Writing for the Public: What Makes a Successful Trade History Book
David Ebershoff, Random House
Caitlin A. Fitz, Northwestern University
Deanne Urmy, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Session Abstract
What makes a successful trade history book? Moderated by an agent who specializes in history and serious non-fiction, two veteran editors will discuss the elements of trade books with a scholar who has written an award-winning university press book and prominent trade book and a younger scholar publishing her first book with a trade house. What are the differences between trade and scholarly publishing? What are the pros and cons of each path?
How should historians approach a subject that might appeal to general readers? What is the role of argument in a trade book? What is the role of imagination? Can a trade book advance scholarship in the same way as a university press title? What goes into writing a trade book? What is the role of a trade editor? How does the submission process work? If you are interested in writing for the trade, how do you prepare yourself? What goes into a winning proposal?