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Author Index: B
Bachin, R. F.
City Stories: Placemaking Narratives in the Rise and Fall of Urban America
Bagley, E. G.
Considering Paul Lim’s
Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England
Bailey, T.
Teaching the Common Core: The Gilder Lehrman Teaching Literacy through History Program
The Shift in History Education: The Next Big Thing
Building a Common Core Unit with Primary Source Immigration Documents
Bailkin, J.
De-Centering the Welfare State: The Gendered and Imperial Politics of Social Reform in the Twentieth Century
Baker, K. J.
Another Historiographical Heresy?: Catholic Distinctiveness in American Religious History
Baker Opperman, S.
Part 2
Baldwin, D. L.
Where Authentic Blacks Are: Mapping Black-African Authenticity during the 1920s and 1930s
Ball, B. S.
A Boy Named Charlie Brown: Comic Strips, Conversations, and American Culture
Ball, M. C.
Working Mothers and Militant Housewives: Understanding Feminine Motivations in the Twentieth-Century Workplace
Balleisen, E.
Transforming History Graduate Education to Make the PhD “Malleable”
Balogh, B.
CANCELLED--Historicizing Openness and Secrecy: Utility, Values, the Foreign Relations of the United States Series, and the Debate over Government Transparency
Balto, S.
Genealogies of the Carceral State: Crime Policy, Crisis, Race, and Resistance in Twentieth-Century America
Barber, M. J.
"The Descent to Hell": African Americans, Racial Subjugation, and Collective Memory
Barbosa, F. J.
Rethinking the Left in 1960s Latin America: Generational Challenges to Social Change
Barcia, M.
Images of Slavery and Rebellion
War and Slavery in Africa
War and Slavery in the Atlantic World
Barnhill, G. B.
Moving Pictures: Politics and the Transnational Circulation of Images in Print
Baron, C.
Public History and Public Memory: Tensions, Controversies, and Institutional Strategies
Barr, J.
Skyscraper Index, Hemline Index, Champagne, Nail Polish, and the Dow Jones
Barr, J.
Colonial Studies Committee: New Branches on the Family Tree: Tales of Kith and Kin in Colonial Spanish America
Barr-Melej, P.
Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee: 1973/2013: Chileanists Teach September 11th at 40
Everyday Lives and Gendered Experiences: Social Relations and Authoritarian Regimes in South America
Rethinking the Left in 1960s Latin America: Generational Challenges to Social Change
Barragan, R.
Indigenous Authorities of the South Andean Altiplano: Confronting the Bolivian and Peruvian Nation States
Barrett, T. C.
History Lessons: Broadening and Deepening the Understanding of Asia in World History
Barriga, P.
Drugs and Medicine in the Early Modern Hispanic World
Barron, H. S.
Country Nation: Politics, Rural Cultures, and Landscapes of Normalcy in Twentieth-Century America
Bartram, E.
A Matter of Individual Choice: The Lives of American Catholic Converts
Bashkin, O.
Disentangling and Uniting: Interwar Middle Eastern Populations and the Problem of Territory
Bassi Arevalo, E.
Bureaucrats, Slaves, and Smugglers: Contraband, Corruption, and the Configuration of Trans-Imperial Spaces in the Atlantic World
Batza, K.
Beyond the Gay Ghetto: Locating LGBT History in Urban Spaces
Batόg, W.
Power to the People of God: Catholic Activism, Political Protest, and the Global Religious Sixties
Baumgarten, E.
Women and Objects: Material Culture and the Social Life of Things in the Middle Ages
Bay, M. E.
Where Authentic Blacks Are: Mapping Black-African Authenticity during the 1920s and 1930s
Bayne, B. L.
Postscripted Presences: Native Christians, Historical Narrative, and Ethnographic Quandaries
Bazant, M.
CLAH Presidential Panel I: The Biographical Turn in Latin American History: Challenges of Interpretive Power and Methodology
Beattie, P. M.
Soldiers and Civilians in Twentieth Century Latin America: The Militarizing of Everyday Life
Public Order, Labor Strictures, and the State of Exception in Modern Latin America, 1820s–1930s
Beatty, E.
Ecology, Technology, and (Counter)Rebellion in Latin America
Becker, B. N.
Stories of the Mediterranean in the Long Middle Ages, Part 2: Places
Becker, M.
Beyond the Polemics of Barbarism: New Studies on Caudillos in the Andes and Southern Cone
Beckert, S.
The One Percent and Political Economy in the Progressive Era
Beezley, W.
Transnational Solidarity Movements in Twentieth-Century Latin America: Ethnic Identity, Lesbian Rights, and Cultural Campaigns
Begin, C.
Feeding Tomorrow’s Citizens: Conflicts and Negotiations over Food for Children in Twentieth-Century North America
Behrend-Martinez, E. J.
When Global Goes Local: Cuenca and Imperial Spain, 1525–79
Many Lives, Many Places, Many Stories: Spaces of Childhood in Early Modern Spain
Bell, M.
Film Screening:
Criminal Injustice: Death and Politics at Attica
Beltzer, A. S.
Daughters, Sisters, and Mothers: The Political Utility of Family in Civil Society
Ben, P. E.
The Queer U.S. South and Southward: A Comparative Roundtable on Histories of LGBT Activism
Benac, D.
Online Reviewing: Before and After It Was de Rigueur
Benedict, M. L.
Scholarly Communications and Copyright
Benson, D. S.
Rethinking the Roots and Routes of Citizenship: Caribbean Migrants and Transnational Activism in the Interwar Years, 1918–35
Benton, L. A.
Legal Geographies and Imperial Authority in the Colonial Caribbean
Beorn, W. W.
Mapping the Past: Historical Geographic Information Science (GIS)
Berg, C.
Skyscraper Index, Hemline Index, Champagne, Nail Polish, and the Dow Jones
Bergen, D. L.
Professional Development: Turning Your Dissertation into a Book
The Turbulent Political and Religious Lives and Afterlives of Modern Catholic Nuns in Europe, Central America, and the United States
Berger, R.
CANCELLED--Gender and Sexuality in South Asia
Berkhofer, R. F. III
Medieval Culture in the Context of the Crusades, Part 3: Im(material) Identities
Berman, N.
Germans Loving Others: Narrating Interracial Romance in Kenya, North America, and Guatemala
Berman, Z.
War and Slavery in Africa
Bernardi, P.
French Jesuit Peripeties: Turning Points of Louis Billot, Jean Daniélou, Henri de Lubac, Michel de Certeau
Bernstein, A.
Saving the Trees, Forests, and the Remnants of Our Human and Natural Past: The Environment As Lens into Japanese History
Bernstein, D.
Viewfinding: A Discussion of Photography, Landscape, and Historical Memory
Bernstein, M. A.
The Perils of Austerity
Berry, D. R.
Life Stories, Local Places, and the Networks of Free Women of Color in Early North America
Berry, D. A.
Bridging Cultures: Strengthening Introductory History Courses
Berry, M. F.
Taking a Longer View: The 2012 Election in Historical Context
Berth, C.
Food Policy and the Search for Modernity in Latin America
Bezerra, N.
Another Black Like Me: Identities, Solidarities, and Resistance in Brazil in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Bezis-Selfa, J.
Tuning the History Curriculum: The Vision and the Reality
Biggs, D.
Environmental History of Asia: Accomplishments and Trends
Bilka, M.
Disputed Peoples and Places: Struggles among Indigenous Nations in the Twentieth-Century Pacific Northwest
Binnington, I.
Online Reviewing: Before and After It Was de Rigueur
Birk, M.
Fighting for the Future: American Social Reformers, Race, and Nineteenth-Century Institutions for Children
Bisno, A. S.
Locating Consumption in Modern Europe and the United States: Consumer Societies and the Specificity of Place
Blacik, V.
Revolt of the Municipalities: Localism and Local Experience in the Hispanic World
Black, C. T.
Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee: 1973/2013: Chileanists Teach September 11th at 40
Sexuality and the Unnatural in Colonial Latin America
Black, D.
Technologies of Remembrance: Making Popular Meaning of the American Civil War, 1890–2012
Black, P.
Historians in the Courtroom: Scholars and Litigation
Blackburn, R.
Transnational Places in the History of Abolition
Blair, A. M.
Sacred Places, Devout Motions, and Pious Narrations in Early Modern Europe
Blanchard, P.
Transatlantic Emancipations, 1808–45
Blaschke, A.
The Bodies of Cultural Diplomacy, 1945–65
Blee, L.
Public History and Justice
Blier, S. P.
The Deep History of Africa: New Narrative Approaches
Blight, D. W.
The Emancipation Proclamation at 150: Dynamics, Contexts, and Legacies
Block, K.
Imagining Lives/Places/Stories: Historians and Fiction
Blouin, F. X.
Research Support Services for History Scholars: A Study of Evolving Research Methods in History
Blum, E. J.
Evil in America from the Early Republic to the Christian Right
Religious Lives, Religious Subjects: Biography and American Religious History
Blyth, L. R.
Exploring a Range of Careers outside the Academy
Bohl, C.
American Catholics and the Virgin Mary: Defining, Distancing, and Domesticating Marian Devotion
Bohling, J.
Drinking Outside the Café: New Fields of Exploration in French Alcohol Studies
Boles, J. L.
Intervening the City: Feminist Photography, Conceptual Art, and Experimental Cinema in Mexico City in the 1970s–80s
Bon Tempo, C.
Bridging the 1924 and 1965 Immigration Acts: Refugees and Cold War U.S. Immigration Policy
Human Rights in Recent History: Local, National, and Transnational Perspectives
Bond, R.
The Oldest Alternative Profession: What Doctoral Programs Can Do to Improve History Teaching
Bonfield, L.
Court Order? Tracking Gender History through Legal Records
Bonta, A.
One-Hundred and Fifty Years of Catholic Education in America, 1840–1990: From Pre-Civil War to Post-Cold War
Borges, D. E.
Migration and Diaspora III: Religious Diasporas of the Americas, 1920s–60s
Borgwardt, E.
The Global Dimensions of U.S. Power: Rethinking Liberal Internationalism at the Midcentury
Human Rights in Recent History: Local, National, and Transnational Perspectives
Boris, E.
Constructing a Global Twentieth-Century Workforce: Outside Investors, Local Leaders, and Indigenous Workers
Changing the Narrative: Linda K. Kerber and Evolving Histories of Women and the State
Borja, M. M.
Undocumented Lives and Stories: Methods for Historical Research of Peoples without Archives
Bose, N.
Oral History and Intellectual History in Conversation: Methodological Innovation in Modern South Asia
Boster, D. H.
Part 2
Botts, J.
CANCELLED--Historicizing Openness and Secrecy: Utility, Values, the Foreign Relations of the United States Series, and the Debate over Government Transparency
Boucher, E. R.
Empire Stories: Pedagogical Approaches to Comparative Histories of Empire
Boyden, J. M.
Revolt of the Municipalities: Localism and Local Experience in the Hispanic World
Boyer Lewis, C.
Comparative Reflections on the History Major Capstone Experience: A Roundtable
Boylan, A.
Women's Media as Women's History
Bradley, M. P.
SHAFR Luncheon
Bradley, S. M.
Remembering and Rethinking Postwar Black Student Power and the Black Campus Movement
Brady, L. M.
Theorizing the History of War and the Environment
Brands, H. W.
Historians, Journalists, and the Challenges of Getting It Right: The Special Challenges of Biography
Brands, H.
Latin America in the Aftermath of the Chinese and Cuban Revolutions
Brasseaux, R.
Immigrants and Food Culture in New York and New Orleans
Braude, B.
The Politics of Papal Liturgy, Music, and Art during the Renaissance
Jewish Society and Culture in Italy during the Enlightenment and Napoleonic Period, 1750–1815
Bregoli, F.
Jewish Society and Culture in Italy during the Enlightenment and Napoleonic Period, 1750–1815
Brehm, S.
American Protestant Constructions of the “Holy Land”
Brekus, C. A.
American Protestant Constructions of the “Holy Land”
Evil in America from the Early Republic to the Christian Right
Brewer, S.
"He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother": Experiencing "America and the World" in the Community College Classroom
Brick, H.
Beyond Consensus: American Intellectual and Political Life, 1945–73
Brier, J.
The Queer U.S. South and Southward: A Comparative Roundtable on Histories of LGBT Activism
Committee on LGBT History Business Meeting
Brinkley, A.
Taxation and American Politics: A Roundtable to Commemorate the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Income Tax in America
Brinkley, D.
Before Katrina: The Decline of New Orleans from the Civil War to the Twenty-First Century
Brinkmann, S.
Food Policy and the Search for Modernity in Latin America
Brittsan, Z.
Landscapes of Memory and Regions of the Mind: Jumping Fences in Latin America’s Historical Terrain (Another Panel Honoring Eric Van Young)
Brodsky, A. M.
Migration and Diaspora III: Religious Diasporas of the Americas, 1920s–60s
Bronfman, A. M.
Part 1
Brooke, J. L.
Climate Change and Big History: From the Origin of Modern Humanity to the Little Ice Age
Brookins, J. A.
The Global Fatherland in the World of Nations: German Peoples and Their Citizenship, 1848–90
Tuning Project business meeting (invitation only)
Brooks, J. F.
War and Slavery in the Americas
Brouwer, R. C.
A Canadian Alternative? Protestant Narratives, Catholic Federalism, and Scriptural History in Comparative Perspective
Brown, A.
Entangled Narratives and Images: Genocide and Racial Segregation
Brown, C. L.
The Emancipation Proclamation at 150: Dynamics, Contexts, and Legacies
Brown, K.
What Is Climate History? Thinking about Climate and People across Time and Place
Brown, L. E.
The Bodies of Cultural Diplomacy, 1945–65
Brown, L.
Lives, Places, Histories of Racial Segregation, and the Behind the Veil Oral History Project
Brown, M. E.
Outgrowing Catholic Action? Transforming the Parochial Identity of American Lay Apostolates in the Vatican II Generation
Brown, P.
Peter Brown's
Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350–550 A.D.
Brown, R. M.
Women of the Iberian Atlantic
Brown-Fleming, S.
German Catholics, Protestants, and Jews and the Nazi Past: Modifying Existing Paradigms
Vatican Diplomacy from the Third Reich to the Cold War
Brownell, K. C.
Writing the Political History of Hollywood
Broyld, D. J.
In Pursuit of Equality: Frederick Douglass in the Transnational and National Paradigms
Brueckmann, R.
Revisiting the Second Women's Movement: Resistance, Race, Activism, and Coalition
Bruey, A. J.
Teaching and Teaching Materials Committee: 1973/2013: Chileanists Teach September 11th at 40
Bryan, W. D.
Whose Resources? Visions of Economic Development in a Global Perspective
Bryce, B.
Migration and Diaspora II: Family Economies, Community, and the State in Latin America
Bucheli, M.
Exports and Elites in Latin America’s Long Twentieth Century
Buckley, E. E.
Ecology, Technology, and (Counter)Rebellion in Latin America
Bueno, E. P.
Funny Stories of National Lives: Brazilian Comic Strips and the Forging of Twentieth-Century National Identity
Buffington, R.
New Approaches to Twentieth-Century Masculinity: The Case of Mexico, 1920–50
Bull, M.
Retelling the Bible in a New Place: Narratives of Holy War in the Middle Ages
Bunch, L.
Plenary Session: The Public Practice of History in and for a Digital Age
Bunkowski, L. M.
Boots on the Ground:
Soldiers, Families, and the Growth of Ft. Hood
, a Veterans Oral History Project
Burch, S.
Who Belongs Where? Spaces of Contest in American Conceptions of Disability
Part 1
Part 2
Burin, E.
At Ev’ry Word a Reputation Dies’: African Americans, Law, and Reputation in the Antebellum U.S. South
Burke, F.
Nature As Practice: Food, Agriculture, Childbirth
The Shift in History Education: The Next Big Thing
Burke, M.
Meet the Editors: A Hands-on Workshop with History Journal Editors
Burlingham, K.
From Decolonization to Globalization: New Research in Twentieth-Century Diplomatic History
Burnidge, C.
Presidents at Prayer
The Christian Origins of the American Century
Burns, J. M.
Health Care, Media, and Education: The Franciscan Experience in the United States
Writing the History of Vatican II: Archivists and Historians in Dialogue
Burr, W. B.
A Global History of Nuclear Non-Proliferation: The Beginnings, 1955–76
Bush, K. E.
Pre-Modern Women
Butler, A. D.
The Science and Spirit of Race in Twentieth-Century American Protestantism
Butler, J.
Another Historiographical Heresy?: Catholic Distinctiveness in American Religious History
Byrd, A. X.
New Orleans and the Slave Trade