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Author Index: L
La Serna, M. A.
Andean Studies Committee: Contextualizing Evo Morales’s Bolivia
Labelle, M. M.
From Decolonization to Globalization: New Research in Twentieth-Century Diplomatic History
LaChance, P.
Gwendolyn Midlo Hall’s
Africans in Colonial Louisiana
Twenty Years Later
Laderman, C.
New Perspectives on the "Progressive Era"
Lagerfeld, S.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The Death and Life of Great American Newspapers
Lal, P.
Decolonization in Transnational Perspective: The View from Africa
Lambe, J.
Imagining "Reconstructions": Narratives of Emancipation and Nation Building in the U.S. South, Latin America, and the Caribbean, 1863–1909
Lambert, E. H.
Connecting Classroom and Community: H-Net Networks and Public History
Landau, E. E.
Beyond Bordellos: Race, Sex, and Jazz in Turn-of-the-Century New Orleans
Landdeck, K. P.
Engendered Mobilization during the Second Sino-Japanese War
Landers, J. G.
Gwendolyn Midlo Hall’s
Africans in Colonial Louisiana
Twenty Years Later
Landry, M.
Elevating Modernity: Mountains and the Making of the Modern World
Lane, K. E.
Bureaucrats, Slaves, and Smugglers: Contraband, Corruption, and the Configuration of Trans-Imperial Spaces in the Atlantic World
Precious Metals, Precious Places: Silver, Gold, and Lead Mining Cities and Settlements in the Colonial Americas
Langfur, H.
Brazilian Studies Committee: What Ever Happened to the Big Ideas? Brazil’s Twentieth-Century Social Science Paradigms in Twenty-First-Century Perspective
Precious Metals, Precious Places: Silver, Gold, and Lead Mining Cities and Settlements in the Colonial Americas
Lankina, A.
Disaster, Disunity, and Dispersion: Theological and Ecclesiastical Challenges from Byzantium to Central Asia
Larkin, B. R.
Mexican Lives: Wills, Sermons, Pilgrimages, and Ex-votos
Larré, L.
Stories of Race, Place, and National Belonging in Native North America, 1900–40
Larres, K. W.
Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: Jean Monnet, Helmut Kohl and Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
Larson, B.
Revisiting Modernity and the Nation in the Andes
Andean Studies Committee: Contextualizing Evo Morales’s Bolivia
Larson, M.
The World of Oral History: An International Roundtable
Lassner, A.
The Value of History in American Professional Military Education
Lauhon, J. E.
Elevating Modernity: Mountains and the Making of the Modern World
Lawrence, A. M.
Imagining Lives/Places/Stories: Historians and Fiction
Lawrence, H.
Vaccination Controversies in Historical Perspective
Lawrie, P. R. D.
Part 2
Le Zotte, J.
Trash and Treasure: The Significance of Used Goods in America, 1880–1950
Leavelle, T. N.
Challenges Facing History Departments in the Twenty-First Century: Perspectives from Department Chairs
Leavitt-Alcantara, B. N.
Escape and the City: Violence, Movement, and Women's Lives in Urban Spanish America
Lebovic, S.
The Global Dimensions of U.S. Power: Rethinking Liberal Internationalism at the Midcentury
Lederer, L.
"The Dynamic Side of Life": The Emergence of Mary Coffin Ware Dennett as a Radical Sex Educator
Leduc-Grimaldi, M.
Henry Morton Stanley, New Orleans, and the Contested Origins of an African Explorer: Public History and Teaching Perspectives
Lee, A. H.
Renegotiating Identity: The Process of Democratization in Postauthoritarian Spain and Portugal
Lee, H. R.
Undocumented Lives and Stories: Methods for Historical Research of Peoples without Archives
Lee, J. A.
Those Other Texas Standards: The Texas College Ready Standards, Skill Based History Education, and P-16 Alignment
Lee, S. S.
Undocumented Lives and Stories: Methods for Historical Research of Peoples without Archives
Leffler, M. P.
Emotions, Culture, and the Writing of American Foreign Relations
The Iraq War Is History? A Roundtable Discussion
Lehfeldt, E. A.
Many Lives, Many Places, Many Stories: Spaces of Childhood in Early Modern Spain
Tuning the History Curriculum: The Vision and the Reality
Lemus, C. K.
Reimagining the Doctor, Redefining the Patient: Women, Gender, and Medical Authority in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
Lengel, E. G.
Building a Swiss Army Knife: A Panel on DocTracker, a Multi-Tool for Digital Documentary Editions
Lentz, M. W.
Imagined Spaces: Colonial Highland and Lowland Maya Perceptions of Land, Boundary, and Sacred Place
Leon, S. M.
Research Support Services for History Scholars: A Study of Evolving Research Methods in History
Teaching Digital Methods for History Graduate Students
Leow, R.
Transnational Connections and New Visions of the Nation in 1950s Southeast Asia
Leslie, G. V.
The Global Dimensions of U.S. Power: Rethinking Liberal Internationalism at the Midcentury
Leson, R. A.
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 3: Im(material) Identities
Lesser, J.
Migration and Diaspora I: Politics, Nation, and the Role of Transnational Identities in Latin America
Lester, A. E.
Women and Objects: Material Culture and the Social Life of Things in the Middle Ages
Objects and Faith: Material Culture and the Social Lives of Things in the Middle Ages
Leumas, E. G.
The Awkward Spaces of Black Catholic Education: Between Freedom and Slavery through the Eyes of Henriette Delille
Leung, A. K. C.
A Prospectus for Global Health History
Levenson, D. T.
La Ciudad
: Writing Guatemala City into History
Levine, M.
Presidential Panel: H-Net and the Discipline: Changes and Challenges
H-Net in Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean: Building New Online Audiences
Levine-Gronningsater, S.
Freedom as Work, Freedom to Work: Childhood and the Meaning of Independent Labor in U.S. History
Levinson Wilk, D.
Skyscraper Index, Hemline Index, Champagne, Nail Polish, and the Dow Jones
Levy, A.
Artists without Borders: Cultural Practice, Politics, and Place in Modern Latin America
Levy, P.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The Special Challenges of Biography
Lewin, R.
K-16 Collaboration after the Teaching American History Grant: What Now?
Lewis, A. J.
The Odds of Queer History
Lewis, M.
Imagining the Imperial Space: Spatial Experiences in the Ottoman World and Beyond
Lewis, P.
Technologies of Remembrance: Making Popular Meaning of the American Civil War, 1890–2012
Lewis, S. E.
Part 2
Lewis, S. L.
Transnational Connections and New Visions of the Nation in 1950s Southeast Asia
Li, D.
Engendered Mobilization during the Second Sino-Japanese War
Li, H.
Transnational Community in the United States: Life and Perspectives of the Ethnic Chinese
Li, X.
Transnational Community in the United States: Life and Perspectives of the Ethnic Chinese
Against All Odds: Analytical Studies of the Disadvantaged Groups in Modern China
Domestic and International Perspectives on the Sino-American Rapprochement
Li, Y.
Culture, Agency, and Personalities: How Some (Forgotten) Lives and Stories Shaped Twentieth-Century U.S.-China Relations
Liang, Y. G.
Religion, Apocalypticism, and Reason of State in Early Modern Spain
Beyond “Plan B” for Renaissance Studies: A Roundtable
Libby, D.
Family Stories, Local Practices, and the Struggle for Social Improvement in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Latin America
Lieberman, R.
Challenges Facing History Departments in the Twenty-First Century: Perspectives from Department Chairs
Lim, I.
Chinese Piracy and the Maritime Reconsidered: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Lim, P. C. H.
Considering Paul Lim’s
Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England
Lima, R.
Another Black Like Me: Identities, Solidarities, and Resistance in Brazil in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Limberg, M.
Redefining America's Interests Abroad
Limiti, G.
Italy on the 150th Centenary of National Unification: Issues of Unity and Identity
Lin, M.
Culture, Agency, and Personalities: How Some (Forgotten) Lives and Stories Shaped Twentieth-Century U.S.-China Relations
Lindenmeyer, K.
Presidential Panel: H-Net and the Discipline: Changes and Challenges
Ling, H.
Transnational Community in the United States: Life and Perspectives of the Ethnic Chinese
Lippy, C.
The 125th Anniversary Luncheon: Reflecting on the History of the American Society of Church History
Lipsett-Rivera, S.
Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity: Household Space and Lived Experience in Colonial and Early National Mexico
Little, L. K.
The Power of Cartography: Remapping the Black Death in the Age of Genomics and GIS
Livesay, D.
Children of Empire: The Fate of Mixed-Race Individuals in British India, the Caribbean, and the Early American Republic
Livingston, J.
The One Percent and Political Economy in the Progressive Era
Loayza, M.
Challenges Facing History Departments in the Twenty-First Century: Perspectives from Department Chairs
Lobato, M.
Chile/Rio de la Plata Studies Committee: Labor History: Past Contributions and New Directions
Locke, J.
Christian Nationalism, Progressive Era Protestants, and the American Public Sphere
Lofton, K.
Restructuring Religion: American Approaches to Modernism
Religious and Sexual Revolutions: Politics, Conflicts, and Stories, 1950–80
Religious Lives, Religious Subjects: Biography and American Religious History
Logan, D.
Imagining God's Kingdom: Natural and Supernatural Landscapes in Nineteenth-Century America
Logan, J.
Elevating Modernity: Mountains and the Making of the Modern World
Long, A. P.
Locating Southern Lesbian Feminist Political History
Longmore, J.
Polite Spaces and Contested Lives
Loopstra, J. A.
Reading and Community in Syriac Christianity
Lopez Denis, A.
Revolutions in the History of Medicine: Smallpox Eradication in Latin America and the Circum-Caribbean, Part II
Lopez-Portillo, J. J.
"The First Modern State?" Tradition, Innovation, and Extemporization in the Government of Spain's Early Modern Empire
Lord, A. M.
The Entrepreneurial Historian
Lotysz, S.
Themes in Polish and Polish American Arts, Letters, and Sciences
Louis, W. R.
The Late Colonial State and the End of Colonial Empires in a Comparative Perspective
Louthan, H. P.
Humanism, Reform, and Christian Identity in Early Modern Europe
Love, J. L.
Bringing the "Economic" Back into the Social and Cultural Histories of Latin America: A Conversation
Lovejoy, P. E.
Gwendolyn Midlo Hall’s
Africans in Colonial Louisiana
Twenty Years Later
War and Slavery in the Atlantic World
Lowe, A.
Boots on the Ground:
Soldiers, Families, and the Growth of Ft. Hood
, a Veterans Oral History Project
Lubienecki, P.
Catholic Architectural History
Lucero, B.
Black Female Geographies: Places, Bodies, Freedoms
Lucero, J. A.
The Terror of Anti-Terrorism : State Violence and Native Responses in the Americas
Luck, P. F.
Claiming New Orleans for the Early American Republic
Luongo, F. T.
Saintly Translations: Stories about Saints across Time and Space
Lurtz, C. M.
Exports and Elites in Latin America’s Long Twentieth Century
Lutz, C. H.
Central American Studies Committee: Archives and Historical Memories: Research in Central America
Imagined Spaces: Colonial Highland and Lowland Maya Perceptions of Land, Boundary, and Sacred Place
Lyerly, C. L.
Teaching American Slavery