The Future of National Organizations

Sunday, January 5, 2014: 8:30 AM
Maryland Suite A (Marriott Wardman Park)
Sandra Trudgen Dawson, Northern Illinois University
Sandra Trudgen Dawson will talk about the CCWH as a force for change in the past and the potential it has for acting as an agent of change in the future. One of the big questions that Dawson will address is the need for a national coordinating council. Is the idea of a national council a thing of the past? Do we still need organizations like the CCWH? Have social media networks and blog sites become the new community-building tools of the twenty-first century? Have blogs become a useful tool for historians and scholars to establish new networks of support and community outside individual academic settings? Are blog sites and the communities they create the answer to a lack of funding for conferences and meetings? Are blogs the CCWH of the future? What, if any, are the supporting and mentoring roles for the CCWH in the future?
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