
H-Net in Africa: Building New Online Audiences
Green, M. T.
Religion, Apocalypticism, and Reason of State in Early Modern Spain
Green, M. H.
A Prospectus for Global Health History
Green, R.
Foods from Places, Foods with Stories: A Roundtable on the State of the Field of Food History
Green, S. K.
Christianity and Politics in the Early Nineteenth-Century Americas
Greene, A. N.
Horstory: Equines and Humans in Africa, Asia, and North America
Greene, J.
A Prospectus for Global Health History
Greene, J.
Rethinking the Long Gilded Age
Greenwald, E.
Viewfinding: A Discussion of Photography, Landscape, and Historical Memory
Gregory, B. S.
Considering Brad Gregory’s
The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society
The Study of Religion and the Teaching of History
Grem, D.
God and Mammon: The Politics of Religion and Commerce in Mid-Twentieth-Century America
Grew, R.
Toynbee Prize Lecture on Global History
Gribble, R.
Changes in American Catholic Participation in National Politics from the New Deal to the Reagan Administration
Griech-Polelle, B. A.
German Catholics, Protestants, and Jews and the Nazi Past: Modifying Existing Paradigms
Grieco, V. L.
Bureaucrats, Slaves, and Smugglers: Contraband, Corruption, and the Configuration of Trans-Imperial Spaces in the Atlantic World
Griffey, T.
Using Oral History for Social Justice Activism
Grimes, L. M.
Pre-Modern Women
Grinnell, L. C.
Transnational Solidarity Movements in Twentieth-Century Latin America: Ethnic Identity, Lesbian Rights, and Cultural Campaigns
Groenewald, G.
Global Consumer Revolutions: Iroquoia, Japan, and South Africa in the Early Modern Period
Gross, R. A.
Moving Pictures: Politics and the Transnational Circulation of Images in Print
Grossman, J.
Taking a Longer View: The 2012 Election in Historical Context
Grossman, R.
“Traditional in the Mountains, Revolutionary in the Cities?” Gendered Places and Stories of Nicaraguan Women from Sandino to the Contras
Grossmann, A.
Entangled Narratives and Images: Genocide and Racial Segregation
Breakfast Meeting of the AHA Committee on Women Historians
Gruber, C.
Medieval Muslim Imaginings of Place
Guarneri, C. J.
The Domestic Politics of Teaching and Outreach
Gudmestad, R.
Cancelled--Causeway of a Nation, Crossroads of Misery: The Mississippi River and Forced Migration, 1830–60
Gudmundson, L.
Reimagining the Switzerland of Central America: Police Brutality, Domestic Violence, and Labor Strife in Twentieth-Century Costa Rica
Guha, S.
The Time of Literature in History: Reconsidering Literary/Historical Method in South and Southeast Asia
Guillen, N.
City Stories: Placemaking Narratives in the Rise and Fall of Urban America
Guldi, J.
Front Lines: Early-Career Scholars Doing Digital History
Gundaker, G.
Mary Amelia’s World: Queer Sexuality in the Alabama Black Belt, 1730–2005
Gurkan, E.
Captives, Corsairs, and Empires: Networks of Maritime Violence in the Early Modern Mediterranean
Gurwitz, B.
Migration and Diaspora I: Politics, Nation, and the Role of Transnational Identities in Latin America
Gustafson, R.
New Approaches to Twentieth-Century Masculinity: The Case of Mexico, 1920–50
Gutierrez, V. A.
Postscripted Presences: Native Christians, Historical Narrative, and Ethnographic Quandaries
Gutmann, V.
Being and Building Wealth: Gendered Paths of Connection for Africans and Afro-Creoles in Early New Orleans
Gutterman, L. J.
Queering the Household: Family, Children, and Domestic Spaces in 1970s America
Guy, D. J.
De-Centering the Welfare State: The Gendered and Imperial Politics of Social Reform in the Twentieth Century
Gwinn-Becker, K. E.
The Entrepreneurial Historian