Graphic Narratives and History: A Global Approach

AHA Session 262
Sunday, January 5, 2025: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Empire Ballroom East (Sheraton New York, Second Floor)
Mark Philip Bradley, University of Chicago and American Historical Review
Shaul Mitelpunkt, University of York
Charlotta Salmi, Queen Mary, University of London
Oleg Benesch, University of York
Organized by the AHA Research Division and the American Historical Review

Session Abstract

Historians and teachers of history show increasing interest in the study, use, and production of graphic narratives for various purposes and audiences. In the "Graphic Narratives and History" project, part of the American Historical Review History Lab, a comics scholar and two historians enter into conversations with dozens of scholars working on comics and history in various regional contexts to explore the relationship between history and graphic narratives. The roundtable will introduce the project and our preliminary findings, and invite the audience to reflect upon and share their own experiences of working with graphic histories, comics, and other related media both as researchers and in the classroom.
See more of: AHA Sessions