Blogging and the Future of Scholarship

AHA Session 99
Association for Computers and the Humanities 1
Saturday, January 3, 2015: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Gramercy Suite A (New York Hilton, Second Floor)
Clay Risen, New York Times
Rewiring the Historian’s Craft
Sara Georgini, Boston University
On Writing in Public
Michelle Moravec, Rosemont College
The Immanent Frame, Secularism Studies, and Interstitial Spaces
Jonathan VanAntwerpen, The Henry Luce Foundation
Clay Risen, New York Times

Session Abstract

This roundtable panel will examine blogs and blogging in the discipline of history. The panelists will explore how historians address different audiences through blogs, how blogs build networks of scholars, and how blogs are changing the forms of scholarly communication and interaction. The panel considers whether and how blogging constitutes scholarship and the changing definitions of scholarly work in the digital age.

See more of: AHA Sessions