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Author Index: D
D'Emilio, J. A.
In the Universities and on the Streets: LGBTQ History, Queer Studies, Social Movement Histories
Remembering 1969: Historians and the Living Past
Dabel, J. E.
SHE National Advisory Board Meeting
Daitoku, T.
Nuclear Globalization: The United States and Asia during the 1970s
Daly, T.
Selective Globalizations: The Artist as Laborer
Daniel, J.
Cuban Trees for the Atlantic: Ship Construction and Environmental Change in Cuba under the Early Spanish Bourbons, 1700
Dantas, M. L.
Black Auto/Biography and History's Biographical Turn
Part 1
Darien, A. T.
Policing and Resistance in the Global 1950s
Datoo, S.
Knowledge and Practice in Circulation: Islam, Medicine, and Science in the Modern World
Daut, M. L.
Thinking within and without 1791–1804
David, K.
Manufacturing Loyalties from Mao to Now: Education and Conflicting Duties in China's 20th Century and Beyond, 1938
David-Ismail, M.
Loyalty to Whom? Conflicting Loyalties of International Civil Servants
Dávila, J.
Inter-American Lives and Loyalties: Ties That Bound
Davis, D.
Mapping Family, Race, and Tribe in Indian Territory: Intersectional Loyalties and Allotment Era Policies Personified
Davis, D.
Making Sense of Dual Credit in History: A Roundtable Discussion
Davis, E.
The South and American Catholicism
Davis, M.
Making the Survey Course Engaging
Davis, R.
Comparing the Lives of Key Religious Texts in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Davis-Secord, S.
Teaching a Diverse Medieval Europe: Undergraduate Pedagogy
Dawley, E.
The 1919 Moment in East Asia: New Perspectives at the Centennial
Issues of Access: The Promise and Structural Challenges of Digital Humanities for Scholars of East Asia
Dawson, A.
Science and the Construction of Indigeneity in 20th-Century Mexico and Peru
Dawson, S. T.
British Women's Loyalty to Nation in WWII
CCWH Annual Awards and 50th Anniversary Celebration Luncheon
CCWH Annual Business Meeting
Dayal, S.
Loyalties and Resistance in Early Modern Eurasian Empires
de Almeida, M. L.
Expanding the Atlantic Toolkit: An Exploration of Historical Linguistics for Atlantic History
De, A.
CANCELLED: Building a Road: Doklam and the Fashioning of a Loyal Citizenry in Modern Asia
de Avilez Rocha, G.
Late Breaking: "
Nunca Mais
?": Reflections on the 2018 Brazilian Presidential Election
de Carvalho Soares, M.
Late Breaking: Archives Burning: The Fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro and Beyond
de Chantal, J.
British Women's Loyalty to Nation in WWII
de Groot, S.
Queer Transnational Loyalties: Movement Building beyond the Nation-State
De Leon, A.
Photography, Working Histories, Laboring Lives: A Companion Panel to
Radical History Review
Issue 132
de Luna, K.
Expanding the Atlantic Toolkit: An Exploration of Historical Linguistics for Atlantic History
De Orio, S.
New Directions in American Legal History, Part 2
de Syon, G.
Travelers in a Divided World: Cold War Tourism
de Vera, S.
African American Women's Activism during the Civil War
DeAnda, N.
Critical Terms (ACHA): Association
Decatur, S.
Why Can't We All Just Get Along? The Debate over Free Speech on Campus
DeFonso, C. R.
Queer Transnational Loyalties: Movement Building beyond the Nation-State
DeGrazia, B.
Breaking Loyalties? Tensions between the Graduate Experience and Career Diversity
del Moral, S.
Histories of Education beyond the State in Latin America
Del Rio, C.
Building Queer-Inclusive Curriculum and Student Life beyond the R1
Del Rio, R.
Changing Minds: Old and New Directions in Drug and Alcohol History
DeLay, B. E.
Loyalties and Migrations in World History
Delgado, J. L.
Critical Terms (ACHA): Historical
Archival Disloyalties: Archives, Documentary Afterlives, and Critical Histories of Colonial Latin America
DeMare, B. J.
China by the Book: Cold War, Hot Topics
Demarest, W.
Commodities, Environment, and Space in Latin America
Demuth, B.
The Scorn of the President (and the Present): Teaching and Writing Politicized Histories in the Age of Trump
Denbo, S.
Network Analysis and Historical Scholarship: Roundtable
Social Media for Historians: A Practical Guide
Denial, C. J.
What Are We Learning? Innovative Assessments and Student Learning in College-Level History Classes
Denning, A.
Building Empire: Infrastructure, Materiality, and Mobility in the Age of Globalization
Dennis, A.
CANCELLED: The Black Chicago Renaissance: People, Texts, and Contexts
Denny, C.
Reconciling Catholicism in Prose and Arguments
Derby, L.
Beyond the Veil of Planter Power: Conjuring Loyalties in the Colonial Caribbean
Derengowski, P.
Polish Soldiers' Loyalty in Transnational Context
Derrick, S. L.
Comparing the Lives of Key Religious Texts in the 20th and 21st Centuries
DeSilva, J. M.
Rome, City of Foreigners: Negotiating Difference in the Early Modern Eternal City
DeVun, L.
Committee on LGBTQ Status in the Profession Open Forum
The Place of LGBTQ Scholars in the Historical Profession
Diaz Arias, D.
Central American Studies Committee Meeting: Archives: Lies, Obstructions, and Possibility
Diaz, A. J.
Making the Invisible Visible in Latin American History
Diaz Burgos, A.
Part 1
Diaz, C. J.
Breaking Loyalties? Tensions between the Graduate Experience and Career Diversity
Diaz, D.
Across the K-16 Continuum: Collaborative Conversations and Possibilities for History Education
Diaz, M.
Mexican Studies Committee Meeting: Gender: How Are We Doing?
Dichtl, J.
Diving into the Data: What the Numbers Say about the Careers of Humanities PhDs
Dietz, M.
Teaching World History through Cities: What Architectural History Can Contribute to Reimagining World History
Dingwall, C.
African American Designers in Chicago: The Archive, the Gallery, and the Practices of Public History
Dinwoodie, J.
Sovereignty, Slavery, and Civilization: Contested Allegiances in Indian Country, 1750–1860
Divine, D. R.
The Middle East in the Academy: Examining the Legacy of Bernard Lewis
Dize, N.
Academic Blogging Roundtable: Networks, Perspectives, and Trajectories
Dolfi, E.
Evangelical Loyalties Reconsidered: A Roundtable on Sex, Power, and the Media in the Study of American Evangelicalism
Domby, A.
Late Breaking: Removing Silent Sam: History, Memory, and Activism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Domenico, R.
Austria and Italy during the Risorgimento (In Honor of Alan J. Reinerman)
Rossellini, Bergman, and Catholicism in Transatlantic Italian Cinema
SIHS Business Meeting
SIHS Social Hour
Donovan, B. M.
Religion and Society in the Early Modern Portuguese Atlantic World
Doron, R.
Questioning Loyalties: Nation and Tradition in 19th- and 20th-Century Africa
Dotson, J.
New Directions in Black Thought and Culture in the Era of Mass Media
Downey, J.
Critical Terms (ACHA): Association
Downey, J.
Late Breaking: A Church in Crisis: Catholic Sex Abuse in Historical Context
Downs, J.
The Place of LGBTQ Scholars in the Historical Profession
Doyle, D. A.
Committee on LGBTQ Status in the Profession Open Forum
Doyle, N.
Troubling Maternity in the 18th- and 19th-Century Anglo-Atlantic
Draper, M.
Spatial and Cartographic Literacies in the Shifting Geographies of Empire
Draper, T. D.
Infusing the History Survey with New and Innovative Scholarship: A Discussion
Dries, M.
Mining (in) the Archive: New Approaches to the History of Mining in Colonial Latin America
Dries, M.
Mining (in) the Archive: New Approaches to the History of Mining in Colonial Latin America
Du Mez, K. K.
Who Is Evangelical? Confronting Race in American Christianity
Du, Y.
Manufacturing Loyalties from Mao to Now: Education and Conflicting Duties in China's 20th Century and Beyond, 1938
Dubois, L. M.
After the Common Wind: Atlantic Studies and the Work of Julius S. Scott III
Artists as Historians: A Dialogue on Art, History, and Collaboration
Saint-Domingue and Disciplinary (Dis)Loyalties: Literature and History
DuBose-Simons, C. J.
Careers in Community Colleges: A Roundtable Discussion
Dudziak, M. L.
Late Breaking: Federal Agency Records: Who Decides What Is Kept?
Duedahl, P.
Loyalty to Whom? Conflicting Loyalties of International Civil Servants
Dueñas, A.
Colonial Studies Committee Meeting: Tuning the Colonial Survey
Dugan, K. A.
Women and Liturgical Innovations in 20th-Century Chicago
Critical Terms (ACHA): Catholic
Duke Bryant, K. M.
Can Loyalty Be Taught? Curricula and Politics across the 20th-Century Colonial World
Dumitru, B.
Culture, Legacy, National Consciousness, and the Creation of the Modern Romanian State
The 100th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Conference, Successor States in the Interwar Period: Continuities, Ambiguities, and Controversies
Dunai, S.
Regulation and Social Order in the Modern Mediterranean
Dunak, K. M.
Building Queer-Inclusive Curriculum and Student Life beyond the R1
Duncan, J.
Building Authentic Undergraduate Research Opportunities in the Archives at Every Level: Integrating Special Collections Materials into the Classroom at a Large Public University
Duncan, L.
Hallmarks of Community Concern: Greeting Cards as Body Education for Children with Polio
Duncan, N.
Intergenerational Loyalties and the Genealogies of Black Feminist Thought
Dunn, J. P.
Polish Soldiers' Loyalty in Transnational Context
Dunn, M. C.
Critical Terms (ACHA): Historical
Dursteler, E.
Rome, City of Foreigners: Negotiating Difference in the Early Modern Eternal City
Dussart, F.
Servicing the Empire: Race, Gender, and Domestic Service in the Empire
Dutt, R.
Competing Loyalties, Competing Empires: The Belize-Yucatan-Guatemala Frontier from the 17th to the 19th Centuries
Dyck, J.
Missions and Presidios: Jesuits, Amerindians, Filipinos, and Muslims in the Spanish Pacific, 1556–1700
Dyrli Hermeling, A.
Roundtable: History Podcasting as Graduate Students
Dzurec, D. J.
Scandals, Dissent, and Rumors