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Author Index: P
Padfield Narayan, A.
Socially Constructing Space: Comparing Urban and Rural Civil War Monuments in Maryland
Pahumi, N.
Albanian Loyalties in the 20th Century
Paley, V.
Telling Big Stories in History Museums: Exhibitions, Narrative, and Synthesis
Palmer, A. L.
Stretched or Cropped Margins? Annotation Studies between the Disciplines
Palmer, J. A.
Private Loyalties, Public Faces: Gender, Violence, and Law in Medieval and Renaissance Italy
Pamonag, F. D.
(Re)Defining History, Doing History: Whose History? Whose Archives?
Panto, D.
Building the Polish Diaspora: Polish Communities Abroad
Pantsov, A.
Bolshevik Loyalties: The Russian Revolution and Revolutionaries in Japan, China, and Egypt
Park, B. E.
Academic Blogging Roundtable: Networks, Perspectives, and Trajectories
Pasto, J.
American Ethnics in the Post-World War II Decades
Pathania, G. J.
Cafes Cultures in India since 1950
Patterson, S. E.
Cutting a New Military Figure: Transforming Gender Ideals in the 20th-Century American Military
Paxman, A.
Good and Bad Government in Latin American History
Pearsall, S.
Love Gone Wrong: The Politics of Subversive Affections in Comparative Perspective
Pearson, J.
Redrawing the Generic Boundaries of Premodern Polemics
Peeler, T.
Experiential Learning in World History Pedagogy
Pelegrin Taboada, R.
Good and Bad Government in Latin American History
Pembleton, M. R.
The New Drug History and US Foreign Policy: Perspectives and Methodologies
Peng, C.
The 1919 Moment in East Asia: New Perspectives at the Centennial
Perez Morales, E.
After the Common Wind: Atlantic Studies and the Work of Julius S. Scott III
Pérez-Varela, T.
Trends in Puerto Rico's Historiography of Technology: Innovation, Development, Empire, Race, Gender
Perin, R.
Politics and Popes in European Nations
Perlman, A.
Re-Viewing Watergate,
Eyes on the Prize
NET Journal
, and Cinéma Vérité: A Roundtable on Using a Public Broadcasting Digital Archive
Slavery's Afterlives on Screen: A Crossdisciplinary Conversation on Historical Memory and Film
Perri, M. H.
Reading, Writing, History: Students' Literacy and the History Classroom
Perry, A. B.
Teaching with the History and Policy Education Program
Historical Perspective on US Housing Policy
Perry, D.
Nostalgia and Narrative after Charlottesville: Comparing Myths of Origins in the Middle Ages and the American Civil War
Perry, D. M.
History Advising and AHA Tuning
Perry, K. H.
"Creolizing Thinking": A Roundtable Discussion of Stuart Hall's
Familiar Stranger: A Life between Two Islands
Policing and Resistance in the Global 1950s
Pertilla, A.
The Economics of Loyalty in North America, 18th
20th Century
Pestana, C. G.
Food and Long-Distance Commerce in the Early Modern World
Peterson, T. H.
Late Breaking: Federal Agency Records: Who Decides What Is Kept?
Petit, J. D.
Public Ministry of Catholic Women
Petrinca, R.
Culture, Legacy, National Consciousness, and the Creation of the Modern Romanian State
The 100th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Conference, Successor States in the Interwar Period: Continuities, Ambiguities, and Controversies
Petro, A.
Critical Terms (ACHA): Catholic
Phelps, W.
Queer Encounters with the US Legal System in the 20th Century
Physioc, F.
18th- and 19th-Century Visions of Abundance and Scarcity in the Americas: Florida, the Caribbean, and Río de la Plata
Pienkos, A.
War, Displacement, and the Polish Communities
Pienkos, D.
Reconstructions, Processes, and (Invented) Traditions
Pieragastini, S.
Manchuria through Chinese and Japanese Eyes
Pierce, J. B.
Digital Approaches to Book History: A Roundtable
Pilcher, J.
Globalization and Industrialization: History and Food Panel
Piña, U.
Cumplo Pero No Obedezco
(I Comply, but I Do Not Obey): Negotiating State Power in 20th-Century Latin America
Pincince, J. R.
John F. Richards Prize Roundtable Discussion of Audrey Truschke's
Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court
Ping, L. J.
Conflicted Loyalties: American Women across History and in the Classroom
Pitre, M.
Resistance, Activism, and Protest
Pitts, J.
Continuing Relevance of the Enlightenment
Pliley, J. R.
New Directions in History: Sexuality and Reproduction
Migration, Sexual Labor, and State Governance in the French Atlantic and the British World
Plum, C.
Strangers in a Strange Land: Migration, Education, and Tradition in Germany and Britain since World War II
Plummer, J.
Missionary Impulse of Women Religious in the United States
Plys, K.
States of Emergency: Democracy and Authoritarianism in Postcolonial India
Po, R. C.
Fluid Realms: Chinese Conceptions of Maritime Space and Territory in the South China Sea from the 18th to the 20th Century
Polland, A.
On the Front Lines of History: Educators at History Museums, Archives, and Historic Sites
Pomeranz, K.
Neoliberalism: The History and Future of a Word
Pompeian, E.
Beyond Loyalty: Neutrals, Neutrality, and Zones of Occupation in the 18th-Century Atlantic
Ponzio, A.
Queer Transnational Loyalties: Movement Building beyond the Nation-State
Popp, V.
Funding Opportunities in the Humanities from Foundations and Nonprofits
Porter, C. M.
Lay Leadership and Ecumenism in North America
Portillo, S.
Central American Studies Committee Meeting: Archives: Lies, Obstructions, and Possibility
Poska, A. M.
Publishing a Successful Journal Article in a Challenging Environment
Potter, C.
Why Can't We All Just Get Along? The Debate over Free Speech on Campus
Prison/Education: Historians Take on a National Debate
Social Media for Historians: A Practical Guide
Potter, P. M.
Visualizing Victory, Visualizing Defeat: The Material Culture of Occupation in the Wake of World War II
Potter-Ndiaye, E.
On the Front Lines of History: Educators at History Museums, Archives, and Historic Sites
Power, M. M.
On the Road: Films, Cars, and Suburbs in 20th-Century Argentina
Loyalties and Disloyalties: Communist Parties and Members from the Americas to the World
Two More Years of Trump: What Is to Be Done?
Powers, A. G.
Careers in Community Colleges: A Roundtable Discussion
Making Sense of Dual Credit in History: A Roundtable Discussion
Powers, A.
Plenary: Genealogy, Genetics, and History
Prado, F.
Beyond Loyalty: Neutrals, Neutrality, and Zones of Occupation in the 18th-Century Atlantic
Atlantic Studies Committee Meeting
Premo, B.
Archival Disloyalties: Archives, Documentary Afterlives, and Critical Histories of Colonial Latin America
Love Gone Wrong: The Politics of Subversive Affections in Comparative Perspective
Late Breaking: Archives Burning: The Fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro and Beyond
Prest, J.
Saint-Domingue and Disciplinary (Dis)Loyalties: Literature and History
Proia, B.
A Q & A with Publishers
Prom, C.
Late Breaking: Federal Agency Records: Who Decides What Is Kept?
Puente Valdivia, J.
Cultivating Environmental Reform: Competing Agrarian Politics in 20th-Century Latin America
Pula, J.
Polish Soldiers' Loyalty in Transnational Context
Different Faces of Polishness
Pulley, A.
"Chairman Fred Lives": The Life and Legacies of Fred Hampton, Illinois Black Panther Party Chairman
Purushotham, S.
States of Emergency: Democracy and Authoritarianism in Postcolonial India
Puskar-Pasewicz, M.
The Marathon of Academic Writing and Getting Out of Your Own Way
Putnam, L. E.
Central American Studies Committee Meeting: Archives: Lies, Obstructions, and Possibility
Pytka, M. T.
Loyalty to a Patriotic Ideal? And If So, Which? Memory Politics and Cultural Politics in Post-World War II Poland