Teaching Those Other Texas Standards: The Texas College Ready Standards, Skill Based History Education, and P-16 Alignment

AHA Session 208
Saturday, January 5, 2013: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Rhythms Ballroom 1 (Sheraton New Orleans)
Keith A. Erekson, University of Texas at El Paso

Session Abstract

While many historians are familiar with the controversies that erupted over the creation of new Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards for high school American History in Texas in 2010, they might not be familiar with other state standards that are effecting history education in the state at both the HS and College level - the College and Career Readiness Ready Standards (CCRS).  Unlike the TEKS standards which focus on historical content, the CCRS focus on the development of skills such as historical thinking, the critical examination of sources, and the development of arguments, that students need to succeed in a college level history class.  While new TEKS have become highly contentious and partisan, the CCRS provoked comparatively less attention and have the potential to have a far more transformative impact on historical education in the state.  These new standards have created an opportunity to improve the quality and rigor of historical education at the secondary and college level. These standards also provide a pathway for the greater alignment of historical education at all levels of public schoolings, from p-16, in Texas.

See more of: AHA Sessions