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Author Index: F
Faber, E. L.
Claiming New Orleans for the Early American Republic
Fabian, A.
The Oldest Alternative Profession: What Doctoral Programs Can Do to Improve History Teaching
Fagoaga Hernandez, R.
Imperial and Sub-national Stories of Territorial Configuration in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Spanish America
Fahs, A.
Technologies of Remembrance: Making Popular Meaning of the American Civil War, 1890–2012
Falk, C. S.
Using Oral History for Social Justice Activism
Fan, S.
Culture, Agency, and Personalities: How Some (Forgotten) Lives and Stories Shaped Twentieth-Century U.S.-China Relations
Fang, Q.
Criminal Law, Legal Education, and Local Courts in the Late Republic and Early People’s Republic of China
Farmer, M.
Public History and Public Memory: Tensions, Controversies, and Institutional Strategies
Farr, A.
Historicization and Renewal: New Perspectives on Frankfurt School Critical Theory
Fass, P. S.
Freedom as Work, Freedom to Work: Childhood and the Meaning of Independent Labor in U.S. History
Favors, J.
Remembering and Rethinking Postwar Black Student Power and the Black Campus Movement
Feeley, K. A.
Writing the Political History of Hollywood
Feinstein, T.
Rethinking the Left in 1960s Latin America: Generational Challenges to Social Change
Feldman, S.
Professional Development: Turning Your Dissertation into a Book
Ferber, S.
Publishing about American Places
Fernandez, L.
Urban Latinidad: New Directions in Latino History
Fernandez-Aceves, M. T.
CLAH Presidential Panel II: The Biographical Turn in Latin American History: Challenges of Interpretive Power and Methodology—The Twentieth Century
Fernández-Armesto, F.
"The First Modern State?" Tradition, Innovation, and Extemporization in the Government of Spain's Early Modern Empire
Ferreira, J. J.
Connecting Classroom and Community: H-Net Networks and Public History
Ferreras, N. O.
Labor Laws on Paper and in Practice: From the ILO to America and Brazil, 1936–81
Fertel, R. T.
New Orleans in the World: Race, Culture and Transnational Identity
Fessenden, T.
Black Catholicism and Black Religion in American Religious History
Fett, S. M.
Images of Slavery and Rebellion
Few, M.
Revolutions in the History of Medicine: Smallpox Eradication in Latin America and the Circum-Caribbean
Shapeshifting as History: Crosscurrents of People, Nature, and Gender in Latin America and the Caribbean
Fiege, M.
Blackouts: Using Energy Regimes to Narrate Place, Race, and Ethnicity
Roundtable on Environmental History for the Twenty-First Century
Field, K. T.
Mobility in the Age of Freedom
Field, T. C.
Working Mothers and Militant Housewives: Understanding Feminine Motivations in the Twentieth-Century Workplace
Fierro, M.
Stories of the Mediterranean in the Long Middle Ages, Part I: Lives
Fink, C. K.
Current Events in Historical Perspective, Part 1
Fink, D. C.
Considering Brad Gregory’s
The Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society
Fink, L.
Rethinking the Long Gilded Age
Fischer, B. M.
Brazilian Studies Committee: What Ever Happened to the Big Ideas? Brazil’s Twentieth-Century Social Science Paradigms in Twenty-First-Century Perspective
Fischer, D. H.
George C. Marshall Lecture in Military History
Fisher, A. B.
Landscapes of Memory and Regions of the Mind: Jumping Fences in Latin America’s Historical Terrain (Another Panel Honoring Eric Van Young)
Family Stories, Local Practices, and the Struggle for Social Improvement in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Latin America
Fisher, A. H.
Stories of Race, Place, and National Belonging in Native North America, 1900–40
Fisher, J.
Indian Politics and the Politics of Indians in Early America
Fisher, K.
Space, Place, and Time: GIS Technology in Ancient and Medieval European History
Fisher, L. D.
Postscripted Presences: Native Christians, Historical Narrative, and Ethnographic Quandaries
Fisher, M. H.
Boundary Crossings: Circulating Ideas and Lives in South Asia, 1800–2000
Fitzgerald, D.
Food, Farms, and History: A Conversation with Michael Pollan
Fitzmier, J. R.
The 125th Anniversary Luncheon: Reflecting on the History of the American Society of Church History
Fitzpatrick Behrens, S.
The Other Market: Religion, Gender, Fictions, and Future-Making in Latin American History (A Panel in Honor of Eric Van Young)
Fitzpatrick, R.
The World of Oral History: An International Roundtable
Fitzpatrick, S.
Picturing a Transnational Pulp Archive
Flake, K.
Christianity and Politics in the Early Nineteenth-Century Americas
Fleisher, J.
The Deep History of Africa: New Narrative Approaches
Fleming, R.
Objects and Faith: Material Culture and the Social Lives of Things in the Middle Ages
Fletcher, I. C.
The First Universal Races Congress of 1911: Encounters along the Global Lines of Color, Civilization, and Empire
Flores, X. M.
Revolt of the Municipalities: Localism and Local Experience in the Hispanic World
Fluhman, J. S.
Cracking the Mormon Monolith: Problematizing the History of LDS Identity Construction
Fogleman, A.
Constructing Historical Narratives from the Early Modern Atlantic World
Folino White, A.
Feeding Tomorrow’s Citizens: Conflicts and Negotiations over Food for Children in Twentieth-Century North America
Foray, J. L.
Decolonizing Rhetorics: War, Empire, and Internationalism
Ford, C. C.
AHA Modern European History Section
Ford, C. H.
Re-Thinking the History Major
Ford, E. M.
Approaches to the Modern History of Mexican Childhood: Diplomats, Conservatives, and the State, 1876–1960
Foret, P.
Cartography in the Age of Enlightenment
Forss, A. H.
Revisiting the Second Women's Movement: Resistance, Race, Activism, and Coalition
Forster, C.
Mexican Studies Committee: Beyond the Academy: Possibilities and Challenges for Socially Engaged Scholars
Fossella, J. C.
Scholarly Communications and Copyright
Foster, A. L.
Emotions, Culture, and the Writing of American Foreign Relations
Foster, G. M.
Christian Nationalism, Progressive Era Protestants, and the American Public Sphere
Foulkes, J.
Historical Approaches to the Role of the Arts in Urban Development
Fourshey, C. C.
Healing Markets, Urban-Rural Networks, and Migration from Kano, Nigeria to Dakar, Senegal
In and Out of Africa: Forging Identity through Exclusion, Education, and Healing
Fouts, S.
Immigrants and Food Culture in New York and New Orleans
France, J.
Holy War and the Medieval Church
Francesconi, F.
Jewish Society and Culture in Italy during the Enlightenment and Napoleonic Period, 1750–1815
Francis, K. A.
Religion and Public Life: The Sermon in Britain and Beyond, 1689–1901
Francis, N. C.
The Awkward Spaces of Black Catholic Education: Between Freedom and Slavery through the Eyes of Henriette Delille
Frank, G. A.
Religious and Sexual Revolutions: Politics, Conflicts, and Stories, 1950–80
Queering the Household: Family, Children, and Domestic Spaces in 1970s America
Freedman, P.
Culinary Identities: Regional and National
Freije, V.
Everyday Forms of State Contestation: The Decline of Political Legitimacy in Late Twentieth-Century Mexico
French, J. D.
Labor Laws on Paper and in Practice: From the ILO to America and Brazil, 1936–81
French, K. L.
Women and Objects: Material Culture and the Social Life of Things in the Middle Ages
French, S. A.
Teaching Digital Methods for History Graduate Students
French, W. E.
CLAH Presidential Panel I: The Biographical Turn in Latin American History: Challenges of Interpretive Power and Methodology
Frost, J.
Writing the Political History of Hollywood
Fryar, C.
Legal Geographies and Imperial Authority in the Colonial Caribbean
Fryer, H.
Revisiting Maternalism and Its Legacy: Gender, Power, Health Policy, and Place in the United States, 1912–55
Fu, L.
Moving Pictures: Politics and the Transnational Circulation of Images in Print
Fuchs, R. G.
Court Order? Tracking Gender History through Legal Records
Fuentes, M. J.
Black Female Geographies: Places, Bodies, Freedoms
Imagining Lives/Places/Stories: Historians and Fiction
Fulton Brown, R. L.
The Study of Religion and the Teaching of History
Fusi, L.
Crossing Images: Slave Trade, Racial Segregation, and Genocide