Teaching with Secondary Scholarship at the College Level
Monday, January 5, 2015: 12:00 PM
Concourse A (New York Hilton)
Secondary scholarship gives history teachers an opportunity to show students that history is a discipline characterized by interpretation and debate, not just names and dates. How do we best utilize the work of other historians at various levels within the high school and college curricula? These presenters discuss concrete suggestions for how to use secondary sources to advance students’ understanding of the interplay between past and present, to assess different interpretations of the same historical event or period, to craft their own historical arguments, and more. We will also explore the extent to which it is helpful to distinguish between “content” and “historiography,” the place for textbooks in our course design, and how to manage the ever-increasing secondary source scholarship available on the web.
See more of: Bridging the High School/College Divide: Conversations toward Creating a Comprehensive History Pedagogy
See more of: AHA Sessions
See more of: AHA Sessions
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