PublicHistory The Freedom of Information Act at 50: The Opportunities and Challenges That Remain

AHA Session 52
Thursday, January 7, 2016: 3:30 PM-5:30 PM
Regency Ballroom V (Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Lower Level 1)
Richard H. Immerman, Temple University
Laura A. Belmonte, Oklahoma State University
Malcolm Byrne, National Security Archive, The George Washington University
Keri E. Lewis, National Security Council
James Graham Wilson, US Department of State

Session Abstract

With 2016 being the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the FOIA, it seems important that we would discuss the challenges and opportunities that have been created by the legislation.  The association has large numbers of people who have been actively involved in this area, and it remains a topic of interest at many levels.  The AHA has may members who have been actively involved in making requests as well as helping oversee the program that often faces significant obstacles for request from various agencies.  This roundtable will discuss the history of the act and also what remains to be done to make it work more effectively for historians and others who use the system.

See more of: AHA Sessions