Memorials, Connection, and Memory

Sunday, January 5, 2025: 9:10 AM
Sutton South (New York Hilton)
Elena Martinez, Bronx Music Heritage Center and City Lore

I live in the Bronx near Einstein and Jacobi Hospitals. At the beginning of the pandemic there was a constant blare of sirens that brought about a feeling of powerlessness. I got involved in the Naming the Lost memorial project not only to recognize and honor those who have been lost, but also to connect us as a community as we work with artists, activists and scholars. It has helped us to find ways to not feel alone, to contribute and give back to our communities and lastly, to give voice to our disappointment, anger, and sadness concerning the way this crisis has been handled by those in power. Now we are able to create an archive of these images and activities which will serve as a way to remember this time because there isn't much in the way of a national acknowledgement of this tragedy.