Curating Community: Remaking History in Philadelphia

AHA Session 46
Friday, January 6, 2023: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Regency Ballroom B (Loews Philadelphia Hotel, 2nd Foor Mezzanine)
Sara Georgini, Massachusetts Historical Society and Society for US Intellectual History
Jacqui Bowman, College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Adrienne Whaley, Museum of the American Revolution
Melissa Dunphy, The Boghouse Podcast

Session Abstract

Philadelphia is home to a revolutionary community of public historians, archivists, and artists who engage diverse communities to rethink the city's story. Drawing on the arts and sciences, they reconsider monuments, reinterpret manuscripts, and question whose voices need to be heard more in our joint production of public history. This panel gathers together scholars in dialogue to explore their greatest challenges, and to workshop new ideas.
See more of: AHA Sessions