Queering Historical Scale, Part 4: Querying Metanarratives of Queer History in Modern Germany
Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History 9
Session Abstract
While each panelist rethinks a metanarrative of modern German history, the papers together invite discussion of queer lives in Germany across a longue durée and upon various scales. Christina Chiknas’ paper, “To Finally Let Fall the Burdensome Mask: the Queer Politics of Carnival in Early-Twentieth-Century Germany” interrogates the use of annual Carnival and masquerade festivals by queer populations at the moment of their coming out on a public and national level. It takes up this culture—and the national crisis it generated—across three German governments from 1900 to 1937, showing how the carnivalesque played a central role in queer subjectivity and national morality across temporal as well as geographic divisions. Considering “The Afterlife of Sexual Evidence: New Uses of Old Sources” Matthew Conn examines Nazi research into the sexual pasts of citizens across German-speaking Central Europe in the Third Reich’s quest to combat homosexuality. He finds that neither geography nor even a person’s death foreclosed the possibility of pursuance in the transnational persecution of same-sex attracted men, and questions traditional periodization of queer life under Nazi rule. Finally, in “West German Gay Liberation: Escaping the Stonewall ‘Meta-Narrative,’” Craig Griffiths uses discourses of gender transgression and shame in the gay scene to establish continuity across postwar periods of gay history in West Germany. Highlighting the case study of Rosa von Praunheim’s 1971 film Not the Homosexual is Pervese, But the Society in which He Lives, Griffiths challenges the use of 1968 as a sharp historical divide in the history of West German gay liberation, arguing instead that 1971 can be seen as West Germany’s “stonewall moment.”