Rethinking Medieval and Renaissance Historiographies

Friday, January 6, 2023: 3:50 PM
Washington Room C (Loews Philadelphia Hotel)
Maghan Keita, Villanova University
This presentation will be a critical examination of cultural production in the Global Medieval and Renaissance. Its main foci are Africa, Africans, and things African in the period in question. It will employ interdisciplinary, intertextual, and intersectional theories and methodologies that reference race, gender, and “occupation,” among other conceptual categories. The intent is the stimulation of questions that might lead to the structuring of new historiographic analyses reflective of the Global Medieval and Renaissance and their participants. These theoretical parameters, methodologies, and analyses will challenge some of the most pernicious extremes of our times—historiographically and more broadly in society. These include rampant racism and misogyny.