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Author Index: H
Hackel, S.
Borderlands/Frontiers: Frontier Societies and Borderlands as Contested Concepts: A Debate on the Understanding of Temporalities, Spaces, Peoples and Patterns of Interaction
Hall, B.
Roundtable: Comparative Oceans
Hall, D. D.
Horse-Shed Christianity Revisited: Parochial Response
Hall, T. D.
Education Accreditation, Teacher Certification, and the Role of History Education in the University History Department
Halttunen, K.
Hametz, M. E.
Intellectuals and National Identities during the Great War
From Liberal Italy to Fascist Italy and Beyond: Perspectives on the Work of Alexander De Grand
Hamilton, L. I.
Christians, Muslims, and Monks in Medieval Southern Italy
Hamilton, S. R.
New Directions in Environmental History: Comparative Perspectives on Water Issues in Europe, Africa, and Asia
Hammond, G.
Recent Research on Samuel Wesley, Rector of Epworth
Hammond, G. S.
The Law and Its Uses? A View from South America
Hamner, C.
Teaching the 'New' Military History with Social History: New Subjects, New Techniques
Hamouda, C.
Teaching U.S. History Abroad: Australia, China, Germany, Tunisia, Russia
Hamrin, C. L.
Bringing Peace and Life out of Chaos and Death: Christians in Republican China
Hancock, D. J.
Roundtable: Comparative Oceans
Hanhardt, C. B.
Rethinking the Queer 1970s: A Roundtable on Multiracial, Multi-Issue, and Transnational Politics
Hanley, A. G.
Living with Uncertainty: Daily Life in Brazil in the Context of the Economic Crisis of the 1980s and Early 1990s
Hanna, M. G.
Caribbean Empire and Identity before 1800
Hansen, K. V.
Citizenship and Property Rights: Gender and the Allotment of Native American Reservations
Hanshew, A.
Laboring to Build Masculinity in the American West
Hardgrove, A.
Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality in Transnational Perspective
Hardwick, J.
An Archeology of Agency in the Civil Law Tradition: Early Modern Spain, France, and Colonial Spanish America
Global Borders: Diaspora, Environment, Discourse, Metropolis, Religion, Identity
Hardy, T. J.
Allies of a Kind: The United States, Australia, and the Pacific in the Twentieth Century
Harkness, D. E.
Recent Trends in Renaissance Science
Harlan, D. C.
Imagining the Future(s) of History(ies)
Harper, K.
Slavery and the Fall of the Roman Empire: Exchanges, Identities, and Ideologies in the New Mediterranean
Harper, S. C.
Joseph Smith, Mormon Scripture, and Textual Criticism: A Roundtable on the
Book of Commandments and Revelations
Harris, A.
A Sideways Look at Family History: Sibling Relations in England and America, 1700–1860
Harris, P. W.
Reflections on Mission History in Recognition of the Bicentennial of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
Harrison, J. T.
The Franciscan-Indigenous Encounter in Colonial New Spain
Hart, R.
Globalizing the Middle Ages
Hartmann, S. M.
The American 1970s as History? Liberalism, Race, and Foreign Policy
Harvell, T.
Scholarly Publishing and e-Journals
Harvey, P. W.
American Religious Historians Online
Hasegawa, S. S.
Transcendental Utopias and Social Action in the Nineteenth Century: Scholarship from the NEH Landmarks Workshop for Community College Teachers
Hatfield, A. L.
The Sea Changes of Early Modern Worlds
Hauser, M. W.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Caribbean
Havrelock, R.
Holy Water: Expiation, Irrigation, and Histories of the Geographical Imaginary
Hawkins, J. R.
Is It All Black and White? Racial Politics and the Right in the 1970s
Hawkins, T. P.
Central American Studies: Independence in Central America: Trends and Transitions in Scholarship
Hawthorne, W. W.
Mirages of Freedom in Atlantic Post-Slave Societies
Enslaved Africans and Commodities During the Era of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Hayashi, B.
Breaching Exclusion�s Walls: New Approaches to Immigration Restriction, Border Control, and Racial Categories
Hayashi, R.
Buddhaheads and Boychiks: Japanese American/Jewish Relations in the Twentieth-Century American West
Hayden, D.
Annual Dinner and Presidential Address
Haydon, C.
Religion, Politics, and Dissent in the English Church
Hayes, J.
New Perspectives on Two Centuries of Evangelicalism, Honor, and Masculinity in the American South
Healey, M. A.
Chile-Rio de la Plata Studies: Environmental History: The State of the Field and Future Directions
Hebert, R.
Teaching European History: A Thematic Approach: Challenging Assumptions
Heidbrink, I.
Seas, Islets, Peninsulas: Using the Periphery to Inform Teaching of Global History
Heilman, J. P.
New Perspectives on Peru's Shining Path: Past, Present, Future
Heinrich, L.
Carnal Encounters at the Edges of Sinophone Culture
Heisen-Roach, E.
Bridges Across Time and Space: Networks of Mercantile and Diplomatic Exchange in the Baltic, North, and Mediterranean Seas
Heitmann, J. A.
New Directions in the History of the Automobile in America
Heitzenrater, R. P.
Teaching the Introductory Course in Church History
Hemphill, C. D.
A Sideways Look at Family History: Sibling Relations in England and America, 1700–1860
Heng, G.
Globalizing the Middle Ages
Herbert, A. E.
Female Entrepreneurs in Eighteenth-Century European Towns
Hereniko, V.
An Island Calling
Hern�ndez, R.
Islands of Stateness? Authoritarianism and Resistance in Mexico, 1938–68
Herr, P. M.
Spanish American Armies, Independence, and Society: The Transition from Empire to Republics
Herrera, E.
National Advisory Board Meeting
Herrera, J. M.
Seas, Islets, Peninsulas: Using the Periphery to Inform Teaching of Global History
Herrera, R.
A Continent of Monsters: Historicizing Terror in Modern Latin America
Hertz, D.
Music, War, and Commemoration
AHA Modern European History Section
Hesse, C. A.
Changing Interpretations of the French Revolution
Hevelone-Harper, J.
Community, Identity, and the Vocation of Laity in Medieval and Early Modern Christianity
Heywood, L. M.
Marriage, Race and Sexuality in the Atlantic World
Enslaved Africans and Commodities During the Era of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Enslaved Africans and Creoles: Reassessing Identities and Interactions
Higbee, M.
Reacting to the Past: Role Play, Persuasion, and Engagement in Undergraduate Teaching
Hijar, K.
Whither History PhD Programs? The Education of Historians Report after Five Years
The Campus Visit: Strategies for Success in the Campus Interview Process
Hill, B.
Scripture and Tradition among Post-Restoration Dissenters
Hillman, E. L.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Marry
Hilwig, S. J.
1968 across Oceans, Islands, Continents: The Global Revolt for Contested Spaces
Hin, L. W.
Land of the Free and Home of the Brave: Same-Sex Marriage in Canada
Hindmarsh, B.
Evangelicals, Emotions, and Modernity
Hinton, E. K.
U.S. and Transnational Perspectives on the End of Black Power
Hipolito, E. D.
Resources to Teach about Immigration from a West Coast Perspective
Hirota, H.
To and from America: Re-framing Migration and Nativism in the United States, 1840�2010
Hirsch, F.
Writing Human Rights History
Hirsch, S. J.
Anarchism and Transnational History in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1880s�1930s: A Roundtable Discussion
Hirshberg, L. B.
Militarization in the Pacific: Tracing Local Impact through Island Narratives
Hirt, P.
The Campus Visit: Strategies for Success in the Campus Interview Process
Ho, E.
New Directions in History and Anthropology
Hobson, A. J.
Vampires: Dead, Undead, and Rumored Undead
Hobson, E.
Constructing Imagined Communities: The Impact of Cultural Production on Gay and Lesbian Identities in Canada and the United States
Rethinking the Queer 1970s: A Roundtable on Multiracial, Multi-Issue, and Transnational Politics
Hoganson, K. L.
Capitalism after the Cultural and Transnational Turns
Holder, M.
Transcendental Utopias and Social Action in the Nineteenth Century: Scholarship from the NEH Landmarks Workshop for Community College Teachers
Hollinger, D. A.
Barack Obama and the American Democratic Tradition
Hollinger, J. H.
Marriage on Trial: Historians and Lawyers in Same-Sex Marriage Cases
Holloway, T. H.
Teaching and Talking in Public about the African History of Capoeira in Brazil
Holt, M. P.
In Vino Veritas
: Wine and the Creation of National Identities in Modern Europe
Hom, A. Y.
Rethinking the Queer 1970s: A Roundtable on Multiracial, Multi-Issue, and Transnational Politics
Honeyford, J. K.
Religion and the Senses in the Eighteenth Century
Honores, R. R.
An Archeology of Agency in the Civil Law Tradition: Early Modern Spain, France, and Colonial Spanish America
Hood, A. D.
Fashioned Textiles, Domestic Forms: Histories and Practice from Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Hopper, M. S.
New Research in the Global History of Pearl Diving
Hor, A. Y.
Hidden Treasure: Literature as Historical Source
Horne, G. C.
One Hundred Years of Crisis: Centennial Reflections on the NAACP, Its Magazine, and Its Place in American History
Horowitz, D.
Generations of Historians/Generation of History: Roundtable Discussion by Members of Multi-Generational Families in the Historical Profession
Horowitz, H. L.
Misbehaving Women: Sex Radicals and Nonconformists Who Made U.S. History
Horowitz, S. E.
Generations of Historians/Generation of History: Roundtable Discussion by Members of Multi-Generational Families in the Historical Profession
Hosselkus, E. R.
The Franciscan-Indigenous Encounter in Colonial New Spain
Howard, A. M.
Cities, Oceans, and Community in the British Empire
Howe, D. W.
What Generations of Historians Learn from One Another
Howland, D.
Popular Sovereignty and Its Global Manifestations
Hoxie, F. E.
Citizenship and Property Rights: Gender and the Allotment of Native American Reservations
Hsu, M. Y.
Breaching Exclusion�s Walls: New Approaches to Immigration Restriction, Border Control, and Racial Categories
Shifting Discourses of Race during the Cold War Era
Huangfu, J.
Domestic and Foreign Policy during the Cultural Revolution
Huckins, P. J.
The Franciscan-Indigenous Encounter in Colonial New Spain
Hughes, S. M.
Underground Archives of Native American and African American History
Huner, M.
A Region in the Atlantic: The Rio De La Plata in the Middle Period
Hunt, J. M.
Popular Politics in Early Modern Italy
Hunt, L. A.
Changing Interpretations of the French Revolution
Huret, R.
NOLA Rising? Views from a Post-Apocalyptic City
Hurtado, A. L.
Connecting the American West: Constructing American-Pacific, Borderlands, and Cascadian Imaginaries
Hutchison-Jones, C.
Religion and Perceptions of Modern America
Hutton, L.
No History Left Behind
Hyland, Jr., S. L.
Gender and Space in Mexico and Argentina 1700–1950: Identity, Sociability, and Modernity
Hynson, R.
Rebels, Madmen, and Notaries in the Late- and Post-Colonial Period