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Author Index: C
Cabanes, B.
The Internal Enemy: Wartime Loyalties in the United States from the Civil War to World War II
Cadava, G. L.
Latino/as and the Reconfiguration of Group Loyalty for a Conservative Era
Plenary Session: Displaced Persons: The Present Crisis and Its Histories
Caddoo, C.
How to Say Yes and When to Say No: Navigating Service Work
Caden, M.
Financing the State: Silver Coins, Paper Money, and Tax Revenue in Britain's Atlantic Empire and the United States, 1700
Caglioti, A.
The Scorn of the President (and the Present): Teaching and Writing Politicized Histories in the Age of Trump
Cahill, C. D.
Part 2
Caires, M. T.
Financing the State: Silver Coins, Paper Money, and Tax Revenue in Britain's Atlantic Empire and the United States, 1700
Cajka, P.
Catechetics, Schools, and the Color Divide
Critical Terms (ACHA): Association
Calder, L. G.
What Are We Learning? Innovative Assessments and Student Learning in College-Level History Classes
Reading, Writing, History: Students' Literacy and the History Classroom
Three Enduring Problems for History Teachers (And How to Manage Them)
Callaghan, J.
Women and Liturgical Innovations in 20th-Century Chicago
Camiscioli, E.
Migration, Sexual Labor, and State Governance in the French Atlantic and the British World
Campbell, B.
Race, Sport, and the Media: Representations and Voices of African Americans and Native Americans in 20th
Century Sports Journalism
Campbell, L.
Magdalene Laundries and Women's Carceral Institutions
Cañizares-Esguerra, J.
Roundtable Sponsored by
Modern Intellectual History
in Honor of Charles Capper
Canning, K.
Innovations in Doctoral Education: Building Strong Partnerships between Programs and University Leadership
Capó, J. Jr.
Future Destinations: New Perspectives on the History of Tourism to and from Latin America
Lavender Scares: Reflections on US and Global Narratives of the State's Queer Exclusion
Cappello, L.
Open Educational Resources for History
Carbonneau, R. E.
Franciscans in the American Century: A Discussion of New Research
Missionary Impulse of Women Religious in the United States
Cardenas, J. Jr.
Infusing the History Survey with New and Innovative Scholarship: A Discussion
Cardon, N.
Americans in the World: Transnational Histories of Everyday Americans Abroad
Cardoza, A. L.
Friends, Family, and Finance: Transnational Networks and the Shaping of an Italian Nation
Carey, D. Jr.
Exploring the Loyalties of Perpetrators of Violence in 20th-Century Mexico
Views from the Northern Triangle
Carey, E.
Changing Minds: Old and New Directions in Drug and Alcohol History
Carey, E.
Accreditation, Student Learning, and Outcomes Assessment: What Does It Mean for Faculty?
Carlson, D.
Archives of Images, Archives of Texts: Comics as Sources for Historical Research
Carnaghi, B. L. S.
The Uses of Treason: Legitimacy, Identity, and Insurgency in Europe and the Americas
Carrick, C.
The Benefits of Banishment: Loyalist Exiles and Opportunity during the American Revolution
Carroll, C.
New Approaches to World History Pedagogy: Teaching Non-textual Literacy with Non-traditional Media
Carroll, J. T.
Catechetics, Schools, and the Color Divide
Scandals, Dissent, and Rumors
Carroll, P. J.
Love Gone Wrong: The Politics of Subversive Affections in Comparative Perspective
Carson, P.
Artists as Historians: A Dialogue on Art, History, and Collaboration
Carter, H. W.
Who Is Evangelical? Confronting Race in American Christianity
Casad, M.
The Future Is Now: Lessons Learned from Three Digital Dissertations in History
Casey, M. P.
Indigenous Catholicisms and the Second Vatican Council
Cassel, P. K.
Loyalties across Boundaries: Comparing and Connecting Loyalties in Early Modern Asia
Cassuto, L.
How Do We Fix the Advising Model for Humanities PhD Students?
Castillo, D.
Reconciling Catholicism in Prose and Arguments
Castro, J. J.
The Anti-Reelection Movement as Democratic Dialect in Mexico, 1900–30
Castro, M.
On the Margins in Reagan's America
Catlos, B. A.
Renegades, Turncoats, and Converts in the Pre- and Early Modern Mediterranean
Catton, J.
White Robes Vs. Black Robes Anti- Catholic Violence By the Ku Klux Klan in the American Deep South 1915-1965
Cedillo, A.
Exploring the Loyalties of Perpetrators of Violence in 20th-Century Mexico
Chafe, W.
Creating Careers for Women: Gender and the Historical Profession after 1969
Chakravarti, A.
Brazilian Studies Committee Meeting: New Perspectives on Indigenous Peoples and Modernity
John F. Richards Prize Roundtable Discussion of Audrey Truschke's
Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court
Chambers, G. A.
Caribbean Studies Committee Meeting: Forward Ever, Backward Never: Caribbean Migration and Its Impact on Global African Diasporic Movements
Chambliss, M.
CANCELLED: The Black Chicago Renaissance: People, Texts, and Contexts
Chang, D.
How to "Diversify" theÂ
American Historical Review
Chang, S. F.
Migration, Sexual Labor, and State Governance in the French Atlantic and the British World
Chanis, S.
Visualizing Guangdong and the World: Maps in the Comprehensive Gazetteer of Guangdong of Late Ming China
Chappell, D. L.
What Are Corporations Good For? Markets, Social Responsibility, and the State
Chaturvedi, V.
CAH/SAHSA Luncheon
SAHSA/CAH Luncheon
Chaudhuri, N.
Internal/External Minorities
Chaudhuri, N.
Creating Careers for Women: Gender and the Historical Profession after 1969
Chávez, D.
Police Brutality in Communities of Color
Chavez, J. M.
Views from the Northern Triangle
Chawla, S.
CANCELLED: Building a Road: Doklam and the Fashioning of a Loyal Citizenry in Modern Asia
The "Renunciation Clause" and the Making of a Loyal Citizen in Postcolonial India
Chen, D.
Loyalty and Disloyalty: Migration, Identity, and Dislocation of Culture and Politics in (Early) Modern Asia
Chen, J.
Knowledge and Practice in Circulation: Islam, Medicine, and Science in the Modern World
Chernetsky, V.
Apropos Scholarship: When LGBTQ Historical Research Shaped Current Events and Activism
Chiang, H.
Global Christine: Sex Change in Mexico, Taiwan, and the United States in the 1950s
Childs, G.
Black Subject(ivities) and Interiorities: Gender and the Global Intellectual and Political Histories of Black Fugitives and Rebels
Chin, A. P.
Comparing the Lives of Key Religious Texts in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Chin, R.
How Do We Fix the Advising Model for Humanities PhD Students?
Chira, A.
Rethinking Freedom and Manumission in Latin America and the Atlantic World
Cho, S. J.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Classroom
Issues of Access: The Promise and Structural Challenges of Digital Humanities for Scholars of East Asia
Choi, H.
Beyond the Constraints of Colonial and Social Hierarchies: Contributions of Korean Diasporas to the Multicultural Events in Early 20th-Century Hawai'i
Choudhury, R.
Family Matters: Intimacy, Affect, and Political Life in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century
Christensen, R.
Chile-Rio de la Plata Studies Committee Meeting: New Environmental Histories of Chile-Rio de la Plata
Christiansen, S. M. R.
Loyalty and Competing Narratives in Oral History
Christmas, D.
Nostalgia and Narrative after Charlottesville: Comparing Myths of Origins in the Middle Ages and the American Civil War
Christmas, S.
Issues of Access: The Promise and Structural Challenges of Digital Humanities for Scholars of East Asia
Socialist Experiments at Nationalist China's Frontiers, 1920s
Chung, C. P. C.
Fluid Realms: Chinese Conceptions of Maritime Space and Territory in the South China Sea from the 18th to the 20th Century
Chung, P.
Building Empire: Infrastructure, Materiality, and Mobility in the Age of Globalization
Church, C. M.
Preparing for the Professoriate: A Conversation on How to Realign Graduate Education with Careers in the Professoriate
Churchill, D. S.
Queer Transnational Loyalties: Movement Building beyond the Nation-State
Cieslak, M.
Different Faces of Polishness
Cinnamon, S.
Why Study History? (Re)Creating Loyalties between Tradition and Innovation for Historical Studies in the 21st Century
Clark, C.
The Marathon of Academic Writing and Getting Out of Your Own Way
Clark, D.
Building the Polish Diaspora: Polish Communities Abroad
Clark, E.
Enslaved by the Archives?
Clark, J. M. H.
: Afromexican History and the Biographical Turn
Clark, V. A.
Infusing the History Survey with New and Innovative Scholarship: A Discussion
Clines, R. J.
Rome, City of Foreigners: Negotiating Difference in the Early Modern Eternal City
Clinton, C.
#MeToo in History: The Profession, Our Scholarship, Flawed (S)Heroes
Clites, B.
Women and Liturgical Innovations in 20th-Century Chicago
Critical Terms (ACHA): Catholic
Cobble, D. S.
Global Feminisms and 1919: Centennial Reconsiderations
Coffman, E.
The Gods of Indian Country: Religion and the Struggle for the American West
Cogan, S.
Building Authentic Undergraduate Research Opportunities in the Archives at Every Level: Integrating Special Collections Materials into the Classroom at a Large Public University
Cohen, E.
Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations in the United States
Cohen, L.
Alan Brinkley: A Life in History
Cole, V. A.
Creating Careers for Women: Beyond the Professoriate
Coleman, K. P.
Photography, Working Histories, Laboring Lives: A Companion Panel to
Radical History Review
Issue 132
Collins, J. R.
Publishing a Successful Journal Article in a Challenging Environment
Compeau, T.
Loyalism in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions, Part 2: New Research
Connolly, N.
Arnold Hirsch: Assessing the Legacy of the Second Ghetto Thesis
Connors, L. J.
Saint-Domingue and Disciplinary (Dis)Loyalties: Literature and History
Conroy-Krutz, E.
It's Not Midcareer Malaise: Strategies for the Second Book and Beyond
Constance, R. L.
The Costs of Motherhood: Capitalism and Reproduction in the United States, 1900 to the Present
Contreras, C. A.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Classroom
Infusing the History Survey with New and Innovative Scholarship: A Discussion
Conzen, K. N.
Creating Careers for Women: Gender and the Historical Profession after 1969
Cook, J. W.
The Politics of Black Celebrity: A Comparative Historical Roundtable
Cook, P.
Loyalism at Akwesasne and Glengarry in the Age of Revolution
Cooper, B.
Intergenerational Loyalties and the Genealogies of Black Feminist Thought
Cooper, S. E.
Foremothers: Looking Back, Looking Forward—Dedicated to Berenice Carroll
Cooper, S.
Ethnic Loyalties in the 19th-Century Irish Atlantic World
Corbman, R.
In the Universities and on the Streets: LGBTQ History, Queer Studies, Social Movement Histories
Cordell, R.
Book Me: Critical Bibliography and the Cultural Uses of Printed Media to Construct and Contest Global Identities, 1700–1970
Cossen, W.
Late Breaking: A Church in Crisis: Catholic Sex Abuse in Historical Context
Costambeys, M.
Archival Practice and the Life Cycles of Records in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Courtwright, D. T.
Loyal to God, Loyal to Science: From Religious Temperance to Medicalized Anti-Alcoholism around the World, 1880
Anarchism in Global Historical Perspectives: Concepts, Networks, and Communities in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Covert, L.
Future Destinations: New Perspectives on the History of Tourism to and from Latin America
Covo, M.
Thinking within and without 1791–1804
Cowan, B. A.
Scandalous Soundbites: Journalism and Media Archives in 20th-Century Latin America
Lavender Scares: Reflections on US and Global Narratives of the State's Queer Exclusion
Cox Hall, A.
Science and the Construction of Indigeneity in 20th-Century Mexico and Peru
Cozart, D.
Making the Invisible Visible in Latin American History
Craig, K.
Network Analysis and Historical Scholarship: Roundtable
Cressler, M. J.
Critical Terms (ACHA): American
Black Catholics in a White Church: Negotiating Racial Exclusion in Chicago
Criales, J.
Beyond Body and Color: Female Agency and Contesting Notions of Power and Legality in Colonial Latin America
Cromwell, J.
Beyond Loyalty: Neutrals, Neutrality, and Zones of Occupation in the 18th-Century Atlantic
Cronon, W.
It's Not Midcareer Malaise: Strategies for the Second Book and Beyond
Crossley, P. K.
Loyalties and Resistance in Early Modern Eurasian Empires
Crosthwaite, P.
The History of Financial Advice
Crouch, C. A.
Deserting Empires
Crow, J.
New Perspectives on Latin American Labor History
Crowley, M.
British Women's Loyalty to Nation in WWII
Police Brutality in Communities of Color
Cruz, J.
Latino/as and the Reconfiguration of Group Loyalty for a Conservative Era
Cuddy, A.
Humanities without Walls: An Experiment in Career Diversity Training
Cullon, J. F.
Repositioning History in the Undergraduate Curriculum with NEH Support
Cumings, B.
Two More Years of Trump: What Is to Be Done?
Cummings, A. S.
Academic Blogging Roundtable: Networks, Perspectives, and Trajectories
Cummings, K. S.
Franciscans in the American Century: A Discussion of New Research
Curley, OSB, A.
Catholicism and the Conundrum of Race
Curtis, J.
International Music, National Traditions: Conflicts and Continuities in German Musical Taste
Cushman, G. T.
Teaching the Environmental History of the Colonial Americas: Challenges, Prospects, and Future Directions