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Author Index: F
Fabian, A.
Americans’ Pacific in the Age of Melville: Labor, Race, Slavery
Fall, W. W.
Gender, Family, and Race in the British and French Caribbean
Fan, S.
Construction and Reconstruction of Chinese Concepts of Self-Identity and Others at Four Historical Moments
Farrelly, M. J.
New Perspectives on American Catholicism in the Revolutionary Era
Fass, P. S.
Reinventing Childhood in the Post-World War II World: A Roundtable
Faue, E.
Obama's Economic Liberalism: Historical Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Economic Policy
Fear, J. R.
Immigrant Entrepreneurship in History: Concepts and Case Studies
Fei, S.
The Mandate of Heaven at the Local Level in Imperial China
Feimster, C. N.
Mutiny Beyond the Line: Sexual Subjugation in the White Supremacist South and the African American Sedition, 1930–51
Feng, M.
Whither China: Intellectual Discourses on the Problems of the Urban and the Rural in 1910–40s China
Fenrich, L.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Marry
Fernández-Armesto, F.
Neither Land Nor Sea: Coasts in Human History
Colonial Studies: Roundtable: Atlantic World, Entangled Empires, and Hemispheric Histories A Critical Assessment of Our Current Historical Perspectives
Ferraz, F. C. A.
Across the Atlantic and into the Rain Forest: Brazil's Nurses, Tappers, and GI’s in World War II and Aftermath
Fett, S. M.
Slavery, Migration, and Resistance: Atlantic Perspectives and Interactions
North and South: Comparative Perspectives on Slavery and Abolition in Brazil and the United States
Fichter, J. R.
Port Cities and Urban Identity
Field, K. T.
Indian Territory in the American Civil War and Reconstruction
Fields-Black, E. L.
New Histories of Rice
Filkow, A.
Caribbean Empire and Identity before 1800
Finch, A. K.
The Root: Redrawing the Boundaries of Freedom
Fink, D.
Distinguished Career Award Luncheon for David Steinmetz
Issues in Sixteenth-Century Reformation Doctrine and Exegesis
Finley, C.
Envisioning and Exploiting Ocean Resources
Finn, M.
The Politics of Marriage in Comparative Perspective: Imperial Legacies in Early America and Colonial India
Finstuen, A.
Billy Graham’s Significance in American Religious History
Firnhaber-Baker, J. M.
Political Constructions of Gender and Female Lords in the Middle Ages
Fischer, C. J.
Intellectuals and National Identities during the Great War
Fisher, L. D.
Rethinking Ritual and Revival in Native-Protestant Encounter
Fisher, M.
Maritime Labor, Diaspora, and Ethnicity in the Age of Sail
Fixico, D. L.
Contested Confluences and Disputed Developments: Changing the Course of United States Water Policy in the Environmental Era
Flake, K.
Mormonism and National Politics
Flint, K. E.
Toils of Empire: Medicine, "Malingering," and Indian Indentured Labor in Natal, South Africa, 1860–1910
Flores, R.
Global Borders: Diaspora, Environment, Discourse, Metropolis, Religion, Identity
Flores-Marcial, X. M.
Islands of Power in Colonial Mexico: Snapshots of Indigenous Politics and Community Life from the Mixtec, Nahua, and Zapotec People
Flory, C.
Mirages of Freedom in Atlantic Post-Slave Societies
Flowers, E.
Civil Rights Conflict in the North: Under-Emphasized Elements of the African-American Civil Rights Movement
Flowers, S.
Transcendental Utopias and Social Action in the Nineteenth Century: Scholarship from the NEH Landmarks Workshop for Community College Teachers
Floyd-Thomas, J. M.
Civil Rights Conflict in the North: Under-Emphasized Elements of the African-American Civil Rights Movement
Foley, P.
Religion, Politics, and Dissent in the English Church
Foner, E.
Indian Territory in the American Civil War and Reconstruction
Fonseca, C.
Fathers of Illegitimate Children in Public Policy and the Courts: Chile, Brazil, and the Anglophone Caribbean from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty First Centuries
Fontaine, L.
Female Entrepreneurs in Eighteenth-Century European Towns
Foote, N. C.
Negotiating the Inca Heritage: Constructing Alternative Legacies for Community and Nation in the Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Andes
Ford, B.
Generations of Historians/Generation of History: Roundtable Discussion by Members of Multi-Generational Families in the Historical Profession
Ford, B.
Generations of Historians/Generation of History: Roundtable Discussion by Members of Multi-Generational Families in the Historical Profession
Ford, S.
American History through East Asian Lenses: Anti-Americanism, Exceptionalisms, and Abraham Lincoln
Forner, S. A.
Popular Sovereignty and Its Global Manifestations
Forsyth, L.
Teaching European History: A Thematic Approach: Challenging Assumptions
Fortin, J. A.
Slavery, Migration, and Resistance: Atlantic Perspectives and Interactions
Maritime Labor, Diaspora, and Ethnicity in the Age of Sail
Foster, L. N.
Poetry Reading: The Immigrant Experience in Poetry
Fox, C. F.
Culture and Society in Cold War Mexico
Fox, K. J.
Educating the Citizen: American Colonial Education among Latinos, Hawaiians, and Filipinos
Foy, C. R.
Rethinking the Black Atlantic: Race, Gender, Authority, and Mobility
Francis, K. A.
Review of
The World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh 1910
Francois, M. E.
Gender and Space in Mexico and Argentina 1700–1950: Identity, Sociability, and Modernity
Goods and “Evils”: The Varied Uses of Markets in Mexico, 1765–1960
Frank, A. F.
Mediterranean Modern: Global Currents, Local Encounters
Frank, K. A.
A World of Hurt: Medieval Marriage Practice and Law in a Century of Crisis
Frank, N.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Marry
Franklin-Harkrider, M.
Community, Identity, and the Vocation of Laity in Medieval and Early Modern Christianity
Fraser, R.
Charting Usable Pasts to and from the Era of Black Civil Rights
Frassani, A.
Islands of Power in Colonial Mexico: Snapshots of Indigenous Politics and Community Life from the Mixtec, Nahua, and Zapotec People
Frazier, L. J.
Popular Sovereignty and Its Global Manifestations
Frazier, R. T.
U.S. and Transnational Perspectives on the End of Black Power
Fregulia, J. M.
Care, Catechisms, and Money: Entrepreneurship and Women in Early Modern Society
French, K. L.
Telling Medieval Women’s Stories
French, W. E.
Fathers of Illegitimate Children in Public Policy and the Courts: Chile, Brazil, and the Anglophone Caribbean from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty First Centuries
Fried-Gintis, S. E.
Dancing across Borders: Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in the Twentieth Century
Friedman, A. T.
Rethinking Southern California's Built Environment
Friedman, A.
Prurient Politics: Sexuality and Obscenity in the Twentieth-Century United States
Women, Nationalism, and Resistance to Colonialism in the Caribbean
Friedman, J.
Teaching Sourcing by Bridging Digital Libraries and Electronic Student Assignments
Froide, A. M.
Female Entrepreneurs in Eighteenth-Century European Towns
Frusetta, J.
Seas, Islets, Peninsulas: Using the Periphery to Inform Teaching of Global History
Frykman, N.
Making History on the Water
Fuess, A.
The Mediterranean World
Fujita-Rony, D.
Connecting the American West: Constructing American-Pacific, Borderlands, and Cascadian Imaginaries
Fujitani, T.
Rescuing History from the Region: Connected and Compared Histories of Japan and the Middle East
Americanists Reconsider the Pacific
Fuller, M.
Ethno-Politics across Boundaries: Fascist Population Policy in Africa, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe in Transnational Perspective
Fulwider, B. C.
Public Works, State Formation, and the Environment in Twentieth-Century Mexico