Reimagining Historical Silence

Sunday, January 5, 2025: 1:30 PM
Central Park West (Sheraton New York)
Idris Brewster, Kinfolk Tech Foundation
Kinfolkā€™s Monuments Project emerges as a beacon of innovation in the preservation and celebration of Black histories, traditionally marginalized or omitted from the collective memory. This presentation, "Reimagining Historical Silence," showcases Kinfolk's strides in filling the gaps of our collective history through the co-creation of digital monuments with communities across the country. Leveraging AR technology, Kinfolk transforms public spaces into immersive canvases, where forgotten narratives come alive, engaging audiences in a dynamic reexamination of the past within the present landscape.

At the core of Kinfolk's mission is the creation of digital monuments that transcend mere commemoration. These monuments act as interactive platforms, fostering community engagement and empowerment, and offering an immersive, participatory historical experience. Through collaborations with artists and community members, Kinfolk democratizes historical representation, ensuring diverse narratives are heard and seen. By embedding these AR monuments in everyday spaces, Kinfolk not only reclaims but redefines public memory, making history accessible and interactive for a broader audience.

"Reimagining Historical Silence" delves into the ethical considerations and transformative potential of using AR for historical storytelling, exploring Kinfolk's projects that highlight significant yet overlooked Black histories. This invites a reflection on the power of emerging technologies to challenge historical erasure, offering insights into Kinfolk's approach to immersive reality as a tool for social change. Through this lens, participants will gain an understanding of how AR can foster a more inclusive, engaged, and knowledgeable society, bridging the past with the present for future generations.

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