Stemming the Tide: Boosting Enrollment and Retaining History Students

AHA Session 290
Monday, January 6, 2025: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Sutton North (New York Hilton, Second Floor)
Brendan J. Gillis, American Historical Association
James W. Frusetta, Hampden-Sydney College
Maura E. Hametz, James Madison University
Richard Bond, Virginia Wesleyan University
Michelle Deasy, QA Commons
Maysan Haydar, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Session Abstract

What’s going on with undergraduate history enrollments?! Presenters will share departmental strategies for enrolling and retaining students, up-to-date insights about the curricular structures of history programs, national trends in history enrollment and degrees, and robust approaches to ensuring quality learning experiences for history students. Takeaways include resources for further exploration.
See more of: AHA Sessions