Getting Started in Digital History Workshop

Thursday, January 4, 2018: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Thurgood Marshall South (Marriott Wardman Park, Mezzanine Level)

The AHA will run its fifth Getting Started in Digital History workshop immediately prior to the start of the 2018 meeting. More and more of our attendees describe themselves as skilled digital historians, so each session will include a clear skill range that lets beginners get a good handle on digital history and gives returning intermediate attendees the chance to learn new skills in a comfortable, approachable environment.

Ten sessions will include collaboration and project management for digital projects, digital storytelling, network analysis, data and text mining, history pedagogy with digital mapping and material culture, and a toolkit for multi-method digital approaches that integrates text analysis, timelines, and mapping. Our plenary lunch session, "Table Talks," offers attendees the chance to network and chat in an informal setting with fellow attendees and session leaders as they delve into other important issues in digital history.

Registration for the workshop can be purchased in advance through the registration form for $45 for AHA members, $10 for student members, $50 for nonmembers, and $20 for student nonmembers. Registration includes a boxed lunch. Please note that you do not need to pick up your badge before attending the pre-meeting workshop. We look forward to seeing you there.

See more of: AHA Events