Alumni Relations: Building a Historical Community

AHA Session 177
Sunday, January 5, 2020: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Sutton North (New York Hilton, Second Floor)
Enrique A. Sanabria, University of New Mexico
Megan Piorko, Georgia State University
Hope Shannon, Loyola University Chicago
Matthew Villeneuve, University of Michigan
Tyler Krahe, West Virginia University
Michael Colton Adkisson, Iowa State University

Session Abstract

Whether they are building careers inside the academy or beyond, alumni are an important but often under-served constituency within a department’s wider historical community. While resources often exist to sustain relationships between alumni within the academy and their former departments, less attention has been paid to alumni working beyond the academy. Yet alumni are often eager to offer their expertise to help make legible career paths outside the academy. While many departments conduct outreach to alumni in order to solicit data and experiential perspectives on the job market, the relationship of alumni and department can often appear one-sided Therefore, a key to developing these integral relationships, and the goal of this panel, is to encourage building more reciprocal relationships with alumni. Each university present has taken steps to better coordinate with their alumni. In their own unique circumstances, each department brings a perspective of how best to involve your active alumni in career diversity programming. The objective of this roundtable conversation is to share those techniques with a wider audience and to foster discussion about how best to improve these invaluable reciprocal relationships. Discussions will focus around “Alumni in Residence programs,” “Alumni Board programs,” “Accredited Alumni Seminars,” “Career Pathways programming,” and “Homecoming Lectures.” Ample time will be given over for audience discussion after these presentations.
See more of: AHA Sessions