American Historical Association Awards Ceremony
Awards for Publications:
Herbert Baxter Adams Prize
George Louis Beer Prize
Jerry Bentley Prize
Albert J. Beveridge Award
Paul Birdsall Prize
James Henry Breasted Prize
Albert B. Corey Prize
Raymond J. Cunningham Prize
John K. Fairbank Prize in East Asian History
Morris D. Forkosch Prize
Leo Gershoy Award
William and Edwyna Gilbert Award
Friedrich Katz Prize
Joan Kelly Memorial Prize in Women's History
Martin A. Klein Prize in African History
Littleton-Griswold Prize
J. Russell Major Prize
Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prize
George L. Mosse Prize
James A. Rawley Prize in Atlantic History
Premio Del Rey
John F. Richards Prize
James Harvey Robinson Prize
Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History
Wesley-Logan Prize
Honors for Scholarly and Professional Distinction:
Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award
Beveridge Family Teaching Award
Equity Awards
Herbert Feis Award
Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award
Honorary Foreign Member for 2014
Awards for Scholarly Distinction