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Participants Index
Author Index: P
Pacino, N. L.
Part 1
Padilla, T.
Everyday Forms of State Contestation: The Decline of Political Legitimacy in Late Twentieth-Century Mexico
Mexican Studies Committee: Beyond the Academy: Possibilities and Challenges for Socially Engaged Scholars
Paik, S. D.
Boundary Crossings: Circulating Ideas and Lives in South Asia, 1800–2000
Pak, S.
Job in Medieval and Reformation-Era Theology and Exegesis
Palmer Albers, K.
Viewfinding: A Discussion of Photography, Landscape, and Historical Memory
Palmer, D. C.
Queering the Household: Family, Children, and Domestic Spaces in 1970s America
Palomino, P.
The Transnational Geographies of Music in the Americas, 1920s–1940s
Panourgiá, N.
Children in War and Genocide
Paquette, G.
Transatlantic Emancipations, 1808–45
Parent, A. S.
Life Stories, Local Places, and the Networks of Free Women of Color in Early North America
Park, K.
American Catholics and the Virgin Mary: Defining, Distancing, and Domesticating Marian Devotion
Parker, A. M.
Rethinking the Long Gilded Age
Parker, J. C.
Decolonizing Rhetorics: War, Empire, and Internationalism
Parsons, E. F.
“To See”: Visualizing Humanistic Data and Discovering Historical Patterns in a Digital Age
Pasquier, M.
Black Catholicism and Black Religion in American Religious History
Pasztor, S.
Challenges Facing History Departments in the Twenty-First Century: Perspectives from Department Chairs
Patriarca, S.
Moving across Frontiers: Italian Stories in a Global Frame
Patrouch, J. F.
Scholarly Societies and Networking through H-Net
Patterson, L. M.
Who Belongs Where? Spaces of Contest in American Conceptions of Disability
Patterson, N.
Science and the Human Past: A New Initiative at Harvard University
Paulet, A.
Re-Thinking the History Major
Payne, L.
Liberal and Evangelical Women, Social Reform, and the Problem of Categorization
Peabody, S.
: The Historical Production of Lives in French Imperial Networks
Pearson, B.
German Catholics, Protestants, and Jews and the Nazi Past: Modifying Existing Paradigms
Pearson, C.
The One Percent and Political Economy in the Progressive Era
Pease, N.
Topics in Nineteenth-Century Polish and Polish American History
Book Forum: Mikolaj Stanislaw Kunicki,
Between the Brown and the Red
Peifer, D.
The Value of History in American Professional Military Education
Pembleton, M.
American Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs
Peña Delgado, G.
Constructing Racial Imaginaries: Race, Gender, and Identity in Twentieth-Century Mexico and Brazil
Penny, H. G.
Germans Loving Others: Narrating Interracial Romance in Kenya, North America, and Guatemala
Penry, S. E.
Telling Stories, Making Places: Establishing Indigenous Authority in Towns and Missions of Spanish and Portuguese America
Pensado, J.
Beyond Reaction: New Approaches to Catholic Anticommunism in Latin America
Pepitone, L.
Out of Place: Woman’s Rights and Use of Space in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Anglo-American World
Perales, M.
Urban Latinidad: New Directions in Latino History
Perez, E.
Negotiating Racial and Ethnic Lines in the Borderlands: Mixed Peoples in Transitional North America
Perkiss, A. L.
History as Hypothesis: Using “Reacting to the Past” to Teach the French Revolution
Pernet, C. A.
Food Policy and the Search for Modernity in Latin America
Perry, D. M.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 3: Im(material) Identities
Peterson, A. M.
Court Order? Tracking Gender History through Legal Records
Peterson, G. A.
“A Class Apart"? Latinos in the Secondary Social Studies Curriculum
Petgrave, K.
The Hemispheric Caribbean
Pettigrew, E.
In and Out of Africa: Forging Identity through Exclusion, Education, and Healing
Peucker, P. M.
When Religious Leaders Die
Pfeifer, H.
Imagining the Imperial Space: Spatial Experiences in the Ottoman World and Beyond
Pfund, N.
Plenary Session: The Public Practice of History in and for a Digital Age
Phan, P.
To Whom Does Christianity Belong? Christianity and National Identity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Philliou, C. M.
Imagining the Imperial Space: Spatial Experiences in the Ottoman World and Beyond
Phillips, J. E.
H-Net in Africa: Building New Online Audiences
Phillips, M.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 2: Religious Discourse
Phillips, S. T.
Country Nation: Politics, Rural Cultures, and Landscapes of Normalcy in Twentieth-Century America
The Green Revolution and Beyond: Origins and Impacts of Global Technology Transfer in Twentieth-Century Agriculture
Piehl, M. W.
One-Hundred and Fifty Years of Catholic Education in America, 1840–1990: From Pre-Civil War to Post-Cold War
Pilcher, J. M.
Culinary Identities: Regional and National
Foods from Places, Foods with Stories: A Roundtable on the State of the Field of Food History
Pincince, J. R.
Oral History and Intellectual History in Conversation: Methodological Innovation in Modern South Asia
Pineda, Y.
Ecology, Technology, and (Counter)Rebellion in Latin America
Pinkowski, E.
Casimir Pulaski: New Facts and Discoveries
Pinkowski, J.
Casimir Pulaski: New Facts and Discoveries
Pinnen, C.
Manipulating Freedom: Liberty, Enslavement, and the Quest for Power in the Southwestern Borderlands
Pinsker, M.
Organization of History Teachers Luncheon
Pinto, K.
Medieval Muslim Imaginings of Place
Pite, R. E.
Chile/Rio de la Plata Studies Committee: Labor History: Past Contributions and New Directions
Food Policy and the Search for Modernity in Latin America
Pitts, Y. M.
Changing the Narrative: Linda K. Kerber and Evolving Histories of Women and the State
Plank, E. L.
Gender and Conversion during the Reformation
Platt, E. W.
Re-Thinking the History Major
Pleskot, P.
Polish and Polish American History in the Cold War
Pliley, J. R.
De-Centering the Welfare State: The Gendered and Imperial Politics of Social Reform in the Twentieth Century
Plum, C.
Engendered Mobilization during the Second Sino-Japanese War
Plummer, B.
Gender and Conversion during the Reformation
Pogue, N.
Christianity’s Shifting Views of "Nature"
Pojmann, W. A.
Comparative Reflections on the History Major Capstone Experience: A Roundtable
Pollan, M.
Food, Farms, and History: A Conversation with Michael Pollan
Plenary Session: The Public Practice of History in and for a Digital Age
Pollock, L. A.
Margins, Boundaries, and Transgressions: Chameleons, Duelists, and Gypsies in Early Modern England
Polyné, M.
Beyond the Insular Narrative: Haiti, Her Diaspora, and International Relations from 1958–86
Pomeranz, K.
Environmental History of Asia: Accomplishments and Trends
American Historical Association General Meeting
Popper, N.
Sacred Places, Devout Motions, and Pious Narrations in Early Modern Europe
Porche-Frilot, D.
The Awkward Spaces of Black Catholic Education: Between Freedom and Slavery through the Eyes of Henriette Delille
Port, A. I.
Beyond Comparison? Writing the Entangled History of Divided Germany
Porter, S.
Shaping Nations, Shaping Pasts: Women and History in the Maya World
The Other Market: Religion, Gender, Fictions, and Future-Making in Latin American History (A Panel in Honor of Eric Van Young)
Porterfield, A.
Restructuring Religion: American Approaches to Modernism
Presidents at Prayer
Evil in America from the Early Republic to the Christian Right
Posadas, B. M.
Bridging the 1924 and 1965 Immigration Acts: Refugees and Cold War U.S. Immigration Policy
Poska, A. M.
Spanish America, 1770–1970: Law, Order, and the Ladies
Posner, M.
Front Lines: Early-Career Scholars Doing Digital History
Research Support Services for History Scholars: A Study of Evolving Research Methods in History
Postero, N.
Andean Studies Committee: Contextualizing Evo Morales’s Bolivia
Potter, C. B.
Plenary Session: The Public Practice of History in and for a Digital Age
Powell, L. N.
Before Katrina: The Decline of New Orleans from the Civil War to the Twenty-First Century
Powell, L.
“Resistance, Negotiation, and Transcendence": Varieties of Prisons and Prison Cultures in East Asian Political History
Powers, M.
Transforming History Graduate Education to Make the PhD “Malleable”
Prado, F.
Bureaucrats, Slaves, and Smugglers: Contraband, Corruption, and the Configuration of Trans-Imperial Spaces in the Atlantic World
Precht, J.
Possessing Indigenous Places: American Indian Land, Law, and Identity in Louisiana
Premo, B.
Approaches to the Modern History of Mexican Childhood: Diplomats, Conservatives, and the State, 1876–1960
Preston, A.
The Christian Origins of the American Century
Preuss, G. B.
Scholarly Societies and Networking through H-Net
Outsider's Observations: Class and Culture Case Studies in Contact Zones
Priest, R. T.
Lives, Places, and Stories of Oil in Water
Pritchard, W. R.
Catholics and the Civil Rights Struggle
Proctor, R.
Historians As Expert Witnesses where Scientific Controversy Is Alleged
Puente-Valdivia, J.
Revisiting Modernity and the Nation in the Andes
Pula, J.
Topics in Nineteenth-Century Polish and Polish American History
Pulaski, B.
Polish Diaspora in America and Europe
Purcell, F.
Chile in Circulation: Transnational Histories of Politics and Place
Purdy, M.
The Changing and Expanding Role of Education in the Realigned Conservative South during the Post-Civil Rights Era
Pursley, S.
Kinship, Democracy, Modernity
Pyne, T.
Catholic Missionaries
Writing the History of Vatican II: Archivists and Historians in Dialogue