Roundtable The Fluidity of Nationality in the Era of Global Migration

AHA Session 83
Friday, January 6, 2012: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Houston Room (Chicago Marriott Downtown)
Mark Philip Bradley, University of Chicago
What Does It Mean to Belong?
Linda K. Kerber, University of Iowa
Some Unintended Effects of Guest Worker Programs
Rita C.-K. Chin, University of Michigan
Migration and the Ends of Empire
Jordanna Bailkin, University of Washington
Statelessness and Citizenship
Brad K. Blitz, Kingston University London

Session Abstract

This roundtable considers the ways in which both national identity and formal definitions of nationality have been unsettled by the movement of people within and across borders during the long 20th century.  Because individual states maintain different legal regimes around citizenship, migration challenges conceptions of national belonging in locally specific ways and to diverse effects.  But for people on the move, being excluded from nationality has serious, often unintended consequences, including xenophobia, deportation, and social exclusion.

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