Sunday, January 7, 2018
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
8:00 AM-2:00 PM
8:30 AM-12:30 PM
9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Urbanization, Mobility, and Modernization in the 20th Century
Conference on Latin American History 63
Conference on Latin American History 63
Conquest, Communal Rights, and Population in Colonial Latin America
Conference on Latin American History 65
Conference on Latin American History 65
Nationalism: Notions and Practices
National History Center of the American Historical Association 10
National History Center of the American Historical Association 10
The Wish to Be a Red Indian: The Native American Dream in East-Central Europe
Polish American Historical Association 10
Polish American Historical Association 10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
10:00 AM-12:30 PM
10:30 AM-1:00 PM
11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Creating and Imagining a Unified Spanish Empire in the Early 18th Century: Views from the American Viceroyalties
Conference on Latin American History 71
Conference on Latin American History 71
New Books on the Transnational Political Activism of Poles: From World War II to the Fall of Communism
Polish American Historical Association 11
Polish American Historical Association 11
Political Catholicism and Christian Democracy in Modern Italy
Society for Italian Historical Studies 10
Society for Italian Historical Studies 10