Tour 6: Echoes of the Great War: American Experiences of World War I

Friday, January 5, 2018: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Park Tower 8226 (Marriott Wardman Park, Lobby Level)

Tour leaders: Ryan Reft, Library of Congress and Sahr Conway-Lanz, Library of Congress

Echoes of the Great War: American Experiences of World War I examines the upheaval of world war as Americans confronted it at home and abroad. Drawing on the Library of Congress’s extensive multi-format collections on World War I, the exhibition considers the debates and struggles that surrounded US engagement; explores US military and home front mobilization and the immensity of industrialized warfare; and touches on the war’s effects, as an international peace settlement was negotiated, national borders were redrawn, and soldiers returned to reintegrate into American society.

Please note: The group will travel by Metro (fare card provided); the library is a 5-minute walk from the Capitol South station. The library is ADA compliant.

Limit 30 people. $20 members, $25 nonmembers

See more of: AHA Events