Saturday, January 5, 2013: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
La Galerie 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Leora Auslander, University of Chicago
The Committee on Women Historians cordially invites all interested AHA members to a brainstorming session to help think through the question of the mission of the CWH as we go forward. In a conversation started after last year's breakfast, colleagues raised a number of issues of concern. Although many gender inequities in our profession appear to have been remedied and the history of women, gender, and sexuality established in most departments, it is clear that balancing "work" and "life" remains difficult and harassment continues to be a problem. The paucity of jobs and transformations in higher education pose further challenges. In the face of both improvements and continued and new difficulties, what are the urgent tasks for the CWH?
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