New Directions in Nigerian Popular Culture

AHA Session 122
Friday, January 6, 2023: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Regency Ballroom C1 (Loews Philadelphia Hotel, 2nd Foor Mezzanine)
Saheed A. Aderinto, Western Carolina University
Tyler D. Fleming, University of Louisville

Session Abstract

Nigerian popular culture is more than fashion and music. Embedded in sound and fashion are political, economic, gendered, and even intellectual narratives that compel scholars to think beyond the obvious. The everyday life that popular culture of Nigeria presents can only be best understood within the context of historical traditions that produced different kinds of musical and other forms of artistic expression. This panel is concerned with how new forms of popular expression of the self and the collective are created, transmitted, and consolidated. From the narratives of political strife to sexualization; from the religious to the secular; from the literary to the performative, from the colonial to the postcolonial era, the presentations in the panel ask new questions and develop new paradigm in shedding new light on the centrality of popular culture in Nigeria.
See more of: AHA Sessions