Family History, Genealogy, and the Historical Profession: A Roundtable on 10 Million Names and Descendant Communities

AHA Session 107
Saturday, January 4, 2025: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Bowery (Sheraton New York, Lower Level)
Brandon Terry, Harvard University
Vincent Aaron Brown, Harvard University
Kendra T. Field, Tufts University
Thavolia Glymph, Duke University
Kerri K. Greenidge, Tufts University
Brandon Terry, Harvard University

Session Abstract

"Family History, Genealogy, and the Historical Profession" will explore projects at the intersection of African-American history and genealogy; the place of genealogy and present-day descendants within historical scholarship and public history; and the evolving relationship between the historical and genealogical professions. The conversation will also feature scholars engaged with 10 Million Names, a new project committed to gathering the names of the 10 million individuals enslaved on land that became the United States between the 1500s and 1865.
See more of: AHA Sessions