Who Speaks in the Renaissance Florentine Republican Debates?

Saturday, January 7, 2012: 9:00 AM
Chicago Ballroom F (Chicago Marriott Downtown)
John Padgett, University of Chicago
This paper will analyze changing frequencies of types of speakers speaking in the Florentine consulte e pratiche governing councils of government, over the two centuries of 1282 to 1492. Padgett has collected data on the social, economic and political characteristics of 60,000 Florentines. This information will be used to identify the changing social foundations not only of political office holding, but also of active political participation, defined by public speaking. In the Medici era, wealth displaced social class (popolani, etc.) as social factors influencing election to city council.  Both Rubinstein and Najemy have argued that the real center of political power left the elected city council during the Medici era. This paper will evaluate how these changes influenced the social bases of republican debate. Who spoke, and how did that change over time in Renaissance Florence?
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