We have thought carefully about what prepublication editorial processes and what encoding strategies could lead to an “intelligent” database and a sophisticated reference work. To this end, CWG-K partnered with Documents Compass to further the development of DocTracker (DT) into an open-source, document-management application to serve the broader documentary editing community by streamlining the range of tasks that production of a digital edition requires.
This presentation offers an introduction to key technical issues we have faced as we seek to create a digital humanities product that serves future humanities research. To date, our collaboration has focused on several key technical issues—including the need to accommodate editorial processes and workflow of medium-to-large-scale projects with distributed staff; image uploading at several stages (and related data management); integration of a “ticketing” system for tracking and flow of work assignments; and the challenge of building useful, yet streamlined, data structures from multiple document types. Wrestling with and implementing these and other technical issues is both time consuming and labor intensive—but an essential prerequisite for structuring more intelligent databases that allow for a variety of data-rich investigations.