132nd Annual Meeting (January 4-7, 2018)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

8:00 AM-9:30 AM

8:00 AM-10:00 AM

UHA Board Meeting
Urban History Association

8:00 AM-11:00 AM

CLAH Information Table
Conference on Latin American History

8:00 AM-6:00 PM

8:30 AM-10:00 AM

Teaching Capitalism
AHA Session 159

American Catholic Sexual Revolutions
American Catholic Historical Association 12

CFH Breakfast Reception
Conference on Faith and History

Daily Lives in the Polish American Communities
Polish American Historical Association 6

8:30 AM-10:30 AM

Poster Session #1
AHA Session

8:30 AM-4:00 PM

9:00 AM-5:00 PM

NEH Information Table
National Endowment for the Humanities

9:00 AM-6:00 PM

9:30 AM-12:30 PM

10:00 AM-12:00 PM

Film Screening: <em>Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin</em>
Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History

10:30 AM-12:00 PM

Catholic Images, Narratives, and Identities in Early Modern Europe
American Catholic Historical Association 17

Corruption and Anticorruption in Modern China
Chinese Historians in the United States 3

Visibility and Viability: Queer Communities of Color in 20th-Century American History
Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History 10

Slavery and Gradual Emancipation in the Americas
Conference on Latin American History 43

History and the Future
Goldberg Center for Excellence in Teaching 2

A Roundtable with Historians for Peace and Democracy
MARHO: The Radical Historians' Organization 2

Federal Government Historians and the Public
National History Center of the American Historical Association 7

10:30 AM-12:30 PM

Poster Session #2
AHA Session

11:30 AM-2:00 PM

12:00 PM-1:30 PM

SHAFR Luncheon
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

12:00 PM-2:00 PM

ACHA Presidential Luncheon
American Catholic Historical Association

CEHS Board Meeting
Central European History Society

12:15 PM-1:30 PM

Annual Awards Luncheon of the CCWH
Coordinating Council for Women in History

1:00 PM-3:00 PM

Poster Session #3
AHA Session

1:00 PM-4:00 PM

1:30 PM-3:00 PM

A Q & A with Publishers
AHA Session 209

New Perspectives on Puerto Rican Nationalism
Conference on Latin American History 50

Polish Immigrants in the United States since the 1970s
Polish American Historical Association 8

1:30 PM-3:30 PM

3:00 PM-4:30 PM

3:30 PM-5:00 PM

Starving Women’s Bodies
AHA Session 249

Order beyond Borders
AHA Session 255

Faith, Doubt, and Religious Transformation in Modern Europe
American Catholic Historical Association 20

CHJ Business Meeting
Conference of Historical Journals

The Early Modern Iberian Empires in Global Perspective
Conference on Latin American History 53

Encountering Women in Development in 20th-Century Bolivia
Conference on Latin American History 54

Left Development Projects
Conference on Latin American History 55

Executive Orders and Presidential Power since FDR
National History Center of the American Historical Association 9

3:30 PM-5:30 PM

Oral History Jukebox
AHA Session

3:45 PM-4:45 PM

4:00 PM-5:30 PM

5:00 PM-6:00 PM

CEHS Business Meeting
Central European History Society

5:15 PM-6:30 PM

5:30 PM-6:15 PM

ACHA Liturgy
American Catholic Historical Association

5:30 PM-7:00 PM

George C. Marshall Lecture in Military History
The George C. Marshall Foundation

6:00 PM-6:30 PM

SIHS Business Meeting
Society for Italian Historical Studies

6:00 PM-7:00 PM

6:00 PM-7:30 PM

Atlantic World Studies Committee Meeting 
Conference on Latin American History 56

NACBS Reception
North American Conference on British Studies

6:00 PM-8:00 PM

CEHS Reception
Central European History Society

6:30 PM-7:30 PM

SIHS Social Hour
Society for Italian Historical Studies

7:00 PM-8:00 PM

NHC Reception
National History Center of the American Historical Association

George C. Marshall Lecture Reception
The George C. Marshall Foundation

7:00 PM-8:30 PM

CHUS Membership Meeting
Chinese Historians in the United States

7:30 PM-9:30 PM

CLAH Cocktail Reception
Conference on Latin American History

8:30 PM-9:30 PM