Roundtable U.S. State Archives and Government Information Secrecy: Access and Historical Research

AHA Session 31
Thursday, January 5, 2012: 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Clark Room (Chicago Marriott Downtown)
John Padgett, University of Chicago
William J. Bosanko, Information Security Oversight Office
Michael Warner, U.S. Cyber Command
Peter S. Usowski, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
Carl E. Ashley, United States Department of State

Fredrik Logevall, Cornell University

Session Abstract

This roundtable will discuss American state secrecy and archives.  Bringing together major archival and information administrators from the US Government as well as academics, it will examine which information is classified, declassified and why.   Our goal is to understand the process of information collection, organization, but also how the state sees secrecy and access for historians in light of new legislation and the problematic questions raised by Wikileaks.

See more of: AHA Sessions