Contemporary Afro-Latin American Feminisms

AHA Session 160
Saturday, January 6, 2018: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Virginia Suite B (Marriott Wardman Park, Lobby Level)
Devyn Spence Benson, Davidson College
Takkara Brunson, California State University, Fresno
Asia Leeds, Spelman College

Session Abstract

Throughout the 20th century, people of African descent in Latin American have organized against racism and discrimination. Many of these movements took official form in the 1970s as antiracism and full citizenship became the rallying call in Brazil, Colombia, and beyond. Afro-Latin American women have always played a crucial role in these struggles, but their intersected concerns (often antiracist and antisexist) were not always included in the platforms of these new movements. This roundtable will take a historical look at contemporary Afro-Latin American feminisms to examine how they developed from other social movements and their present-day goals and challenges.
See more of: AHA Sessions