Afro-Caribbean Migrants, the Labor Movement, and Communists in the Greater Caribbean, 190030

Friday, January 4, 2019: 8:30 AM
Water Tower Parlor (Palmer House Hilton)
Jacob Zumoff, New Jersey City University
In “Afro-Caribbean Migrants, the Labor Movement, and Communists in the Greater Caribbean, 1900-1930,” Jacob Zumoff Jacob Zumoff examines migrants from the British and other European colonies in the Caribbean who migrated throughout the Americas the early twentieth century. At the time, the Greater Caribbean was undergoing great political ferment, including the development of nationalism and opposition to United States domination and imperialism, as well as the formation of Communist parties in the region. His presentation will examine the roles of Afro-Caribbean migrants in different countries and their relationship with the labor movement and Communist parties, with a specific focus on the United States, Panama, and Costa Rica. He will also examine how the Communist parties differed in their relationship to the Afro-Caribbean population.
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