The War Is for the Brave Ones: The Feminist Intervention in the Debate over Brazilian Participation in the First World War

Saturday, January 4, 2014: 3:30 PM
Diplomat Ballroom (Omni Shoreham)
Elaine P. Rocha, University of the West Indies at Cave Hill
German attacks on Brazilian shipping and U.S. calls for American allies produced a national debate over Brazilian entry into the world war in 1917.  Encouraged by the press, men and women went into the streets to demand that the government “defend the honor” of the country.  In Rio de Janeiro, republican feminists intervened in these public demonstrations.  Proclaiming their patriotic right to participate in the war effort, not only as nurses but also as soldiers, they staged what can only be described as performances of their citizenship in the face of ridicule by their adversaries.  My presentation will discuss the feminist strategy to link women’s rights to the decision for war and consider the feminist impact on the popular debate among Brazilians.