Reflections on David NirenbergCommunities of Violence on the 20th Anniversary of Its Publication

AHA Session 189
Saturday, January 7, 2017: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Centennial Ballroom F (Hyatt Regency Denver, Third Floor)
William Chester Jordan, Princeton University
From Communities to Anti-Judaism (A Nirenberg Chronicle)
David A. Bell, Princeton University
The Politics of Communal Violence
Steven Wilkinson, Yale University
Narration, Oblivion, and Violence: Two Decades On
Marina Rustow, Princeton University
The Art of Communities of Violence
Felipe Pereda, Harvard University
Teofilo F. Ruiz, University of California, Los Angeles

Session Abstract

Published in 1996, David Nireberg's Communities of Violence was a landmark both for its importance to and its impact beyond medieval studies.  In this panel, a series of distinguished scholars working in a variety of fields beyond the European Middle Ages return to and reflect upon Communities of Violence.  Whether examing this book through the lens of their own research or rethinking its importance in the light of Nirenberg's own scholarly trajectory, they all agree that Communities of Violence remains vitally important and urgent to scholars across numerous disciplines.
See more of: AHA Sessions