During the mid-twentieth century, Van Til developed a “presuppositional apologetics” which argued that all knowledge claims must presuppose the Christian Trinitarian god. Rushdoony extended Van Til’s presuppositionalism and, according to sociologist, James Aho, (2012) originated a form of Christian Dominionism that promoted the belief that Christians are ‘commanded by God to ‘reconstruct’ America on the basis of biblical teachings.' Public schools are a ‘special target of hostility for Dominionists’ because they promote Darwinism, sex education, and ‘tolerance’ of human difference, a presumed ‘buzzword’ for homosexual advocacy’ (Aho, 2012). Robertson connected progressive educational ideas to global conspiracy theory, a cabal of Illumati: atheists, Satanists, globalist bankers and others, using the public schools to dumb down the population in order to maintain global control. The language of the educational discourse of the Christian far right has permeated mainstream political discourse. The impact can be seen in the election of Donald Trump and current far-right policy, particularly education policy.
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