Frontiers of Exclusion, Frontiers of Rebellion: The Rise and Fall of Zonian-Panamanian Social Relations, 1914–64
The postwar era marked a key demographic shift in the Panamanian population. Thousands of Panamanians flooded into the capital and Colón in search of jobs only to be frustrated by the Zone’s exclusionary policies. Fearful of rising urban crime and satiated by a new wave of housing and service center construction, many Zonians opted to “stay home” in the comfortable Zone rather than journey into “barbarous Panama.” The introduction of television and air conditioning into the enclave accentuated this trend. Meanwhile Cold War security concerns, petty crime, and nationalist protest influenced the eventual U.S. “fencing off” of the Zone. Of more profound import as contacts declined, Zonians and Panamanians developed increasingly hostile stereotypes of one another. Zonians generally interacted with two small slivers of the Panamanian population – well-to-do Panamanians who sent their children to school in the Zone and sought business connections there and a local servant class that serviced the comfortable lifestyle of the Zonians. U.S. chauvinism and cultural indifference combined with Panamanian revulsion over increasing Americanization and lack of economic benefits from the enclave provided the tinder for the firestorm of 1964.