Learning History through Avatars: Simulations and Role-Play in the College Classroom, Part 2: Practicum on Developing and Implementing Character-Driven Learning Simulations in History Classes

AHA Session 192
Saturday, January 9, 2016: 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
Grand Hall D (Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Lower Level 2)
Peter Thorsheim, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Elizabeth D. Heineman, University of Iowa
Heather R. Perry, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Erika J. Quinn, Eureka College
Peter Thorsheim, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Steven S. Volk, Oberlin College
The Audience

Session Abstract

As a workshop, this second session will be more hands-on oriented and will be modeled on THATcamp/unconference models. Those audience members who attended the roundtable and who are interested in developing such assignments in their classes can attend this practicum and receive specific suggestions and resources for how to implement avatar learning in their classes.  We will audience participation and specifically encourage them to bring laptops/tablets so that they can access the internet and materials on-line.  In addition to pointing them to existing internet resources and our own websites, those of us who presented at the roundtable will share teaching documents, rubrics, assignment templates, samples of student work and feedback methods.

In addition to sharing materials as part of helping others design their own versions of avatar learning simulations, we will also outline specific challenges we have faced while implementing these assignments and discuss how we have addressed these.  We will encourage the audience to ask us specific questions.  Finally, we envision breaking into groups so that we can work one on one with instructors who want to make use of our individual experiences (with freshman students, with large classes, with area-specific courses, etc).   A particular focal point will be outlining ways to manage these learning tools--and keep them manageable.