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Author Index: G
Gallagher, J. A.
Obama's Economic Liberalism: Historical Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Economic Policy
Gallay, A.
Migrations in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Gallo, M. M.
Roundtable in Celebration of Blanche Wiesen Cook
Games, A. F.
Roundtable: Comparative Oceans
Garafola, L.
Dancing across Borders: Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in the Twentieth Century
Garcia Garagarza, L.
Revisiting the "Spiritual Conquest": Religious Persecution and Native Resistance in Colonial Mexico
Garcia, L.
Images of Revolution in Latin America: Mexico and Cuba
Garcia, M. J.
Thinking about Race, Sexuality, and Marriage: A Roundtable on Peggy Pascoe’s
What Comes Naturally
Gardner, L. A.
Beyond the Storm: Continunity and Change in British Politics, Society, and Empire in the Aftermath of the Great War
Garfield, S. W.
Frontiers of Identity in Postcolonial Brazil
Garrard-Burnett, V.
Historicizing Central American Revolution
Garrett, D. T.
Space and Place in Spanish America: Experiences, Practices, and Narratives
Garrow, D. J.
Barack Obama and the American Democratic Tradition
Garver, V. L.
Telling Medieval Women’s Stories
Gatzeva, M.
Who Were Chicago's Musicians? A Demographic Study of Musician Life from 1940 through 1979
Gauderman, K.
Andean Studies: Roundtable: The Future of the Andean Past
Gayte, M.
Catholicism in Twentieth-Century America
Geary, P. J.
History and the Roaming Genome
Genetin-Pilawa, C. J.
Reconstruction Beyond Black and White
Georgian, E. A.
Theologians, Preachers, and Prophets: Religious Leaders in America
Gerona, C.
Borderlands/Frontiers: Frontier Societies and Borderlands as Contested Concepts: A Debate on the Understanding of Temporalities, Spaces, Peoples and Patterns of Interaction
Gerstle, G.
Struggling with Class: Toward a Transnational Frame
Ghosh, D.
The Politics of Marriage in Comparative Perspective: Imperial Legacies in Early America and Colonial India
Historiographical "Turns" in Critical Perspective
Gibson, W.
Religion, Politics, and Dissent in the English Church
Recent Research on Samuel Wesley, Rector of Epworth
Giddings, P.
Roundtable in Celebration of Blanche Wiesen Cook
Gienow-Hecht, J.
Constructing and Deconstructing the Cold War Consensus
Teaching U.S. History Abroad: Australia, China, Germany, Tunisia, Russia
Gilbert, A. K.
Musical Encounters in the Early Atlantic: An Exploratory Performance
Gilbert, M. J.
Learning by Example: Observation and Imitation in Colonial Southeast Asian Empires
Gilbertson, N.
Sites of Encounter: World History Professional Development in Southern California
Gill, T.
Shifting Discourses of Race during the Cold War Era
Gillette, A. K.
Intellectuals and National Identities during the Great War
Gillingham, P.
Islands of Stateness? Authoritarianism and Resistance in Mexico, 1938–68
Gillis, J. R.
What Generations of Historians Learn from One Another
Neither Land Nor Sea: Coasts in Human History
Debating, Defending, and Negotiating the Spanish “Lake”
Gilmartin, D.
Popular Sovereignty and Its Global Manifestations
Glueck, M.
Race and Nation in Brazil
Go, J.
Struggling with Class: Toward a Transnational Frame
Gobert-Sega, V.
Gender, Family, and Race in the British and French Caribbean
Goedde, P.
Global Governance (Real and Imagined) since World War II
Goetz, R. A.
American Religious Historians Online
Gold, C.
Female Entrepreneurs in Eighteenth-Century European Towns
Goldberg, K. D.
Planting the Modern Roots of Terroir: Germany and the Invention of Fine Wine in the Nineteenth Century
In Vino Veritas
: Wine and the Creation of National Identities in Modern Europe
Golde, C. M.
Whither History PhD Programs? The Education of Historians Report after Five Years
Goldson, A.
An Island Calling
Goldy, C. N.
Telling Medieval Women’s Stories
Gonzalez de Bustamante, C.
Cold War Mexico: Local Interpretations of a Global Narrative
González, D. J.
Reconstruction Beyond Black and White
Gonzalez, T.
Multiple and Intimate Wests: Conquest in the Everyday Lives of Southwestern Women
Gonzalez-Silen, O.
Spanish American Armies, Independence, and Society: The Transition from Empire to Republics
Gran Colombian Studies: Independence: A Bicentennial Retrospective
Goodwin, J. L.
The History of Women in the West: The Production of Knowledge and Memorializing
Goodwin, J. A.
Music, War, and Commemoration
Gordon, S. B.
Gay Marriage and Proposition 8: Reflections
Gordon-Reed, A.
Barack Obama and the American Democratic Tradition
Gore, D. F.
Rethinking the Queer 1970s: A Roundtable on Multiracial, Multi-Issue, and Transnational Politics
Gorman, R.
Reclaiming the Disabled Subject in Historical Research and Representation
Gormley, M. E.
Across the Atlantic and into the Rain Forest: Brazil's Nurses, Tappers, and GI’s in World War II and Aftermath
Gorn, E.
Rethinking the Meanings of Race and Biography
Goudsouzian, A. G.
Rethinking the Meanings of Race and Biography
Gould, J. L.
Historicizing Central American Revolution
Gould, S. Z.
Unfamiliar and Faraway: The Material Culture of Children’s Education about Foreign Places
Graber, J.
Rethinking Ritual and Revival in Native-Protestant Encounter
Grafton, A.
What Becomes of Print in the Digital Age?
Granata, C.
New Perspectives on Jews in Postwar East Germany and Poland: Holocaust Memory, Communism, and Identity
Grandin, G.
Toward a New U. S. Imperial History
Historicizing Central American Revolution
Grant, K. P.
An Empire in Transit: The British Empire, 1780–1880
Graubart, K. B.
Colonial Studies: Roundtable: Atlantic World, Entangled Empires, and Hemispheric Histories A Critical Assessment of Our Current Historical Perspectives
Gravelle, N. L.
Constructing Imagined Communities: The Impact of Cultural Production on Gay and Lesbian Identities in Canada and the United States
Gray, E.
Americans’ Pacific in the Age of Melville: Labor, Race, Slavery
Green, L. B.
World Hunger and the Politics of Poverty: A Dialogue among Historians of Africa, Latin America, and the United States
Green, N.
Cities, Oceans, and Community in the British Empire
Greenberg, D.
Making War, Shaping Public Opinion: Domestic Pressure Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy in the American Century
Greene, J. M.
CANCELLED Global History in the Museum: Representing Panama’s Past in Panama and the United States
Struggling with Class: Toward a Transnational Frame
Greene, S. E.
Globalization and African Historiography
Possibilities and Limits of Biography in Comparative Perspective
Gregory, B. S.
"A Spectacle unto the World": Suffering, Pain, and Martyrdom in Colonial North America
Gregory, R.
Female Saints and Sanctity in the Protestant Tradition
Greven, Jr., P. J.
Four New England Towns Turn Forty: A Portrait of the New Social History in Middle Age
Griech-Polelle, B. A.
The Roman Catholic-National Socialist Relationship Revisited
Grieco, V. L.
A Region in the Atlantic: The Rio De La Plata in the Middle Period
Groenewald, G.
Care, Catechisms, and Money: Entrepreneurship and Women in Early Modern Society
Groom, J.
A Hands-On Workshop
Web 2.0 - Flickr, YouTube/Video, Google Maps, Wikis
Gross, A. J.
(Dis)Inheriting Slavery: Property, Power, and Belief in the Last Requests of Masters and Slaves
Grossberg, M.
The Politics of Marriage in Comparative Perspective: Imperial Legacies in Early America and Colonial India
Reinventing Childhood in the Post-World War II World: A Roundtable
Groth, P.
Rethinking Southern California's Built Environment
Grubessich, A.
Racial and Religious Discourses in Colonial and Post-Colonial Latin America: A Tribute to Stuart B. Schwartz, Part 1
Guglielmo, J. M.
Race, Gender, and Italian American Working-Class Politics in the United States, 1880–1930
Guglielmo, T.
Race, Gender, and Italian American Working-Class Politics in the United States, 1880–1930
Gullace, N. F.
An Empire in Transit: The British Empire, 1780–1880
Gulliver, K. L.
Port Cities and Urban Identity
Gunkel, A. H.
Annual Board Meeting
Twentieth-Century Polonia
Guridy, F. A.
Global Borders: Diaspora, Environment, Discourse, Metropolis, Religion, Identity
Gustavsen, J.
Competing Notions of Modern Womanhood in Twentieth-Century Lebanon, Egypt, and Cuba
Gutierrez, D. G.
Familia e Emigración
: Rethinking Gender, Migration, and Social Networks in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1940–52
To and from America: Re-framing Migration and Nativism in the United States, 1840–2010
Gutiérrez, R. A.
Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality in Transnational Perspective
Guy, D. J.
Gender and Space in Mexico and Argentina 1700–1950: Identity, Sociability, and Modernity
Guy, K. M.
In Vino Veritas
: Wine and the Creation of National Identities in Modern Europe
Guyotte, R. L.
Filipino/a Diasporas in Historical Perspective
Guzman, S.
The Way We See It – Teens and Immigration, Students as Historiographers