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Author Index: S
Sabatino, M.
Teaching World History through Cities: What Architectural History Can Contribute to Reimagining World History
Sachsenmaier, D.
Premodern Empires and Connectivity: Spanish America, Muscovy, and China in Comparison, 16th to 19th Century
Law and Conquest in World History: The 2019 Toynbee Prize Lecture
Saffell, C. L.
The Past, Present, and Future of Museums of Food, Agriculture, and Rural Life
Sahotsky, B.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Classroom
Salas Landa, M.
Science and the Construction of Indigeneity in 20th-Century Mexico and Peru
Sales, J.
Exploring Transnational Approaches to the History of US-Southeast Asian Relations after 1945
Sameena, S.
New Approaches to Women's Camera Work, 1920–70s
San Martín, W.
Cultivating Environmental Reform: Competing Agrarian Politics in 20th-Century Latin America
Sanabria, E. A.
Regulation and Social Order in the Modern Mediterranean
Sanders, E.
Hofstadter's Ghosts: Reconsidering Populism, Extremism, and Conservatism in 20th-Century History
Sanders, G. E.
CFH Breakfast Reception
Sanders, J. T.
Experiential Learning in World History Pedagogy
Sanders, M. A.
Black Auto/Biography and History's Biographical Turn
Sanders, P.
The Middle East in the Academy: Examining the Legacy of Bernard Lewis
Sandler, W.
Central European History Society Presidential Panel: Europe and Beyond: Nazi Imperialism fromÂ
to Globalism
Sandoval-Strausz, A. K.
Ethnic Dynamics in American Cities, Suburbs, and Agri-towns: Explorations of How Ethnicity Shaped Urban Spaces after 1960
Santamaria Balmaceda, G. K.
Exploring the Loyalties of Perpetrators of Violence in 20th-Century Mexico
Santarelli, L.
Emotional Arenas? Italian Histories, 1860s
Sargent, N.
Interreligious Conflict in "Peace" and War
Sarkar, J.
Nuclear Globalization: The United States and Asia during the 1970s
Sarreal, J.
Building Loyalties and Creating National Identity in Argentina and Uruguay
Chile-Rio de la Plata Studies Committee Meeting: New Environmental Histories of Chile-Rio de la Plata
Sartorius, D.
Archival Disloyalties: Archives, Documentary Afterlives, and Critical Histories of Colonial Latin America
Loyalism in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions, Part 1: Roundtable on the State of the Field
Sarzynski, S.
Forging Loyalties in the Latin American Cold War: The Politics of Media, Cultural Productions, and Performances
Sasaki, M.
Secret Liaisons and Disloyalty: Space and Gender in Progressive-Era New York
Scaglia, I.
Internal/External Minorities
Transatlantic Loneliness: A Social, Political, and Cultural Inquiry
Schaefer, J. L.
Reform and Protest in Latin America
Schake, K.
Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations in the United States
Schaposchnik, A.
Colonial Studies Committee Meeting: Tuning the Colonial Survey
Schmidt, B. M.
Passages from Quantitative History to Digital Humanities
Schmidt, J.
A Roundtable on Reproductive Choice: Abortion and Infanticide in Premodern Europe and the Modern Americas
Schmidt, L. E.
Mindful Bodies: Intimate Histories of Modern Thought
Schneider, E.
Beyond Loyalty: Neutrals, Neutrality, and Zones of Occupation in the 18th-Century Atlantic
Spatial and Cartographic Literacies in the Shifting Geographies of Empire
Schoeppner, M.
Agitators for Citizenship in Antebellum America: Toward a New History of African American Citizenship
Schuhrke, J.
The Making of the Graduate Working Class: Perspectives on University Activism and Responsibility
Schwall, E.
Forging Loyalties at Century's Turn: Live Performance in Urbanizing Latin America
Schwall, E.
Forging Loyalties in the Latin American Cold War: The Politics of Media, Cultural Productions, and Performances
Schwaller, J.
How to Publish an Article on Latin American History: Talk to the Editors
Schwartz, V. R.
Mining the Archive for Missing Perspectives, from the Late 19th Century to the 1920s
Scott, A.
The Making of the Graduate Working Class: Perspectives on University Activism and Responsibility
Scott, B.
Future Destinations: New Perspectives on the History of Tourism to and from Latin America
Scott, E.
Slavery's Afterlives on Screen: A Crossdisciplinary Conversation on Historical Memory and Film
Scott, E.
Great Escapes: African American Migrants, Motorists, and Runaway Slaves and the Search for Freedom
Scott, H. V.
Mining (in) the Archive: New Approaches to the History of Mining in Colonial Latin America
Teaching the Environmental History of the Colonial Americas: Challenges, Prospects, and Future Directions
Scott, J.
Telling Big Stories in History Museums: Exhibitions, Narrative, and Synthesis
Scott, J.
After the Common Wind: Atlantic Studies and the Work of Julius S. Scott III
Scott, R. J.
After the Common Wind: Atlantic Studies and the Work of Julius S. Scott III
Scranton, P.
Communist Corporate Cultures: Enterprise between Political Principle and Profit Pursuit
Screpanti, F.
Renegades, Turncoats, and Converts in the Pre- and Early Modern Mediterranean
Scully, P.
Energizing Academic Assessment: A Values-Engaged Approach
Seale, Y.
Teaching a Diverse Medieval Europe: Undergraduate Pedagogy
Seed, P.
Mexican Studies Committee Meeting: Gender: How Are We Doing?
Seefeldt, D.
Network Analysis and Historical Scholarship: Roundtable
Network Analysis and Historical Scholarship: Short Talks Session
Seijas, T.
Missions and Presidios: Jesuits, Amerindians, Filipinos, and Muslims in the Spanish Pacific, 1556–1700
Part 2
Seitz, J. C.
Critical Terms (ACHA): Historical
Seligman, A. I.
Arnold Hirsch: Assessing the Legacy of the Second Ghetto Thesis
Selinske, K.
Beaver Meadows Visitor Center: Tested Allegiances
Seman, E.
On the Road: Films, Cars, and Suburbs in 20th-Century Argentina
Semley, L.
Women of African Descent and the Body as a Performative Tool to Negotiate Loyalty to Individual and/or Collective Power
Sequin, C.
Migration, Sexual Labor, and State Governance in the French Atlantic and the British World
Seraphim, F.
Cultures of Creativity in Wartime Japan
Sessions, J.
Zouaves: Comparing Histories of a 19th-Century Military Style
Sexton, J.
SHAFR Luncheon
Seymour, M.
Emotional Arenas? Italian Histories, 1860s
Shachar, U. Z.
Redrawing the Generic Boundaries of Premodern Polemics
Shaffer, K.
Anarchism in Global Historical Perspectives: Concepts, Networks, and Communities in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Shahan, M.
Historical Perspectives on Public-Private Partnerships
Shan, P. F.
Commemorating the Centenary of the May Fourth Movement: Assessing the Student and Intellectual Movement in 20th-Century China
Shankman, A.
Financing the State: Silver Coins, Paper Money, and Tax Revenue in Britain's Atlantic Empire and the United States, 1700
Shannon, K.
Preparing for the Professoriate: A Conversation on How to Realign Graduate Education with Careers in the Professoriate
Sharnak, D.
Transnational Human Rights Histories from the Americas: Discourse and Contested Negotiation in the 1980s
Sharp, K.
BHC Luncheon: Loyalty/Disloyalty in Business
Sharp, M.
Making America in the Middle East, 1860
Sharpe, C. T. V.
The Future Is Now: Lessons Learned from Three Digital Dissertations in History
Shaughnessy, K.
Teaching Changing Loyalties and Histories: The Queens Immigration Project
Sheehan, J. L.
Religious and Political Loyalties in the Early Modern and Modern West
Sheinin, D. M. K.
On the Road: Films, Cars, and Suburbs in 20th-Century Argentina
Shelton, J.
#RedForEd and Chicago: Historicizing Recent Teacher Strikes
Shepard, N.
Spies, Homophiles, and Race in the Americas, 1940–70
Sheppard, K.
Feminist Loyalties/Academic Disloyalties in Public
Sheppard, R.
New Approaches to Exile in Latin America
Shermer, E. T.
On the Margins in Reagan's America
Shrout, A. H.
Passages from Quantitative History to Digital Humanities
Shumway, J. M.
Building Loyalties and Creating National Identity in Argentina and Uruguay
Shutzer, M.
States of Emergency: Democracy and Authoritarianism in Postcolonial India
Sidbury, J.
Loyalism in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions, Part 2: New Research
Siegel, M.
Global Feminisms and 1919: Centennial Reconsiderations
Siegel, S.
The Making of the Graduate Working Class: Perspectives on University Activism and Responsibility
Siegrist, P.
Anarchism in Global Historical Perspectives: Concepts, Networks, and Communities in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Sierra Silva, P. M.
Atlantic Studies Committee Meeting
: Afromexican History and the Biographical Turn
Sikarskie, A.
Hashtagging YSL and Halston: What Museums Can Learn from Hashtags
Silliman, D.
Evangelical Loyalties Reconsidered: A Roundtable on Sex, Power, and the Media in the Study of American Evangelicalism
Sillitti, N.
Building Loyalties and Creating National Identity in Argentina and Uruguay
Silva, L.
The Many Careers in K-12: What Working in K-12 Education Really Looks Like
Simpson, A. T.
Historical Perspectives on Public-Private Partnerships
Simpson, M.
Zouaves: Comparing Histories of a 19th-Century Military Style
Sinjem, C.
Exploring the 1920 Census in Boulder, CO
Skidmore, E. E.
New Directions in History: Sexuality and Reproduction
Sklansky, J.
Financing the State: Silver Coins, Paper Money, and Tax Revenue in Britain's Atlantic Empire and the United States, 1700
Smart, D.
Strategies, Survival, and the Social History of Economic Depressions in 20th-Century Africa and the Indian Ocean World
Smith, A. M.
China by the Book: Cold War, Hot Topics
Smith, A.
Rossellini, Bergman, and Catholicism in Transatlantic Italian Cinema
Smith, D. C.
What Are Corporations Good For? Markets, Social Responsibility, and the State
Smith, H. L.
Foremothers: Looking Back, Looking Forward—Dedicated to Berenice Carroll
Smith, N. S.
Stretched or Cropped Margins? Annotation Studies between the Disciplines
Smith, R.
Prison/Education: Historians Take on a National Debate
Smith, R. III
Humanities without Walls: An Experiment in Career Diversity Training
Smith, S.
Beyond Body and Color: Female Agency and Contesting Notions of Power and Legality in Colonial Latin America
Smith, S. E.
The Future Is Now: Lessons Learned from Three Digital Dissertations in History
Sneeringer, J.
International Music, National Traditions: Conflicts and Continuities in German Musical Taste
Snider, C.
Histories of Education beyond the State in Latin America
Snow, W.
Across the K-16 Continuum: Collaborative Conversations and Possibilities for History Education
Snyder, S. B.
Americans in the World: Transnational Histories of Everyday Americans Abroad
Snyder, T. L.
Part 1
So, B.
Breaking Loyalties? Tensions between the Graduate Experience and Career Diversity
Soares, J.
Travelers in a Divided World: Cold War Tourism
Sobrevilla Perea, N.
The European Experience of Latin American History, Perspectives from the Association of Latin American Historians in Europe (AHILA)
Late Breaking: Archives Burning: The Fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro and Beyond
Solinger, R.
Dismantling Historical Boundaries
Solis, G.
"Creolizing Thinking": A Roundtable Discussion of Stuart Hall's
Familiar Stranger: A Life between Two Islands
Soliz, C.
Cultivating Environmental Reform: Competing Agrarian Politics in 20th-Century Latin America
Soluri, J.
Chile-Rio de la Plata Studies Committee Meeting: New Environmental Histories of Chile-Rio de la Plata
Somerville, S.
Apropos Scholarship: When LGBTQ Historical Research Shaped Current Events and Activism
Soper, S. C.
Austria and Italy during the Risorgimento (In Honor of Alan J. Reinerman)
Soriano, C.
Atlantic Studies Committee Meeting
Sorrels, K.
Health, Disability, and the Transatlantic Counterculture
Spackman, B.
CANCELLED Orientalism and Its Discontents: Rethinking Approaches to Islam and Islamic Studies in Modern Europe
Sparrow, J. T.
Teaching US History in the Age of Trump: An International Perspective
Spear, S.
Teaching Changing Loyalties and Histories: The Queens Immigration Project
Specht, J.
Teaching US History in the Age of Trump: An International Perspective
Spillermaeker, F.
Rebellion as Revolution: Slave Uprisings in the Caribbean during the Age of Revolutions
Spring, K.
British Women's Loyalty to Nation in WWII
Squires, T.
(Re)Visions of Male-Male Sexuality in Japanese Historical TV Epics
St. Louis, S.
The Common Ground Initiative: Linking Intellectual History, Politics, and Public History in the Hauenstein Center at Grand Valley State University
Stacey, C.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Professional Wrestling: Race, Representation, and "Legitimacy"
Stahl, R. Y.
Critical Terms (ACHA): Catholic
God, Country, Service: Civil and Religious Loyalties in the US Army, 1775–1973
Stan, L.
Culture, Legacy, National Consciousness, and the Creation of the Modern Romanian State
Stanca-Mustea, C.
Loyalty to Whom? Conflicting Loyalties of International Civil Servants
Stanley, A. B.
Global Microhistory
Stauter-Halsted, K.
Comparative Histories of Sex Work in Iran and Egypt
Steingart, A.
Silicon Leviathan: Governing Visions for America in the "Age of the Computer"
Stern, A. M.
Health, Social Welfare, and Citizenship in the Americas, Part 1
Sterphone, J. III
The End of Emancipation? Sex, Gender, and Neo-Nationalism
Stertzer, J. E.
NHPRC/Mellon Publishing Cooperatives
Stevens, M.
The University and the State: Renewing the Academic Social Contract for the 21st Century
Stewart, L.
The Gendering of Loyalty in the 17th-Century British Civil Wars
Stewart, P. J.
"Lesbian-Like" Loyalties and Archival Silences, c. 1900
Stewart-Winter, T.
Queer Encounters with the US Legal System in the 20th Century
Tour of the Gerber/Hart Library and Archives
Stewart-Winter, T.
Divided Loyalties in the United States: Polarization and Partisanship in Contemporary America
Stokes, L.
Strangers in a Strange Land: Migration, Education, and Tradition in Germany and Britain since World War II
Sexology, Legal Activism, and the Question of Queer Patriotism in Germany, 1870
Stolte, C.
The Afro-Asian and Third World Moment
Stone, M.
Reestablishing Order: Grappling with the Aftermath of World War I in Italy
Strain, T. H.
John O'Connor Film Award Winner, Documentary:
Lorraine Hansberry: Sighted Eyes/Feeling Heart
Strang, C.
Teaching the Environmental History of the Colonial Americas: Challenges, Prospects, and Future Directions
Streets-Salter, H.
The Interwar Years
The Afro-Asian and Third World Moment
Strobel, M. A.
Foremothers: Looking Back, Looking Forward—Dedicated to Berenice Carroll
Ströhle, I.
Albanian Loyalties in the 20th Century
Strom, J.
Friends, Family, and Finance: Transnational Networks and the Shaping of an Italian Nation
Strongman, S.
In the Universities and on the Streets: LGBTQ History, Queer Studies, Social Movement Histories
Stryker, S.
Global Christine: Sex Change in Mexico, Taiwan, and the United States in the 1950s
Studnicki-Gizbert, D.
Teaching the Environmental History of the Colonial Americas: Challenges, Prospects, and Future Directions
Sufian, S.
Disability Rights at Home and Abroad: Changing Perspectives from 20th-Century United States and Japan
Sullivan, J.
Frontiers of Language and History in the Early Modern Americas
Sullivan, N.
A Roundtable on Reproductive Choice: Abortion and Infanticide in Premodern Europe and the Modern Americas
Sumner, J. A.
The Anti-Reelection Movement as Democratic Dialect in Mexico, 1900–30
Sundaram, F.
A Q & A with Publishers
Suri, J.
Unfaking the News: Historians in the Media in the Era of Trump
Susser, A.
The Middle East in the Academy: Examining the Legacy of Bernard Lewis
Sutton, M. A.
Campaigning for the Lord's Kingdom: Evangelical Political Loyalties and Legacies in Late 20th-Century America
Swafford, E.
Sustaining Scholarship: A Roundtable on Research Life Outside the Academy
Creating Careers for Women: Beyond the Professoriate
Swan, Q.
Caribbean Studies Committee Meeting: Forward Ever, Backward Never: Caribbean Migration and Its Impact on Global African Diasporic Movements
Swanson, R.
Race, Sport, and the Media: Representations and Voices of African Americans and Native Americans in 20th
Century Sports Journalism
Sweeney, D.
Central European History Society Presidential Panel: Europe and Beyond: Nazi Imperialism fromÂ
to Globalism
Sweet, J. H.
How to "Diversify" theÂ
American Historical Review
Beyond the Veil of Planter Power: Conjuring Loyalties in the Colonial Caribbean
"Five Slides in Five Minutes" Session for Early Career Scholars
Symes, C.
Decolonizing the Middle Ages: A Roundtable in Answer to Present Challenges
How to "Diversify" theÂ
American Historical Review
Syrett, N.
Spies, Homophiles, and Race in the Americas, 1940–70
Szkudliński, J.
Polish Soldiers' Loyalty in Transnational Context