Bridging the Gap: Best Pedagogical Practices for Promoting Historical Thinking Skills in AP Courses and College Introductory Courses

AHA Session 75
Friday, January 4, 2019: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Continental B (Hilton Chicago, Lobby Level)
Todd Beach, Rosemount, Apple Valley, Eagan Minnesota Public Schools
Jennifer L. Foray, Purdue University
Colin Baker, Blacksburg High School
Tiffany N. Florvil, University of New Mexico
Katie Landsea, Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Thomas R. Mockaitis, DePaul University

Session Abstract

Assembling both high school teacher and college/university faculty, this teaching roundtable will explore best practices for teaching historical thinking skills and practices in both Advanced Placement/High School courses and introductory-level college courses. It will be jointly moderated by a college professor and a high school teacher, who will prompt panelists to explore common methods for teaching contextualization, for instance, or the ways in which primary sources allow students to explore the meanings of "bias" and perspective. Seemingly straightforward skills, such as assessing continuities and change over time, challenge students to move beyond simple binaries, and panelists can discuss how teachers might emphasize continuity and consistency in lieu of change and "progress."

The panel will address all three of the AP histories (European, US, World. We anticipate that, with this session, panelists and audience members will be able to discern and articulate effective pedagogical practices, but we also intend for this panel to emphasize shared experiences, approaches, and challenges that exist in all introductory-level courses, regardless of where they are taught. In the process, we seek to "bridge the gap" that exists between high schools and institutions of higher education. We hope that the conversations and insights gained at this type of panel will provide a foundation for future cooperation, particularly at the AHA's Annual Meeting.

See more of: AHA Sessions