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Author Index: H
Haberkern, P. N.
Preaching to Place: Prague Sermons from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries
Haberski, R.
Health Care, Media, and Education: The Franciscan Experience in the United States
Hadden, S. E.
Freedom Suits, Community Bonds, and Slavery’s Slow Death: Re-Thinking Freedom in Lives and Places
Hague, S.
Polite Spaces and Contested Lives
Haight, C.
The Queer U.S. South and Southward: A Comparative Roundtable on Histories of LGBT Activism
Haine, W. S.
Drinking Outside the Café: New Fields of Exploration in French Alcohol Studies
Hakes, J.
Lives, Places, and Stories of Oil in Water
Hale, J.
The Changing and Expanding Role of Education in the Realigned Conservative South during the Post-Civil Rights Era
Haley, A. P.
Feeding Tomorrow’s Citizens: Conflicts and Negotiations over Food for Children in Twentieth-Century North America
Hall, C.
Cotton Mather As Historian of Jews in
The Biblia Americana
Hall, L. B.
CLAH Presidential Panel II: The Biographical Turn in Latin American History: Challenges of Interpretive Power and Methodology—The Twentieth Century
Hamalainen, P.
Horstory: Equines and Humans in Africa, Asia, and North America
Hamilton, B.
The Science and Spirit of Race in Twentieth-Century American Protestantism
Hamilton, P.
The World of Oral History: An International Roundtable
Hamlin, C.
Christianity’s Shifting Views of "Nature"
Hammer, D.
Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans
Hanciles, J. J.
New Directions in the Study of Global Evangelicalism
Hang, X.
Chinese Piracy and the Maritime Reconsidered: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Hanhardt, C. B.
The Odds of Queer History
Hankins, B.
From Bible Belt to Sun Belt: Roundtable with Darren Dochuk
Hanley, A. G.
Bringing the "Economic" Back into the Social and Cultural Histories of Latin America: A Conversation
Hanley, W.
Disentangling and Uniting: Interwar Middle Eastern Populations and the Problem of Territory
Hanna, M. G.
Early Career Historians: Funding Your Research
Harambour, A.
Chile/Rio de la Plata Studies Committee: Labor History: Past Contributions and New Directions
Hardegree, D.
Henry Morton Stanley, New Orleans, and the Contested Origins of an African Explorer: Public History and Teaching Perspectives
Hardgrove, A.
The Domestic Politics of Teaching and Outreach
Business Meeting
Harkins, F. T.
Job in Medieval and Reformation-Era Theology and Exegesis
Harkness, D.
Beyond “Plan B” for Renaissance Studies: A Roundtable
Harkness, D.
Early Career Historians: Funding Your Research
Harmon, A.
Seizing Control: Understanding American Indian Actions as Exercises in Sovereignty
Harms, P. F.
Shaping Nations, Shaping Pasts: Women and History in the Maya World
Harney, J.
Catholic Missionaries
Harper, T.
Transnational Connections and New Visions of the Nation in 1950s Southeast Asia
Harris, L. M.
Public History Meets Digital History in Post-Katrina New Orleans
Hartch, T. F.
To Whom Does Christianity Belong? Christianity and National Identity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Hartzmark, A.
Exports and Elites in Latin America’s Long Twentieth Century
Haskett, R.
Precious Metals, Precious Places: Silver, Gold, and Lead Mining Cities and Settlements in the Colonial Americas
Hastings, P. P.
Rethinking the Roots and Routes of Citizenship: Caribbean Migrants and Transnational Activism in the Interwar Years, 1918–35
Haug, R.
Medieval Muslim Imaginings of Place
Hawkes, J.
Stones, Bones, and Books: Material and Devotional Culture in Medieval England
Hawkins, T. P.
Loyalty and Disloyalty in the Spanish Empire
Hawthorne, W. W.
Gwendolyn Midlo Hall’s
Africans in Colonial Louisiana
Twenty Years Later
Armed Self Defense during the 1950s and 1960s: The Other Side of the Southern Civil Rights Movement
Hayes, P.
Health Care, Media, and Education: The Franciscan Experience in the United States
Outgrowing Catholic Action? Transforming the Parochial Identity of American Lay Apostolates in the Vatican II Generation
Haynes, D. E.
Artisanal Labor in South Asia: Revisiting Historiography and Material Practices
Hazard, S.
Imagining God's Kingdom: Natural and Supernatural Landscapes in Nineteenth-Century America
Hazbun, W.
The United States and the Middle East: The End of the American Century?
Healey, M. A.
Modernization, Racialization, and State Violence in the Argentine Interior
Healy, M.
Modernization, Planning, and Urban Political Culture in Post-World War II Latin America
Healy, M.
The Mosque in Modern Europe
Heap, C.
The Odds of Queer History
Heath, E. A.
Globalizing Modern Sugar: Power, Nation-State, and New Histories of Sweetness
Heberer, P.
Children in War and Genocide
Hebrard, J. M.
Writing and Rewriting a Past: Lost Histories of Free People of Color in New Orleans
Hedgepeth, S.
Children in War and Genocide
Hedrick-Moser, E.
French Jesuit Peripeties: Turning Points of Louis Billot, Jean Daniélou, Henri de Lubac, Michel de Certeau
Heisser, C.
Mexican Lives: Wills, Sermons, Pilgrimages, and Ex-votos
Helgen, E.
Beyond Reaction: New Approaches to Catholic Anticommunism in Latin America
Helmreich, A.
“To See”: Visualizing Humanistic Data and Discovering Historical Patterns in a Digital Age
Henderson, J.
Recurrent Lives of the Confucian Classics in China
Henderson, M.
Christianity’s Shifting Views of "Nature"
Hendry, P. M.
The Awkward Spaces of Black Catholic Education: Between Freedom and Slavery through the Eyes of Henriette Delille
Herbel, D. O.
Orthodox Christian Responses to "the Other": From Strength and from Vulnerability
Herbert, A. E.
Sacred Places, Devout Motions, and Pious Narrations in Early Modern Europe
Herf, J. C.
Violence, Ideology, and the Politics of Remembrance in Twentieth-Century Eastern and Central Europe
Hermanowicz, E.
Peter Brown's
Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350–550 A.D.
Hernandez, C. B.
The Turbulent Political and Religious Lives and Afterlives of Modern Catholic Nuns in Europe, Central America, and the United States
Hernández Navarro, L.
Mexican Studies Committee: Beyond the Academy: Possibilities and Challenges for Socially Engaged Scholars
Hernández Sáenz, L. M.
Revolutions in the History of Medicine: Smallpox Eradication in Latin America and the Circum-Caribbean
Herr, P. M.
Borderlands and Frontiers Studies Committee: Writing the Borderlands History of Modern Latin America
Herran Avila, L. A.
Latin America in the Aftermath of the Chinese and Cuban Revolutions
Herrera, R.
Sexuality and the Unnatural in Colonial Latin America
Herrmann, L.
Herrmann, R.
Environment, Encounter, and War in Early Anglo-America
Hersey, M. D.
The Nature of Place: Integrating Social and Environmental History in Regional Identity
Hershenzon, D. B.
Captives, Corsairs, and Empires: Networks of Maritime Violence in the Early Modern Mediterranean
Herzog, D.
Kinship, Democracy, Modernity
Hesse, C. A.
Factionalism and Violence across Time and Space: An Exploration of Digital Sources and Methodologies
Hevelone-Harper, J.
Reading and Community in Syriac Christianity
Hewitt, S.
The United States and Its Informants: The Cold War and the War on Terror
Heywood, L. M.
Queens, Merchants, and Captives: African Enslavement from Matamba to Mexico through the Long Seventeenth Century
Hiatt, W. L.
Revisiting Modernity and the Nation in the Andes
Hickman, C.
Current Events in Historical Perspective, Part 2
Hicks, C. D.
Black Female Geographies: Places, Bodies, Freedoms
Higgs, C.
The Catholic Experience in Twentieth-Century Africa
Hillman, A.
Climate Change and Big History: From the Origin of Modern Humanity to the Little Ice Age
Hinderaker, E.
Indian Politics and the Politics of Indians in Early America
Hindmarsh, B.
The Private Lives and Social Worlds of Eighteenth-Century Religious Women
President's Address
President's Reception
Hoaglund, L.
Politics of Remembrance and Oblivion: Memories of War in Postwar Japan
Hobgood-Oster, L.
Christianity’s Shifting Views of "Nature"
Hochman, G.
Brazilian Studies Committee: What Ever Happened to the Big Ideas? Brazil’s Twentieth-Century Social Science Paradigms in Twenty-First-Century Perspective
Hoffer, W. H.
Rights, Race, and Railways: New Perspectives on the Legal Resistance to Segregation during the Era of
Plessy v. Ferguson
Holder, R. W.
Presidents at Prayer
Holian, A.
Spatial Narratives of the Holocaust: GIS, Geo-Visualization, and the Possibilities for Digital Humanities
Holler, J. S.
Sexuality and the Unnatural in Colonial Latin America
Emotions and Motivations in the Conquest and Colonization of America
Hollinger, D. A.
Historians As Expert Witnesses where Scientific Controversy Is Alleged
Hollingsworth, R.
Scholarly Communications and Copyright
Connecting Classroom and Community: H-Net Networks and Public History
Holloway, P.
The Queer U.S. South and Southward: A Comparative Roundtable on Histories of LGBT Activism
Holmes, K.
Beyond the Gay Ghetto: Locating LGBT History in Urban Spaces
Holt, A.
Holy War and the Medieval Church
Masculinity and the Medieval Church
Holt, K.
Disaster and Disease: Managing Natural Environments in Late Colonial and Early National Latin America
Holt, T. C.
The Emancipation Proclamation at 150: Dynamics, Contexts, and Legacies
Holzweiss, R.
Workshop: Finding and Loving a Government Job
Honeck, M.
The Global Fatherland in the World of Nations: German Peoples and Their Citizenship, 1848–90
Hong, Z.
Against All Odds: Analytical Studies of the Disadvantaged Groups in Modern China
Hooper, N. A.
Publishing about American Places
Horwitz, T.
Clio's Craft: History and Storytelling
Hosseini, S.
Displaced Glory: Archeology and Nationalist Architecture of Twentieth-Century Iran
Hosselkus, E. R.
Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity: Household Space and Lived Experience in Colonial and Early National Mexico
Hou, X.
Culture, Agency, and Personalities: How Some (Forgotten) Lives and Stories Shaped Twentieth-Century U.S.-China Relations
History Lessons: Broadening and Deepening the Understanding of Asia in World History
Hough, K.
Current Events in Historical Perspective, Part 2
Houlihan, P. J.
Emerging from War: Catholic Social and Political Transformations in Europe
Houser, M. A.
Entangled Narratives and Images: Genocide and Racial Segregation
Houston, R.
Exploring a Range of Careers outside the Academy
Howard, J.
Tales from the Queer South: Desire, Identity, and Community
Hoyt, A. D.
Moving Pictures: Politics and the Transnational Circulation of Images in Print
Hsu, M. Y.
Bridging the 1924 and 1965 Immigration Acts: Refugees and Cold War U.S. Immigration Policy
Hu-Dehart, E.
Borderlands and Frontiers Studies Committee: Writing the Borderlands History of Modern Latin America
Hudnut-Beumler, J.
Beyond the Protestant Establishment? Past and Future in the Study of Mainline/Liberal Protestantism
Huebner, A. J.
War Stories/Love Stories: America's Great War as Family Drama
Huegen, N. A.
Sacrifice for Freedom: The Normandy Institute – Telling the Stories of America’s D-Day Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines
Huffine, K. L.
CANCELLED--Boundaries, Subjectivity, and Knowledge Production in Colonial Río de la Plata
Hulden, V.
The One Percent and Political Economy in the Progressive Era
Hunt, N. T.
War and Slavery in the Americas
Hunter, T. W.
Beyond Sally Hemings: Sex, Race, and Memory in Nineteenth-Century America
Hurteau, R.
Catholic Missionaries
Hutchings, R. L.
Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: Jean Monnet, Helmut Kohl and Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
Hutchinson, M.
New Directions in the Study of Global Evangelicalism
Huyssen, D.
Disaster Progressivism: Urban Crisis, Power, and Reform
Huzzey, R.
Anti-Slavery Principle and Imperial Power in the Atlantic World
Hyde, A.
Negotiating Racial and Ethnic Lines in the Borderlands: Mixed Peoples in Transitional North America
Tuning Project business meeting (invitation only)
Hyland, S. L.
Spanish America, 1770–1970: Law, Order, and the Ladies
Hyman, L. R.
The Perils of Austerity
Hyson, J. N.
History as Hypothesis: Using “Reacting to the Past” to Teach the French Revolution