Contingency Is the Problem, but the Faculty Are the Solution

Saturday, January 7, 2012: 9:00 AM
Chicago Ballroom D (Chicago Marriott Downtown)
Joe Berry, Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor

Joe Berry: Abstract

Contingency is the Problem, But the Faculty Are the Solution

In this presentation I propose to outline the scope of the problem of a majority-contingent faculty at all levels of higher education. This includes major challenges for both contingent and tenure-track faculty, for students, for other staff, and for the majority of the society as a whole who depend on a system of higher education to provide an educated and active citizenry and workforce. This is seen as a major aspect of the corporatization (marketization, neo-liberalization, etc.) of higher education.

The second part of the presentation will discuss how the contingent faculty themselves are an essential part of any successful effort of resistance and transformation. I will outline some of the characteristics of the contingent faculty that make this possible and discuss some of the actions already taken that point in this direction. I will conclude with advocacy for a version of social movement unionism in higher education as the best general strategy on offer.